Topic: What is a local bulk Cruiser  (Read 2418 times)

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What is a local bulk Cruiser
« on: May 11, 2004, 01:02:10 pm »
In the first movie Han said he outran the big Emperial ships and not the local bulk cruisers. What are they? a generic police type ship or something. Has any picture or drawing ever been shone. Dont know why Im thinking about it now but I am.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2004, 01:08:18 pm »
They were designed to haul Hutts and obese jawas between Tatooine and the planet Foodcourtia.  


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2004, 01:49:07 pm »

In the first movie Han said he outran the big Emperial ships and not the local bulk cruisers. What are they? a generic police type ship or something. Has any picture or drawing ever been shone. Dont know why Im thinking about it now but I am.  

This may help:


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2004, 03:37:23 pm »
Basicly, slow, fat, and ugly (like a hutt), packing a lot of tiny and pathetic fighter-grade guns and no heavy weaponry.

That whole sentence is a synonym for "crap".


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2004, 04:37:05 pm »

Basicly, slow, fat, and ugly (like a hutt), packing a lot of tiny and pathetic fighter-grade guns and no heavy weaponry.

That whole sentence is a synonym for "crap".  

Exactly! But, they would be a heckof a lot of fun to shoot at...


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2004, 05:14:09 pm »
they r fun. to shoot at and play with. i played star wars rebellion. its a good game.  


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2004, 05:16:40 pm »
Ah! Ouch!  Yeow!  Stop that!

Your tiny laser cannons are tickling my Star Destroyer!


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2004, 05:25:02 pm »
So in SFB turms they are equal to what. The early unrefited cruisers, fed old light cruiser, klink D6 and or D4, Kizinti CS. lyran Light cruiser maybe.
And Dont even try and turn it into another star wars, star trek debate or ill ask for this thread to be deleted Im just curious is all.


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2004, 06:49:08 pm »

So in SFB turms they are equal to what. The early unrefited cruisers, fed old light cruiser, klink D6 and or D4, Kizinti CS. lyran Light cruiser maybe.
And Dont even try and turn it into another star wars, star trek debate or ill ask for this thread to be deleted Im just curious is all.  

If it was a Star Trek ship i'd be about equivilant to a freighter w/ 5 phaser 3's...

If it was taken to the Star Trek universe from Star Wars, by the canon ICS, a fighter laser canon is 1 kiloton, the quad.  It has 30 quad laser canons.  30 x 4 = 120, so its total firepower would be 120 kilotons.

The point defense laser cannons are 8 kilotons, which would make the total firepower 960 kilotons if thats the type.

It's most likely the capital-ship laser cannons that are more powerful than the fighter ones, but far inferior to the heavy turbolasers.  Those have total firepower of 6 megatons per shot.

At 6 megatons per shot, it gives the ship a total firepower of 720 megatons.

A photon torpedo has a maximum yield of 64 megatons, which means depending on which type of laser cannons you think it uses, it either:

has less total firepower than a single photon torpedo
has equivilant firepower to 11 photon torpedos

Either way, its weapons are very shot range (designed for point defense vs fighters), it's slow and fat and easy to hit, can't hit from very far, and will probably die very, very fast with bombardment from a Sovereign.   (Star Trek canon, a quantum torpedo is 3x the power of a photon torpedo, so one volley of JUST the Enterprise-E's forward quantums would easily overwhelm it if you take the high estimate, and if you take the low estimate a single phaser blast should about match the ships firepower)

There you go, a quick and concise answer that shouldn't spark a trek vs wars debate (might start debate to whether it uses the capital ship laser cannons or the tiny fighter ones), and uses information on weapons strength straight from the Star Trek and Star Wars tech manuals.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Praxis »


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2004, 07:03:15 pm »
So it would be like a monitor then?.


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2004, 07:37:20 pm »

they r fun. to shoot at and play with. i played star wars rebellion. its a good game.  

this is how i would give an idea of things

rebel                                                    federation                                                imperial  
medium transport                                 small cargo ship                                      galleon
bulk transport                                       heavy cargo ship                                   star galleon
corellian corvette                                 frigate                                                     assault transport
corellian gunship                                  heavy frigate                                                
bulk cruiser                                          light destroyer                                         strike cruiser
nebulon b frigate                                 destroyer                                                 escort carrier
alliance carrier                                     light cruiser                                              interdictor class
liberator cruiser                                   medium cruiser                                         imperial dreadnaught    
alliance dreadnaught                           heavy cruiser                                           victory star destroyer  
dauntlass cruiser                                dreadnaught                                             victory star destroyer 2
assault frigate                                     dreadnaught                                             star destroyer
mon calamari cruiser                           light battleship                                          star destroyer 2  
bulwark battlecruiser                          battleship                                                  super star destroyer

or something along those lines    


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2004, 11:15:25 pm »
heh... someone could model that.. heh  


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2004, 04:55:18 pm »
well, a Standard Photon is 64 megatons and a Quantum is 3x that power, making it 192 megatons.  A Sovereign has a Rapid Launcher which fires four torpedoes per-shot, so in one attack the Sovereign would unleash 768 megatons of power.  And since the Quantums have Zero-Point Technology, 100% of the blast would impact into the ship and shields.  They could also fire from long range and out maneuver that ship.


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2004, 05:19:00 pm »

And since the Quantums have Zero-Point Technology, 100% of the blast would impact into the ship and shields.  

All correct except that.
(of course, any ship can outmaneuver and outgun that peice of's practically a freighter for crying out loud)
Zero-point technology = pulling energy out of vacuum, a way to explain how a quantum torpedo can do 3x the damage despite being the same size.  When the torpedo hits, the explosion is spherical, so at most only half of the damage will actually hit.

An actual article about the possibility of the existance of zero-point energy in real life.


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2004, 09:35:04 am »
Are there tech specs for B5 ships and weaponry? I'd like to compare them with the specs you found for ST and SW. Seems like they would be closer to SW, as the tech is pretty similar.  


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Re: What is a local bulk Cruiser
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2004, 09:42:12 am »

do a search on yahoo or google and you should find more places