Topic: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...  (Read 17809 times)

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I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« on: May 13, 2004, 07:05:36 am »
 Much to my surprise, "The Council" was a tight and entertaining story, where the characters behaved in a logical manor.

The  reptillians and insectoids seem to have taken power, and are now bent on destroying earth in the name of their guardains (and a reptillian led Xindi empire), and it was good to see the aquatics side with the arborials and humanoids against them. The death of Degra was a little surprising, but it did seem to me it would happen when the reptilian leader arrived unannouced at his quaters.

My guess as to why Hoshi was captured at the end is the Reptillains want to use her abilites to get the final code they need to activate the weapon.

It's a shame it took till this show's seeming end to produce this kind of episode, which was good and made sense. There may yet be hope for the show, they are still saying season finale, not final episode.

David Ferrell

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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2004, 10:30:07 am »
Yep I agree, a good episode, lots of drama and virtually no technobabble.

I also think you are right about why they grabbed Hoshi, I guess they
don't have their own cryptograhpers.




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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2004, 10:48:23 am »

Yep I agree, a good episode, lots of drama and virtually no technobabble.

I also think you are right about why they grabbed Hoshi, I guess they
don't have their own cryptograhpers.



Well, I've heard from other Reptillian species, It's awfully hard to type in codes with those big Clumsy Fingers. Think about it for a second, If they could manage smaller tech reliably, they would have had Kroma out of that tutu along time ago.
BOT: I did like that episode also, That few seconds where all the ships where after running after the weapon was pretty cool also. It was also kinda surprising to see the Engineer lightning up a little bit after the Death of that one guy. sorry, Bad memory problems this morning.



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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2004, 11:43:10 am »
Definately better than last weeks.  Interesting how attached the crew and the audience got to Degra just to watch him, well, you know; very effective, that.  I think that it was also interesting and ironic to see Reed finally crack over the death of a MACO, of all people.


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2004, 12:23:42 pm »
I totally agree with you; it was a very entertaining episode, very well done.  It even had spaceship battle scenes, even if brief.

I really hope Enterprise continues... maybe just change the opening theme song.


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2004, 12:31:28 pm »

Yep I agree, a good episode, lots of drama and virtually no technobabble.

I also think you are right about why they grabbed Hoshi, I guess they
don't have their own cryptograhpers.



Does anyone remember that thread a while back in regards to Linda Park's open letter to her fans on her web site discussing the show and where the show was going?  I remember Linda saying that she "was at a crossroads".  I have to wonder now after seeing this episode if that open letter to her fans wasn't a swan song of sorts.  The previews said that not everyone would survive.  Personally I think it would be sad to see her go.  But she has to do what she thinks is best for her career.  Last nights episode was good however, it was nice to see some action with all of that dialog.


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2004, 12:31:34 pm »
  I agree, I very much liked the Degra character, he seemed to me to be like J Robert Oppenhiemer, the guy that helped make the A-Bomb. Oppenheimer thought he was doing something to protect his own, regretted doing it, and was horrified when thousands of people were killed by his A-bombs. Degra acted exactly the same way, he was the first alien that seemed real in this series, I was sad to see him killed off.

Tripp is his name Sirgod, played Conner Trineer.

Dave, I still have hope, I guess Trek fans really are eternal optomists
Each night I try to catch DS 9, I had forgotten so many of those, its like a whole new show, my hope is that, finally, Enterprise is hitting its stride, just as they did, and TNG, even Voyager to a much lesser extent.

For once, they supported Trek lore, when T'Pol told Tripp about the Vulcan Axiom "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

I hope they bring it back for at least anotehr year.


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2004, 12:39:56 pm »


Yep I agree, a good episode, lots of drama and virtually no technobabble.

I also think you are right about why they grabbed Hoshi, I guess they
don't have their own cryptograhpers.



Does anyone remember that thread a while back in regards to Linda Park's open letter to her fans on her web site discussing the show and where the show was going?  I remember Linda saying that she "was at a crossroads".  I have to wonder now after seeing this episode if that open letter to her fans wasn't a swan song of sorts.  The previews said that not everyone would survive.  Personally I think it would be sad to see her go.  But she has to do what she thinks is best for her career.  Last nights episode was good however, it was nice to see some action with all of that dialog.

I agree she is the one who will be killed. Her character just seemed to get little work, and really, is a bit unbelievable. It seems a strech that someone could understand so many languages so quickly, she has become a 'human universal translator'  which, in my mind, is like having a holodeck, an easy cop-out plot device.

She is cute though!


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2004, 12:50:34 pm »
I agree, Linda has gotten little if any work on that show as of late, sad to, she has more ability than half of the other cast members.  The only other person I could think of is the Mayweather character (sorry his real name eludes me at the moment) or maybe even the maco commander.


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2004, 01:35:59 pm »

I totally agree with you; it was a very entertaining episode, very well done.  It even had spaceship battle scenes, even if brief.

I really hope Enterprise continues... maybe just change the opening theme song.  

I like the theme song well the one in the first season and I like opening and yes last night was a good episode I think there still one more.I would like the theme song from the first season I don't want any Star Trek theme song TOS or TNG.Thats all Thanks    


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2004, 02:12:01 pm »
I think for the season finale they are going to kill off all the MACO's.

We haven't had a decent red shirt kill off in three seasons of Enterprise.

My money is the MACO's get decimated saving the ship and crew.

Daew Anahos

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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2004, 02:17:56 pm »

 Much to my surprise, "The Council" was a tight and entertaining story, where the characters behaved in a logical manor.

The  reptillians and insectoids seem to have taken power, and are now bent on destroying earth in the name of their guardains (and a reptillian led Xindi empire), and it was good to see the aquatics side with the arborials and humanoids against them. The death of Degra was a little surprising, but it did seem to me it would happen when the reptilian leader arrived unannouced at his quaters.

My guess as to why Hoshi was captured at the end is the Reptillains want to use her abilites to get the final code they need to activate the weapon.

It's a shame it took till this show's seeming end to produce this kind of episode, which was good and made sense. There may yet be hope for the show, they are still saying season finale, not final episode.

I was suprised in finding my self glued to the screen. Last week's (first Enterprise I have watched in quite a while) episode let me down but last night's - WOW!

 I also knew the instant that the scene started that the reptilian leader was going to kill Derga. Something screamed from the opening of that scene. I agree also that having Trip (was that the correct character?) make peace with Derga was a very nice slice of character devlopement and also Derga understanding why Trip hates him. The Coucil scenes rocked leading up to the ever popular battle scene and the abduction of Hoshi. I'm hooked for next week and am going to catch this week's rerun again locally.

The best line was after one of the Insectoid's tossed Archer on his butt and said something and Archer asked what they said.

Hoshi: You don't want to know.

Now, this is Trek!   One of the coolest TNG arcs was the Klingon Civil War. A Xindi Civil war would be even more interesting.

BTW: The other Xindi like Derga, I know the actor, who is he and where have I seen him before in Trek?    


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2004, 02:24:30 pm »
Maybe not Trek but he played the Admiral of the USS Saratoga in Space above and Beyond.


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2004, 02:25:17 pm »

BTW: The other Xindi like Derga, I know the actor, who is he and where have I seen him before in Trek?    

Tucker Smallwood: You may be remembering him as Commodore Glen Van Ross ("Space: Above and Beyond" (1995) TV Series)  

Daew Anahos

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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2004, 02:34:30 pm »
Sten and DM: Yep, bingo, just made the mental connetion after you both posted. Thanks!  I thought it was Trek.  SAAB was an awesome program. Yet another good sci-fi program that bit the dust.  


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2004, 02:39:05 pm »
  That show had some good moments, but seemed to get bogged down in boredom at times.

Back to Enterprise, the ship again took a severe beating, it will be tough to get back in the hunt for the last few episodes. I wonder if they can warn Earth, and maybe, just maybe, those so-far useless Vulcans can spare some ships to protect the Earth.

Not likely.

It would be cool if they did, with some andorians, it could be the long awaited 'birth' of the Federation we all want to see.


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2004, 10:49:22 pm »

... the long awaited 'birth' of the Federation we all want to see.

I'm with you there!  That would give me goosebumps to watch!  


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2004, 10:33:04 am »

  It would be cool if they did, with some andorians, it could be the long awaited 'birth' of the Federation we all want to see.  

The birth of the Federation will be seen a lot sooner than you think.


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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2004, 12:24:53 pm »
 The sooner the better. We are now six days from 'X' day, when they annouce if Enterprise is renewed or not. There is an enormous amount of 'save enterprise' web sites and letter thing, but Trek had been able to do that for years for its shows.

I wonder just how accurate the ratings are, I bet more people watch then the rating services say.

Alidar Jarok

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Re: I actually enjoyed last night's Enterprise...
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2004, 01:38:31 pm »

For once, they supported Trek lore, when T'Pol told Tripp about the Vulcan Axiom "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Yes, that famous Vulcan line from a Tale of Two Cities


I hope they bring it back for at least anotehr year.

I hope so too.  I wouldn't be suprised if Neilson ratings aren't telling the whole story, but its also just possible that the people who left haven't really given it a second chance.  It is kinda annoying that, no matter what I watch, I have no impact on ratings.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Alidar Jarok »