Topic: New to D2  (Read 2300 times)

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New to D2
« on: March 01, 2003, 02:40:24 pm »
AS you know I am new to D2 Ive started playing Fed (not meaning to but its not like I can change it as easy as in D3)
I take it this game is way more in depth then SFC3. Which is what I like, I hope to see some Feddies on  the fun server that can show me the Ropes.
Thank you All for helping me find the Patches an such.

(OSD Mordaci) -D3
Mordaci -D2

P.S. anyone know where I can find the Manual to this Game as it did not come in the box.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2003, 06:52:42 pm by Mordaci »

Herr Burt

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Re: Help me please
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2003, 02:48:58 pm »

Welcome aboard!  The current patch for EAW is  To get this patch, click on the Khoromag link at the bottom of this page, go to the patches section, and downlaod the to patch.

Almost all (if not all) dynaverse servers use downloads these days, and my upcoming Day of the Eagle server is no exception.  However!  I will make this extrememly simple for everyon.  I'll put up a downlaod on my webpage (coming soon) which will give you a simple DOS utility.  Click once, and you'll be converted for the Day of the Eagle.  Click again, and you'll be right back to standard and able to play anyone on Game Spy.

SOMEONE get in here and tell Mordaci where to get the download list for 7.35 fun server, and where to put the list.

Hope to see you on the Dynaverse soon!

-Herr Burt (AKA S'Cipio)

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Help me please
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2003, 03:05:59 pm »

Here is the link for 7.35 7.35 files  


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Re: Help me please
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2003, 03:23:16 pm »
In adttions to the Khromag Links, you can try the following:

(read the version numbers carefully... it's likely you want the 2.x02~2.036 ones. (x changes depending on the locallization version)

SSCF Hooch

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Re: New to D2
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2003, 10:47:40 pm »

AS you know I am new to D2 Ive started playing Fed (not meaning to but its not like I can change it as easy as in D3)
I take it this game is way more in depth then SFC3. Which is what I like, I hope to see some Feddies on  the fun server that can show me the Ropes.
Thank you All for helping me find the Patches an such.

(OSD Mordaci) -D3
Mordaci -D2

P.S. anyone know where I can find the Manual to this Game as it did not come in the box.

Come young one, us true blue feds will teach you the old ways. The force is strong in this one...



You will find a PDA wthl the rule book on the disk.


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Re: New to D2
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2003, 10:57:45 pm »
I can't offer a link, but I can say welcome....
Once you've been here ya just can't leave