I'm all about the solar power. I'd be all about geothermal power too, but I think that as a species we'd eventually take so much we'd leech all the heat from the planet. Sounds implausable, i know, but we always seem to find a way...
A bit of a rant, but the idea of hydrogen powered carsreally ticks me off. Where do you think the hydrogen comes from? oh, i don't know, water? And doesn't that seem a little nuts, since we already have states (california, texas) that are in serious water crisies already? Nope, I say solar wind and hydroelectric (using moving water to do the work, not using the molecules of water themselves) are the way to go. Aside from that, i also like nuclear power, to a point, so long as we can find a way to safely dispose of the waste materials.
I say, bring on the alternate fuels, by all means,
P.S. I like latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...