Topic: An example of a moderated thread on TechTV boards concerning G$ merger  (Read 5028 times)

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You've all missed the entire point by focusing on the content of the thread and not the moderators' actions which was to do nothing at all about it.  I am not saying this is the type of discourse I want on Taldren boards.  My point is here is a respected television network site that allows not only a direct criticism of the management and staff even when it may be mean-spirited (those of you familiar with the techtv g4 merger know emotions are running high) but also semi-profanity and no one seems to find it disruptive to their business model.  The fact is there are any number of models for running a forum many of which are a good deal more open than the now private H&S boards and that are operated by much larger and respected companies than this particular one (no offense intended,  Taldren is of course respected by many).  

The catch-22 is revealed in your post, Lepton: If you don't wish to see that kind of "discourse" (Toasty asks, "that was discourse?") how do you propose preventing it?



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You've all missed the entire point by focusing on the content of the thread and not the moderators' actions which was to do nothing at all about it.  I am not saying this is the type of discourse I want on Taldren boards.  My point is here is a respected television network site that allows not only a direct criticism of the management and staff even when it may be mean-spirited (those of you familiar with the techtv g4 merger know emotions are running high) but also semi-profanity and no one seems to find it disruptive to their business model.  The fact is there are any number of models for running a forum many of which are a good deal more open than the now private H&S boards and that are operated by much larger and respected companies than this particular one (no offense intended,  Taldren is of course respected by many).  

If you follow the rules, then we won't have to take action.   It's that simple.

Clark Kent

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If you follow the rules, then we won't have to take action.   It's that simple.  

Follow the rules, huh?  who do you think you are to tell me something like that?  You think you're in charge or something?  I've got something to say to you:
Your mother has a job and is a well respected member of the community...
Please don't kill me, I was just kidding,


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


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If you follow the rules, then we won't have to take action.   It's that simple.  

Follow the rules, huh?  who do you think you are to tell me something like that?  You think you're in charge or something?  I've got something to say to you:
Your mother has a job and is a well respected member of the community...
Please don't kill me, I was just kidding,


Well ahem... if she were alive she would be.  But Dad has a job and is a well respected member of the community.  He's a bigshot with the IRS.  

Clark Kent

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Well ahem... if she were alive she would be.  But Dad has a job and is a well respected member of the community.  He's a bigshot with the IRS.    

And here I thought I had actually found a joke that wouldn't offend anyone.  My apologies,


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


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You've all missed the entire point by focusing on the content of the thread and not the moderators' actions which was to do nothing at all about it.

I didn't miss the point.  When profanity and hate-filled posts like that start appearing here, I *want* the moderators to take action.  The lack of action by the moderators of the forum you linked to was incorrect.



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An example of a moderated thread on TechTV boards concerning G$ merger
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2004, 01:01:24 pm »
Here's an example of an honest interchange among folks that doesn't seem to be bring the company to its knees.  Something for admins to consider:
the new G-4TECH TV          Reply
Overall Rating: Not Yet Rated
I am getting a strange feeling from the encore presentations that have been on the last couple of days that this could mean the end of TSS and CFH. I have emailed them at to try to explain to them how much these two programs are liked by all of them viewers and myself asking them to keep them on when the merger is finalized. I am asking all of you to do the same. Remember to be as polite and professional as you can I think that is very important. maybe even start a petition to keep them going.

I could be wrong (and I hope I am) that they could be getting canceled but I am trying to do everything I can as a faithful viewer to try and keep them going.

thank you all for you time.
Re: werdnot's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:08 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: Not Yet Rated
CFH is getting downsized to nothing. I think TSS is still going to be here, with different hosts. Either way, the entire station could BLOW CHUNKS (no original hosts) or it could be for the better (*no original hosts*) if you catch my drift.
Re: werdnot's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:08 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: (1 vote)
Post this crap at the feedback boards. This sh_t is getting annoying here!!!
Re: TheTerrorist_75's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:11 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: (1 vote)
the only shows left are freshgear,x-play, and unscrewed
send your hate mail about the merger here
Re: csle's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:13 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: Not Yet Rated
F off idiot!!!
Re: TheTerrorist_75's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:14 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: (3 votes)
leave us alone you *explitive* (my deletion referring to the conjunction of teeth and the male organ)  f***tard
Re: csle's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:20 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: (1 vote)
Oh wow you're into the male genitalia. Must be you're not straight or are you a little girl?

NTheTerrorist_75 M

Re: TheTerrorist_75's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:24 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: (2 votes)
...maybe im both
Re: csle's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:27 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: Not Yet Rated
SPAM has gender?.
Re: kailuakid's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:38 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: Not Yet Rated
if you believe...then you can acheive
Re: csle's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:27 p.m.         Reply
Overall Rating: Not Yet Rated
If you're not sure then the title is he-she-it!

NTheTerrorist_75 M

If this kind of strong language can be permitted on a moderated board of a television network, I think there should be a good deal more flexibility by the Taldren admins when it comes to comments regarding forum policy and admin behaviour.  Thanks.



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Re: csle's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:13 p.m. Reply
Overall Rating: Not Yet Rated
F off idiot!!!

Re: TheTerrorist_75's message on 05/12/2004 at 1:14 p.m. Reply
Overall Rating: (3 votes)
leave us alone you *explitive* (my deletion referring to the conjunction of teeth and the male organ) f***tard

Why exactly do you want Taldren to allow posts like the one I quote here?  This example reads more like an arguement to clean up that other forum than it does to relax the moderation here at Taldren.

-S'Cipio the scandalized


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Lepton, people with an education can stretch and use their brains and make postings that are neither peosonal towards someone else (noticing some slanted personal attacks in their boards, flame bait), not containing foul or derrogatory comments such as posted above.

If people are not capable of using their education when posting in an intellegent conversation, then why even post?

A discussion board is exactly that, a discussion.. not a flame forum, not a slam best, not a personal attack page.. those things can be kept to email...

If you read the Forum Rules..

If you would not say it during a job interview or to a 5 year old child, then do not say it here...

now would you make fun of someone during a job interview or cuss out or use foul language around a 5 year old..

educated people would not.

this is a gaming board, and as such Taldren has the right to run  it as they deem fit...

Freedom of speach is only a freedom when it does not infringe on someone elses rights..

I have a right not to be flamed or cussed at or compared to an alternate lifestyle.. people doing that to me are in violation to my rights of life, liberty and persuit of happiness, infringe on my freedom of speach.. yes my freedom of speach.. I have the freedom to not hear speach which I find offensive, and possibly my freedom of religion.

Opression works both ways.. people want to say F this and F that.. that infringes on my rights for a happy life.. those that are stopped from saying F this and F that claim to be opressed, knowing that the language is vulgar... but they just want to be able to do something contraversial and against sosial norms, to get things stirred up and people riled over nothing...

this really shows a good education don't it ???

I guess what I am trying to say is that Taldren doesn't want trash posted on their boards. They want people to show that they are educated and can be bigger than resorting to childish name calling and insults... If you debate someone.. present facts, don't present an attack on someone to try to make a point.. because without the facts backing you, you already lost and a personal attack only says.. hey you win so I'll smear your name.

think about these things for a bit...

anyhow, since this is Off Topic, it will be moved to the Cool and Refreshing forum.. if the cource of conversation goes the wrong way, then it will be moved to hot topics.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2004, 01:41:31 pm by Pestalence »


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I'm just miffed that they're firing the entire TechTV crew and cast.  I LOVE THAT CHANNEL!  And I've heard horrible things about G4 at least in comparison to TechTV.  WHY, comcast, WHY?

Clark Kent

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I was gonna pass this one by, but what you said pestalence got me thinking.  I do agree that the swearing should probably be kept to a minimum, but I disagree with many of your arguments.  Frankly, I consider myself an educated person, and I believe that most americans are educated, however education has nothing to do wtih intelligence, moral scruples, or anythign else, really.  Education stands alone, unless used in some way shape or form.
Personally, I will often times swear like a sailor, but hold it back in places like this for one reason or another- not because of forum rules mind you, but because of respect.  Honestly, I don't feel I have to respect people, i do it at my choice, and reserve the right to revoke that respect as I see fit.  
I fail to see how using language that you consider vulgar is oppression.  I fail to see how it inhibits your life, liberty or the persuit of happiness.  Free speech means I say what I want, when I want, regardless of howintelligent or correct it might be.  If someone doesn't like it, I can't force them to listen to it.  Now forcing someone to listen, if I knew a way, THAT would be infringment upon your rights.  But so long as you have the option to tuen them out, walk away or anything else along those lines, your rights are not being infringed.  
As far as being cursed at or flamed, etc., I still don't agree.  If someone doesn't like me, then they have a richt to say so.  I may not like it, in fact I'm pretty sure I won't like it, but they still ahve that right.  For example, racism:  as much as I hate to admit it, racist people have a right to exist and be vocal about.  Granted, racism is unethical, uninformed, weak minded and ignorant, but they still have a right to be that way, and not have to live a life hiding who they are to others.  I think people like that should be pitied for their ignorant ways, and quite frankly, I don't want anything to do with a person like that, but if faced with the choice, I'd prefer to deal with an ignorant bigot over a two faced liar that otherwise seems to fit into social folkways.  At least I know where the bigot stands, and can rid him from my life quickly and easily.  
As I said before, though, I agree with your conclusion, just not the premises.


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


  • Guest
Heh!  Looks like some bonafide geniuses.

I wish they would come here to post!


Cool new Smilies

Why ask Why?



  • Guest
You've all missed the entire point by focusing on the content of the thread and not the moderators' actions which was to do nothing at all about it.  I am not saying this is the type of discourse I want on Taldren boards.  My point is here is a respected television network site that allows not only a direct criticism of the management and staff even when it may be mean-spirited (those of you familiar with the techtv g4 merger know emotions are running high) but also semi-profanity and no one seems to find it disruptive to their business model.  The fact is there are any number of models for running a forum many of which are a good deal more open than the now private H&S boards and that are operated by much larger and respected companies than this particular one (no offense intended,  Taldren is of course respected by many).


  • Guest

You've all missed the entire point by focusing on the content of the thread and not the moderators' actions which was to do nothing at all about it.  I am not saying this is the type of discourse I want on Taldren boards.  My point is here is a respected television network site that allows not only a direct criticism of the management and staff even when it may be mean-spirited (those of you familiar with the techtv g4 merger know emotions are running high) but also semi-profanity and no one seems to find it disruptive to their business model.  The fact is there are any number of models for running a forum many of which are a good deal more open than the now private H&S boards and that are operated by much larger and respected companies than this particular one (no offense intended,  Taldren is of course respected by many).  

The catch-22 is revealed in your post, Lepton: If you don't wish to see that kind of "discourse" (Toasty asks, "that was discourse?") how do you propose preventing it?



  • Guest

You've all missed the entire point by focusing on the content of the thread and not the moderators' actions which was to do nothing at all about it.  I am not saying this is the type of discourse I want on Taldren boards.  My point is here is a respected television network site that allows not only a direct criticism of the management and staff even when it may be mean-spirited (those of you familiar with the techtv g4 merger know emotions are running high) but also semi-profanity and no one seems to find it disruptive to their business model.  The fact is there are any number of models for running a forum many of which are a good deal more open than the now private H&S boards and that are operated by much larger and respected companies than this particular one (no offense intended,  Taldren is of course respected by many).  

If you follow the rules, then we won't have to take action.   It's that simple.

Clark Kent

  • Guest

If you follow the rules, then we won't have to take action.   It's that simple.  

Follow the rules, huh?  who do you think you are to tell me something like that?  You think you're in charge or something?  I've got something to say to you:
Your mother has a job and is a well respected member of the community...
Please don't kill me, I was just kidding,


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


  • Guest


If you follow the rules, then we won't have to take action.   It's that simple.  

Follow the rules, huh?  who do you think you are to tell me something like that?  You think you're in charge or something?  I've got something to say to you:
Your mother has a job and is a well respected member of the community...
Please don't kill me, I was just kidding,


Well ahem... if she were alive she would be.  But Dad has a job and is a well respected member of the community.  He's a bigshot with the IRS.  

Clark Kent

  • Guest

Well ahem... if she were alive she would be.  But Dad has a job and is a well respected member of the community.  He's a bigshot with the IRS.    

And here I thought I had actually found a joke that wouldn't offend anyone.  My apologies,


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


  • Guest

You've all missed the entire point by focusing on the content of the thread and not the moderators' actions which was to do nothing at all about it.

I didn't miss the point.  When profanity and hate-filled posts like that start appearing here, I *want* the moderators to take action.  The lack of action by the moderators of the forum you linked to was incorrect.
