As was said, AMEN!! I can only laugh, when I hear someone say the end of the world is near...I mean, God put us hear to achieve all that was possible, and we're a long way from that!!
I disagree though that the best advancements, or rather, the fastest ones stem from is what makes the fastest advances. What we need, in order to see a colony in our system, is for it to become profitable. If business, say a mining company, found out there was a vast supply of a precious material there (say Mars), within 5 years there would be a major push to get set up there. As business builds, and invents new technologies, the Government will have their contractors modifying that same tech. to their needs. In WW2, the automotive industry stopped making as many cars and converted to building planes and tanks. While military need can spur advances, they more often just re-direct existing tech. to fill a specific role. Business is how we will get to the planets, and the stars beyond.