Topic: Azel ... you up to doing another little project  (Read 6509 times)

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Re: Azel ... you up to doing another little project
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2004, 03:16:58 am »
So let me make sure I'm on track. Our objective is to go from TNG and beyond,leave the old ships to their rightful place in SFC and begin anew.IMHO that's the way to go. As for Azel's designs,I had to catch myself there,uterly amazing work. I have no doubt that we will find a happy medium that everyone can accept,and that a few great new ships will becoming out of this thread.


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Re: Azel ... you up to doing another little project
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2004, 07:19:53 am »
Actually I had in mind ot take my sketches..  have Azel add the much needed detail...  and rework just the DN's and BB's  (C-5 -7's and B-10's and the super BB ..  ( this was to clean up all of the extra apendiages or nacelles ...  reproprotion the ships so they are more in step with Cannon designs ...) and yes...  look at TNG ...  and "Late" TNG erra... add more of the ships that are much needed.  

Lets face it ...  IMHO  we have spent a lot of time developing Fed..  ( and i like it as much as anything) ...  but the second most popular fleet in SFC is a little lacking in ship varriants.  What is strange ... they are known to be a "Warrior" class ..  shouldn't they have more ships for combat at their disposal ???

AS for the unending debate over "balance issues"  I will leave that in the hands of the diplomats..  this just puts a few more tools into the hands of those who can build the Mods.


Grim Reaper

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Re: Azel ... you up to doing another little project
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2004, 05:33:11 am »

Actually I had in mind ot take my sketches..  have Azel add the much needed detail...  and rework just the DN's and BB's  (C-5 -7's and B-10's and the super BB ..  ( this was to clean up all of the extra apendiages or nacelles ...  reproprotion the ships so they are more in step with Cannon designs ...) and yes...  look at TNG ...  and "Late" TNG erra... add more of the ships that are much needed.  

hat's exactly what i asked Atolm do with the accuser. Only i asked him to design back from 5 to 4 nacelles but still i agree: Most of those BB / DN have silly weird or not logical apendiages. Getting rid of them is alway ++


Lets face it ...  IMHO  we have spent a lot of time developing Fed..  ( and i like it as much as anything) ...  but the second most popular fleet in SFC is a little lacking in ship varriants.  What is strange ... they are known to be a "Warrior" class ..  shouldn't they have more ships for combat at their disposal ???

Well of course one could say that a greater number of well proven vessels with veteran crew who know their ships like the back of their hand would be better. But then again i want more designs so let's ignore that


3. The armor.. The thickness of the armmor has nothing to do with the over all presentation of the ship. The texturing and detail plating can be easily done with out taking away from the design of the structure. That was something that I personally had in mind from the get-go.

I agree and disagree with the first statement and i fully agree with the second. However to get back on the first one, I agree, thickness in itself doesn't  not automaticly affect the presentation of the ship. But having or lacking armour does affect ships. If we look at some tanks you can see the sharp angles in the design where as a regular road car can be as curved as a cirkel.
Looks pretty angular to me:

Armour plating is just pretty hard to bend. Still the design in itself can be sleek as hell. So having armour does affect the presentation but does not mean the design should not look sleek.

But we are talking bout massive vessels so you'd need only small bends a plate if you keep the size of the plates down. But then again wouldn't bigger plates be preferable? (less joints)  


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Re: Azel ... you up to doing another little project
« Reply #43 on: May 04, 2004, 05:45:40 am »
I see your point and agree,for lack of a better way to phrase it.......Hull plating is to a Klingon ship what Aztec panelling is to a Fed ship.  


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Re: Azel ... you up to doing another little project
« Reply #44 on: May 04, 2004, 09:17:35 am »
Grim ..   you are right .....  to a point.  Consider this ...  those plates ...  on something the size of a starship...  might not apear as "square"  when appiled to something that large.  Yes ...  the plates themselevs would take on simular charactoristics ...   kinda like the pollys  in the models.... I also agree that the texutres should reflect that style and design in the over all presentation of the ship.  Ya wouldn't want a ship that is Klingon in its design features to have smoothe flowing lines like Federation or Hydran.  On that we both agree.

Over all I think we are in agreement .  I just need to spend more time updating the pict ..  or maybe Azel can do an interpritation and see how well it works.  


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Re: Azel ... you up to doing another little project
« Reply #45 on: May 04, 2004, 04:41:45 pm »
You guys will be glad to Know that I am still on the
Been a tad busy as of late...didn't mean to make you guys think that I didn't care ...
and you will be pleased to know...That this weekend I shall have some brand spanking new



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Re: Azel ... you up to doing another little project
« Reply #46 on: May 04, 2004, 05:47:40 pm »

Trust me bud..  I know where you are comming from...  heck I'm still at work  ( hope to get out of here soon !)   I hope that those sketches of mine have a degree of credibility.  I will rework them a bit..  and try to post them .. Hopefully they are something you can use os we can keep the team work thing going. ( I did not intend to start something and you have to shoulder the entire project.)

Any help you have to offer is appreciated.


Grim Reaper

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Re: Azel ... you up to doing another little project
« Reply #47 on: May 08, 2004, 07:30:43 am »
el bumpo for future reference.

And any takers for this beauty? WZ?

BTW Atolm, wasn't the BaQ your TNG K'T'Inga?


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Re: Azel ... you up to doing another little project
« Reply #48 on: May 08, 2004, 08:28:13 am »
Absolutely a must have ship,hopefully someone will mod her soon.