Topic: RHA-1 SOS-0  (Read 1652 times)

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Marcus Smythe

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« on: March 01, 2003, 03:43:00 am »
Hail and well met to SOS Cleopatra.

The Ships:
Count Brass
RHA Marcus, Commanding
Victoria's Secret
SOS Cleopatra, Commanding
Univited Guest
OPC A.I., Commanding.

The engagement-Long. Drawn out.  Initial Plasma Ballet-Hellbore exchange degenerates into Hellbore shots followed by
Plasma-Threat pursuit.  Cleopatra realizing that the CHC cannot afford a close range fighter-crush engagement (due to PlasD) and thus must flee the threat of 100 points of plasma, closes repeatedly to range 3 to crush the Count Brass's #4 Screen.  About the second past, the Victoria's Secret closes too tightly, and looses her front screen to the Count Brass's PHG mounts.  Several battle-passes follow, with slow attrition to both sides.  Fighter Hellbores allow the Count Brass to get the slight better of the shield degredation game, thus far.

About Halfway in,  the Univited Guest interferes, preventing fighter pick-up just as the Count Brass was slowing for a Wild-Weasl supported castle.  Victoria's Secret goes into pursuit of the fighters with intent to maim, and succeeds in eliminating the confused pilots well before Marcus can get the Count Brass up to speed.

As the fighter pilots are lost, Marcus and the Count Brass turn to demolish the Univited Guest, hoping to simplify the equation... but miscalculating their exit, leaving themselves open for a plasma and phasers pass from the Victorias Secret.  A grim smile crosses Cleopatra's lips, as the Count Brass starts to vent atmosphere, and weapons mounts fall silent.

Still unwilling to commit to a knife-fight against the wounded Hydran, the Victoria's Secret continues to press, and pressure, the Count Brass, as Marcus struggles to keep something resembling screens intact and open up the range, allowing time for repairs and perhaps a change in tempo.  Cleopatra will have none of it, and continues the pressure, but warily.

Loosing systems and power too quickly, whilst only beginning to undermine the Victoria's Secret's shielding, Marcus turns at bay, castling against the Plasmaboat and sending quick orders to the Shuttlebay.

Perhaps sensing blood on the waters, the Victoria's Secret closes for the coup-de-grace... some plasma is diverted by screens, more by a well-timed Wild Weasel, but fire rings heavily on the hull of the Count Brass.  Multiple hull breaches and cries for medical corpsmen in every weapons mount, as the Count Brass finally, sitting on heavy overloads, returns fire and begins a desperate pursuit, nicking away at the collapsed rear and flank screens of the Victoria's Secret.

After several minutes, with the Victoria's Secret unable to acheive enough seperation to reload plasma and loosing systems too fast to allow the pursuit to continue, Captain Cleopatra cuts speed and increases her reinforcement, hoping apparently to force an overshoot and open up the shattered rear screens of the nearly-unarmed Count Brass with her forward batteries.

Captain Marcus offers up a prayer of thanks to his household gods, as the repairs on the shuttlebay and the final, drastic overload of the fusion mount complete quite literally at the last moment.  Just before sweeping into the forward guns of the Victoria Secret, space is rent by the scream of dying weapons, as the Fusion Beam Mounts twist and melt under the unrestrained force of a Suicide Overload.  A pair of Antimatter Shuttles finish their work, leaving the Victoria's Secret for the moment dead in space, as the Count Brass herself continues to fight the near-lethal damage throughout her decks.

Captain Marcus offers Captain Cleopatra the opportunity to disengage the field with honour, and the offer is accepted.  With the assistance of a tractor beam, one shattered hulk is helped to the edge by an only slightly less-drastically damaged opponent, and the encounter ends.

<S>  A good game, and well fought.  Dont worry, it wasnt just you that thought you had me... I was pretty sure you did, too.   I figured it had to be kinda confusing, running from a shambling hydran wreck in a near-fresh Romulan, but if im good for anything, its sheer bloodymindedness.  Great fun, well have to do it again sometime soon.  


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Re: RHA-1 SOS-0
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2003, 05:18:46 am »
I want a rematch....