Topic: The "who" saw a UFO?  (Read 2801 times)

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Re: The "who" saw a UFO?
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2004, 04:37:40 pm »

 U.F.O.'s spotted by Mexican Air Force

Mexico has an air force? This is a heck of a way to find out, ain't it. But this does mark the first time that a National Government has come out and said "our pilots saw something that wasn't a 'weather balloon' or 'swamp gas refracting the light of Venus just so,' but we don't know exactly what it was."


Most governments will tell you when something like that happens. It's just the USA and a few others that are still in secrecy mode over UFOs.

Unfortunately,since the media in the USA basically treats UFOs as a joke,you won't hear much about what's going on in places like Europe.

As for what they are...I haven't a clue and won't even guess...even though I've seen one myself a few years back.