Topic: Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)  (Read 1149 times)

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Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)
« on: May 04, 2004, 10:43:48 am »
Well over 35 years ago  we began watching a rogram on TV ...  StarTrek..  WOW  ...  hard to believe it was so long ago.  In those days computers were kept in an isolated environment, climate controlled room and took up nearly an entire wall.  Only very successful business offices or engineering firms  used them.  Communicating with folk across the US .. ( let alone someone across the ocean ) was only via Long distance phone calls.   Watching the programs, though rewarding and fun...  was strictly from an observational point of view.

Today ...  we, through the experience of "gaming" ...  our forum boards,  and a host of other means now at our disposal not can we observe ...  but we can participate and interact.  Much can be said about how many have chosen to act toward others  in the community, and toward forum boards, Admin personel ...  But as for my self  this thrread at this poitn only begins to scratch the surface in my expression of the deepest of appreciation to everyone who chooses to interact so favorably with this community.  Without question it is most rewarding.  I deeply appreciate the open doors of opportunity to now, not only observe, but interact with, and participate with so many even around the world.  It really does make our world a lot smaller.  I kinda see many as more like next door neighbors ( though I can see ya just yet) ...

At any rate.. I need to get back to work ..  Just wanted to say thanks guys !!  This sort of thing 35 years ago was totally impossible.  Today ...  WOW  ...  I just hope we dont take it for granted.  Perhaps a big "THANK YOU " is in order to those providing the space for us to enjoy this aspect of the community is in order !!




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Re: Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2004, 11:04:49 am »
I think about trek... when Kirk runs round using those communicators and such everytime I see an old movie where they pull out those boxy old cell phones and make a call, then I look at how slim and small mine is in comparrison. Makes you wonder what's in store.

Look at it this way... In the span of one man's life, we went from the 1st heavier than air powered flight of a man to landing a man on the moon. Just imagine what our children will see...

At no time in the history of mankind has there been a technological leap so extraordinary and profound as that.


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Re: Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2004, 12:07:40 pm »
bumpity bump  


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Re: Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2004, 03:10:17 pm »
There's no "Moore's Law" of technological advancement.  You see that in times of war, there is accelerated technological advance.  In times extended economic prosperity, there is a slower, maybe even more measured pace of discovery and implementation.  But there are times stuff is lost.  The Dark Ages are an example.  Times of chaos in places like Imperial China or one of the ancient African kingdoms, much knowledge can be lost.  Nowadays in the West, competing economic, or political reasons can waylay a scientific discovery or technological innovation... even in medicine.

I hope for a disciplined peace in which we have the peace to research and develop without interruption, but disciplined and driven so that we don't lose sight of the need to improve things... and ourselves.  But rotten things happen.


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Re: Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2004, 05:05:11 pm »
Just think of how many scientists and professors grew up on Star Trek. Cell phones look like communicators for a reason.These are the men and women who are shaping our technological future.I fully believe that someday,there will be an Enterprise like ship out there trekking through the stars,because of one mans simple dream 30+ years ago. And a heart felt thank you to all from me........
 ModelsPlease -resident forum model junkie extrodinaire
God Bless and Peace


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Re: Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2004, 05:32:34 pm »

Just think of how many scientists and professors grew up on Star Trek. Cell phones look like communicators for a reason.These are the men and women who are shaping our technological future.I fully believe that someday,there will be an Enterprise like ship out there trekking through the stars,because of one mans simple dream 30+ years ago. And a heart felt thank you to all from me........
 ModelsPlease -resident forum model junkie extrodinaire
God Bless and Peace

AMEN !!!


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Re: Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2004, 08:24:56 pm »
As was said, AMEN!! I can only laugh, when I hear someone say the end of the world is near...I mean, God put us hear to achieve all that was possible, and we're a long way from that!!

I disagree though that the best advancements, or rather, the fastest ones stem from is what makes the fastest advances. What we need, in order to see a colony in our system, is for it to become profitable. If business, say a mining company, found out there was a vast supply of a precious material there (say Mars), within 5 years there would be a major push to get set up there. As business builds, and invents new technologies, the Government will have their contractors modifying that same tech. to their needs. In WW2, the automotive industry stopped making as many cars and converted to building planes and tanks. While military need can spur advances, they more often just re-direct existing tech. to fill a specific role. Business is how we will get to the planets, and the stars beyond.  


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Re: Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2004, 09:40:36 pm »

As was said, AMEN!! I can only laugh, when I hear someone say the end of the world is near...I mean, God put us hear to achieve all that was possible, and we're a long way from that!!

I disagree though that the best advancements, or rather, the fastest ones stem from is what makes the fastest advances. What we need, in order to see a colony in our system, is for it to become profitable. If business, say a mining company, found out there was a vast supply of a precious material there (say Mars), within 5 years there would be a major push to get set up there. As business builds, and invents new technologies, the Government will have their contractors modifying that same tech. to their needs. In WW2, the automotive industry stopped making as many cars and converted to building planes and tanks. While military need can spur advances, they more often just re-direct existing tech. to fill a specific role. Business is how we will get to the planets, and the stars beyond.  

It should be noted that some of the best spin-offs in industry  came from the Aro apace industry ...  in clothing, electronics, computers ..  and a host of other things we enjoy today as a direct result of R&D in the Aro-Space industry ...  particularly form NASA...


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Re: Trek ... SFC experience ... a little OT (well maybe not)
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2004, 11:03:56 pm »


As was said, AMEN!! I can only laugh, when I hear someone say the end of the world is near...I mean, God put us hear to achieve all that was possible, and we're a long way from that!!

I disagree though that the best advancements, or rather, the fastest ones stem from is what makes the fastest advances. What we need, in order to see a colony in our system, is for it to become profitable. If business, say a mining company, found out there was a vast supply of a precious material there (say Mars), within 5 years there would be a major push to get set up there. As business builds, and invents new technologies, the Government will have their contractors modifying that same tech. to their needs. In WW2, the automotive industry stopped making as many cars and converted to building planes and tanks. While military need can spur advances, they more often just re-direct existing tech. to fill a specific role. Business is how we will get to the planets, and the stars beyond.  

It should be noted that some of the best spin-offs in industry  came from the Aro apace industry ...  in clothing, electronics, computers ..  and a host of other things we enjoy today as a direct result of R&D in the Aro-Space industry ...  particularly form NASA...

While you're there, Uncle Buzz, don't forget about... space ice cream!!! Its room temperature, its spongy, and instantly converts to liquid in your mouth!!! All thanks to the space industry!

I have ordered a entire box of it before, in case anyone wished to know that.