Topic: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?  (Read 1514 times)

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Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« on: May 12, 2004, 04:53:21 am »
I have never played those strategy galactic SW games, but I'd bet they have a list of a lot of types of Alliance and Empire ship classes and stuff.

Is there a comprehensive list anywhere that details all the ship types in SW?

What about a Ftr list? I know the alliance had A,B,X,Y Wings... were their more?

Grim Reaper

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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2004, 06:03:59 am »
Hell yeah. Check this site for an approximate idea:

J. Carney

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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2004, 06:18:05 am »
Here are the ones in theWizards of the Coast D20 Star Wars RPG rulebooks- this is a Canon Source:

Star Fighters:
A-9 Vigilance
B-wing, B-wing/E2
CloakShape Fighter
E-wing: Type B
Gun Tug
I-7 Howlrunner
Lambda-class Shuttle
Miy'til Fighter
Miy'til Assault Bomber
Scimitar Assault Bomber
Svelte-class Imperial Shuttle
T-65AC4 X-wing
TIE Advanced x1
TIE Bomber
TIE Interceptor

Space Transports:
Action IV Bulk Freighter
Assault Shuttle
Barloz Medium Freighter
Citadel Cruiser
GalloFree Medium Transport
Jade Saber
Royal Starships
Skipray Blastboat
Star Shuttle
Vibre-class Assault Cruiser

Capitol Ships:
Bothan Assault Cruiser
Carrack Light Gunship
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Space Cruiser
Defender Star Destroyer
Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Nova Battle Cruiser
Imperial EscortCarrier
Imperial II Star Destroyer
Immobilizer 418
Lancer Frigate
Marauder Corvette
Mon Calimari MC90 Star Cruiser
System Patrol Craft (Local Bulk Cruiser)
Victory Star Destroyer
Executor Super Star Destroyer

This is by no means an exhaustive list; I still haven't started on the Ships Supplement or the Republic-era sourcebook. Just a little list to get you started.              


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2004, 07:41:01 am »
This lists all the classes of ships used by the Empire  


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2004, 09:32:38 am »
There's also an excellent book that I use called "The  NEW essentialt guide to vehicles and vessels." It has all the stuff from Ep1 through the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Reminds me, I have to re-build the Radient VII Republic Cruiser, which was lost when my hdd died.  


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2004, 11:02:58 am »

A very comprehensive list...not everything, but quite a lot.

I have the original essential guide to vehicles and vessels, covers almost everything *up* to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, which was written after the book was released. It also doesn't have the Ep1 and 2 stuff.


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2004, 11:04:49 am »
BTW I have the Incredible Cross Sections for Ep2, so if anyone wants ultra-detailed pics of Episode 2 ships, I got em.

As for fighters, K-wings were mentioned in *one* Star Wars books (I already have a model), V-wings were mentioned in one or two (and included in the Rogue Squadron game for N64, no one has made one for SFC), E-wings were mentioned in a few books and I have the model from Firehawk...


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2004, 11:06:28 am »
Thanks for the link, Grim Reaper. I just look a gander at the Sovereign Class Star Destroyer, with a (finally) decent picture of what she looks like. I see another candidate for SFC.


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2004, 04:19:34 pm »

Thats from the ST vs SW (which later turned into Star Wars Fleet Command) mod for Armada 2, made by the Project90 team...I've just concluded a deal with them, a model trade, so I might be able to get my hands on that and convert it to SFC3


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2004, 09:20:22 pm »
That would be VERY cool. Any way to get her into SFC: OP as well?


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2004, 11:08:05 pm »

That would be VERY cool. Any way to get her into SFC: OP as well?  

A SFC3 model = a SFC OP model + a .gf file containing glow info, a .x file that hardly does anything, and 3 images to appear on the UI screen.

SFC OP would ignore the .gf, the .x, and UI images and just use the .mod, so it would work in OP just the same.


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2004, 11:12:36 pm »
Yes, but SFC 3 uses a different hardpoint layout than the previous games - the Heavy and Primary hardpoint numbers are reversed. Also, there really isn't any need to include the .x files since the game generates those automatically and all that really does is increase the file size.


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2004, 08:13:52 am »
So then she's a go?


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2004, 09:36:55 am »
Probably, though the weapons might come from slightly funny places.

I don't think I can release it publicly on its own.  It is their work, and they don't release it to anyone (you can't convert stuff out of Armada 2 without some very special tools)...
However, we've arranged a model exchange for my mod, and I'm now a member of the Project90 team in charge of the SFC3 project

You will be able to get it as part of my SFC3 mod...and if you really, really want it, maybe i'll PM it to you :P


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Re: Star Wars Ships - how many classes and types are there?
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2004, 09:48:11 am »
Oooh...that would be very awesome of you! Yes, please!