Topic: here u guys go. what u think.  (Read 2785 times)

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here u guys go. what u think.
« on: May 06, 2004, 04:45:58 am »
sorry for the textures though could use help on them. another bash from the shipyards.

let the comments rip.  this is what happens when u bring parts to my ship yards ppl.  


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2004, 05:25:29 am »
I dunno if I like it. My gut reaction was that it was a rip off of the Excelsior. The ship has that early era retro tech look to it, and if not for the design of the excelsior, it'd be ok. Its just not original.

With fed ships taking on so many shapes and configurations, its hard to get something to look retro and original these days, but that smacks of excelsior too much.


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2004, 09:03:36 am »
Actually, it kinda looks like a take on what the Excelsior would like now, after Enterprise. Not bad really...just different.  


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2004, 02:13:52 pm »
Well I do like her. I love the Excelsior though, so perhaps I'm biased - all she needs for me is a bit more spit and polish (which is rich coming from me).  As for originality, (I'm sure Dizzy didn't mean to sound quite as insulting there) is that not really an issue you could take up with all kitbashers?  Or, for that matter all modellers, since most models are derivative to some extent   And is it really an issue at all?



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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2004, 02:24:08 pm »
Rightto. Not insulting, just a rip as you asked.

Like I said I didnt say I disliked it... Just hard to like it when it smacks of Excelsior...

You see... I have a bias against all pre early era fed ships that look like TMP designs because of the Enterprise show and how it ripped off TNG Akira ship.

It just stunk the way it did that. I am also upset that the whole series sucks. It's not fun, its too dark and serious and the ships stink.You'd think they'd design a different Klingon hull but they were cheap and went with an existing D7 design.

The producers had a perfect chance to go bhack to the retro look.... And have a [bleep] load of fun with this series... but it turned out to be an even suckier Voyager. And what is up with the uniforms? They are sull dull and bland, well I guess it fits the show. And whats up with that nasty T'pol haircut?

I'm sorry got a little OT there... but Pre TOS ships suck 1st off and I guess I am biased... heh. Sorry Manitoba. Otherwise its a cool design, and you can see my critizisms originate far from what nice work you have done.  


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2004, 02:32:33 pm »
Um NO dont like, not even if you had good textures on it, would still not like.


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2004, 03:56:44 pm »
I must be just about the only one who likes this...  thing

If the textures are altered to match this thing would look alot nicer

I'd really like to see more ENT era ships all we have right now is the NX-01, Suliban stealth ship, and a Surak variant

That thing could probably make a good Battlecruiser for Earth
« Last Edit: May 06, 2004, 03:57:45 pm by InragedSith »

J. Carney

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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2004, 04:25:35 pm »
I like it a lot, in the "Enterprise"-refit vein that has cropped up around here recently. It looks like a good  Excelsior -class redesign based on that school of thought. Cool KB- be something if people would re-do all the SFB -type ships in this 'modern' SFX vein; they'd go well with the KB's from Feral Yards in a sort of 'updated' SFB mod.


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2004, 04:39:08 pm »
 NOPE NO Uh Uh !!!!  I do not like it at all,one bit. How do you expect a ship to maintain it's UNIQUENESS if it's bashed into every conceivable era ?  Next thing you know we'll be looking at TOS or TMP era Akira's ????   Some things should be left alone.Excelsior is TMP and beyond,there was no Tos concept , it's a movie era ship, like the Akira , there is no TMP concept of her,she's TNG and beyond . Sorry sir,great work,BAD IDEA,but it's your ship. I'll just choose not to use it in my game.You are very talented sir,might I suggest if you want to do Excelsior's please do the 4 Pre ST III study models found here...........
 Excelsior Study Models .
 I have one version of one of them,but it's old.

Thank you for sharing your talents with us , but you can keep that one . lol


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2004, 05:58:28 pm »
Ships shoudn't be bashed into every era?

I guess someone forgot to tell B&B that

J. Carney

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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2004, 06:28:48 pm »

 NOPE NO Uh Uh !!!!  I do not like it at all,one bit. How do you expect a ship to maintain it's UNIQUENESS if it's bashed into every conceivable era ?  Next thing you know we'll be looking at TOS or TMP era Akira's ????   Some things should be left alone.Excelsior is TMP and beyond,there was no Tos concept , it's a movie era ship, like the Akira , there is no TMP concept of her,she's TNG and beyond . Sorry sir,great work,BAD IDEA,but it's your ship. I'll just choose not to use it in my game.You are very talented sir,might I suggest if you want to do Excelsior's please do the 4 Pre ST III study models found here...........
 Excelsior Study Models .
 I have one version of one of them,but it's old.

Thank you for sharing your talents with us , but you can keep that one . lol

Come on now... ya gonna give the boy a complex.

It's good work, and since someone re-did the Connie in the 'Enterprise' fashion, then it is only logical to do an Exselsior in the same spirit. You are talking about 'ships loosing their uniquness if they are modded into every era'- how about loosing their uniquness when they are KBded into every possible 3-and 4-engine or captured-by-new-race texture?

The bottom line is every model is a good model- reguardless of what you are doing- because there is someone out there who is most likely looking for it. Uniquness really isn't an issue in this business; if it was then there would be 10,000 one-off mods floating around and none of the afore mentioned retextures or kitbashes. This guy has a great idea- I haven't seen anyone else try to make this as an SFC model (save that Connie and  it was just a 3D render, not for SFC). That makes it unique.

And after a little work on the textures, a regestry painted on and a good and proper christening, this will be a great mod.  

PS- Manitoba, how can I get to DL some of the 'other stuff' it seems you have out... I've been serously out of the loop since you started modding and the indomina.come site says everything is RSVP.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by J. Carney »


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2004, 06:29:01 pm »
I love it!!!
But I love Alot of Manitoba's work
I am a HUGE fan!!!
Awesome job mate...keep it up...and I cannot wait till for your next or up incoming


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2004, 08:56:33 pm »
well thanxs alot guys all comments are always welcome.   like i've said before u can only do so much with parts,      

i got a little tired last night and threw it together think it took a whole 10 mins   my yards occasionally get orders to build new ships but since we r located so far out on the fringes of known space new parts are quite a rarity.  

i am however currently working on a new saucer. ps, most of those bashes of akiras out there r probably mine. lol  mostly cause i didny like those TNG nacelles on it. i think my first version of the akira came out what 3yrs ago, i think Azel remembers here with just a pair of TMP nacelles. then moved her to the current 4 nacelle version. i might even put my new set of nacelles on this ship. then its only be time to learn how to texture.  well got to stop this short storm coming in fast. klinks must have blew praxis up again. gotta batten the hatches down fast.  


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2004, 09:06:35 pm »
Hey, I'll be the 1st to say I hated the idea of "Enterprise"-ing the original TOS Connie, but after reflecting on it a bit, it really was a good looking ship...just not MY Connie,lol. This is a really good model, just needs some texture work and she'll be lookin' real spiffy. Good job.  


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2004, 09:33:20 pm »
ok back the storm blew by rather fast.  ok well it was just a quick throw together. there isnt much more of a  complex that any one else could give me anyways. but anyways heres more ships i've done here also

yeah i have to do something bout all those textures may be soon i'll figure it out. i will be putting a section up called WIPS also soon.  well keep them coming folks . like ive said all comments are always welcome.  but that excellsior wanna be is still a very far into the WIP stage. i do my ships a little different from everyone. like Azel usually draws his out i K-B mine first for a rough idea. to know what direction to go in.almost like reverse engineering u might say  


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2004, 09:37:39 pm »
Whatever works for you. Those are some nice ideas, and some nice work. And about getting a I always, "It's insane to be sane in an insane world".  

Captain Ron

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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2004, 09:58:38 pm »
I will say this it can be made to work but it is all about the textures and how you do them when mixing eras. Blending the different eras is very difficult to pull off but if you do it right it becomes something you will enjoy for a long period of time.


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2004, 10:12:24 pm »
I agree.  Atolm pulled it off in my opinion with is TOS Excelsior style BCH.  In fact, I'm still using it in my SFC1 TOS mod.

In fact, Manitoba, perhaps you should play with the mesh and textures and colors and come up with something that really satisfies you.  At that point, I think a lot of us would feel the same way!  Keep at it!


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2004, 02:34:48 am »
i am planning on cleaning it up. atleast once i figure how to do textures properly.  

anyways started the Nimitz class today while the server was down.  heres the WIPs of it.

i did the whole thing myself. improving on making meshes compared to my original akira model here

well time to put a post up for the NIMITZ class. dont remember if there was one before, but if there wasnt there is now


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Re: here u guys go. what u think.
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2004, 11:13:13 am »
Please there was no disrespect meant sir.You are very talented and I thank you for sharing those talents with us . I just don't like that IDEA. The work is great,with the proper textures it will be an awesome ship.Of this I have absolutely no doubt.But ME personally, I don't want a TOS os Pre-Tos or Alter Tos or whatever version of the Excelsior.That's my $.02.That Nimitz Class WIP looks great.As I stated in the other thread I'm gonna follow it's progress. But ya can keep the any era earlier than TMP Excelsiors, and TNG and beyond Akira's. Enjoy them all.I'm choosing not to acknowledge them. But again I must restate this is to be NO reflection on you Manitoba sir,or for any other modeller out there.It's just how I feel about these 2 particular ships. I like em just the way they are UNIQUE.