Topic: New 50% Efficiency Solar Cells  (Read 3340 times)

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Re: New 50% Efficiency Solar Cells
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2004, 05:28:12 pm »
Hydrogen can be made from sea water which is undrinkable and un useable for crop irrigation. This is no threat to california's drinking water. Infact learningto process sea water will likely lead to better desalinization methods and increase the drinking water supply in due course.


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Re: New 50% Efficiency Solar Cells
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2004, 05:38:33 pm »

 I'm all about the solar power. I'd be all about geothermal power too, but I think that as a species we'd eventually take so much we'd leech all the heat from the planet. Sounds implausable, i know, but we always seem to find a way...

Actually, As the Population Grows, the Heat would Get larger, regardless of If we used Geothermal Power. I think Storm has the book that had that info in It. Of course this is also many many years down the Future, Before we would come close to Critical mass.


It will take to three years to assess the technical feasibility of the multiband solar cell, according to the researchers. The work appeared in the December 12, 2003 issue of Physical Review Letters.


We still have some time to wait then for the results. but I'll have to remember about this to look It up again in the Future.


Clark Kent

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Re: New 50% Efficiency Solar Cells
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2004, 05:40:02 pm »

Hydrogen can be made from sea water which is undrinkable and un useable for crop irrigation. This is no threat to california's drinking water. Infact learningto process sea water will likely lead to better desalinization methods and increase the drinking water supply in due course.  

I was under the impression that for pretty much anything we do we'd have to desalinate sea water, and while it can be done, it's a very expensive process.  I'm not really up to date on the latest desalination efforts though, and am far from an expert, so I'll assume you're right.


P.S. I like latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...  


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Re: New 50% Efficiency Solar Cells
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2004, 06:22:04 pm »
Reverse osmosis filtration is used large scale by the mi.litary and yes it is expensive. You said that you feared hydrogen power would lead to scarcity of drinking water. I said hydrogen can be made from sea water. thus there is no threat to drinking water. I also said that if they start processing sea water for hydrogen that will lead to better and cheaper desalinization technology.

[we now return you to your solar cell thread already in progress....]
« Last Edit: May 07, 2004, 06:29:30 pm by Stormbringer »