Topic: TNG Mega-Mod, The Patch, OP, More Live Radio....  (Read 6183 times)

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Re: TNG Mega-Mod, The Patch, OP, More Live Radio....
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2003, 08:07:40 am »
chris jones, i downloaded the rebalance mod from your site. very fun.

i have a question. does it work with 1.01? i have it on 1.00. i see your site says it doesnt, but didnt someone release a fix for it to work or something?

also a bat file came with the refit mod, is there one for the mega mod to? to switch between original and modified?

about the tng mod,  i havent got it yet, its a big download *modem*, but i will. but i have questions about it...does it contain everything (settings wise too) from the rebalance mod plus what you mentioned above? your site does not list everything in detail. also can u play campaign with it...

thanks in advance
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cruis.In »


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Re: TNG Mega-Mod, The Patch, OP, More Live Radio....
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2003, 11:17:35 am »
Yeah Chris I downloaded the Rebalancing mod with the dom wars mod as part of the Modem friendly thingy.  Its cool, but I can't acsess the sound files.  You said on the website that there are taunts from Gul dukat etc, but there not in the game!!!!!  any way apart from that the mods great, epiessaclly the amoured Voyager with the transpashic torpedos, two torpedos at a borg cube and BANG!, Fun but a bit boring after a while!  The Defiants good as well, with the cloaking device, but the models not nearly as good as the one that comes with the game.  But don't get me wrong, the ships still cool, with a rear torpedo, that makes a lot of difference!  The shields are cool, I mean the fact that you can't see them!  The dominion ships are great, I'm a huge DS9 fan so I was a bit worried at how the Domion ships were going to look like, but I was really happy with them, they look cool, its fun taking the Defiant into battle agasint a fleet of Jem Ha'dar!!

Anyway. wheres the sound???

Apart from that Chris, the mod was well worth the 15 hours of Dial up modem time!!!!!!


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Re: TNG Mega-Mod, The Patch, OP, More Live Radio....
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2003, 11:36:35 am »

It's already out!!

go here

scroll down for the 3/1/03 patch update..


I plan a final release of the mod on 3/16.. along with another live radio show to celebrate!


OK, your committed now, I put on my calendar to download your final release on the 16th, or you have to eat dirt, or Eric has to eat dirt.   Somebody has to eat dirt!?!?!?!?!?!


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Re: TNG Mega-Mod, The Patch, OP, More Live Radio....
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2003, 12:34:26 pm »

chris jones, i downloaded the rebalance mod from your site. very fun.

i have a question. does it work with 1.01? i have it on 1.00. i see your site says it doesnt, but didnt someone release a fix for it to work or something?

also a bat file came with the refit mod, is there one for the mega mod to? to switch between original and modified?

about the tng mod,  i havent got it yet, its a big download *modem*, but i will. but i have questions about it...does it contain everything (settings wise too) from the rebalance mod plus what you mentioned above? your site does not list everything in detail. also can u play campaign with it...

thanks in advance  

Theres a LOAD of stuff in the TNG Mega Mod.  I mean, LOAD.  Rebalance is *nothing*.   This is completely seperate- if you want TNG Mega Mod you can download it in one big 160 megabyte file (for 1.00), then a 2 meg fix for 1.01.  OR you can download it in THREE parts at, first the Dominion Wars Beta mod (108 megs), then the TNG Mega Mod Beta update (53 megs), then the TNG Mega Mod Update 2 (1.3 megs), THEN download the 1.01 fix (2 megs) from the site.  It has EVERYTHING from Rebalance and more.  Way more.  WAAAAAAAAY more.  

Campaign?  Should be no problem.  I've played around with a dynaverse server using a special beta Chris Jones gave me to play with, and it worked fine.  Also i did single player campaign with Chris Jones' SFC2 TNG mod.  Now that the 1.01 fix is out i'm making the server public.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2003, 12:37:07 pm by Praxis »

Chris Jones

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Re: TNG Mega-Mod, The Patch, OP, More Live Radio....
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2003, 01:19:10 pm »

writing this from work...

1st -- Thanks to Praxis for hosting a server of the TNG Mega Mod.. Way kool -- I have not been on it yet - but plan to be.

2nd   --  The re-balance Mod is a separate downloadable 3 part Mod that only works on 1.00 -- not with the latest beta patch. That was the first mod for SFC3 released on my site, and will remain a standalone.

The TNG Mega Mod has sound files included in the download.. follow the audio instructions on my site - the new taunts will work within the Dominion Axis, and they are kool. -- look for a folder in your game directory called 'Dominion Wars audio'.

The final edition of the mod will input more audio - as stated above in the original post. I am playing with ship masses and cargo space, attempting to achieve the best TNG feel possible. There will be at least two non-TNG ships in there for the fun factor..  the NCC-1701 TOS ship and..      the NCC-1701-A.      

  All the Enterprises will be in there.. do you guys want the NX-01 as well?

Thanks for your support on this - it is a labour of love.  



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Re: TNG Mega-Mod, The Patch, OP, More Live Radio....
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2003, 01:41:36 pm »
Yeah actully I really didn't say how much I like this mod!  It is the best thing I have EVER seen.  I mean the sheer number of ships is amazing, the models are fantasic, all the ships a superbly refitted and ready for battle!  But is there a server out there?  I mean a place where we can fight each other with three necelled enterprises!!!!!

Any way, good job Chris and ur team and of course to everyone who helped make the mod, it's fantasic!!!!!


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Re: TNG Mega-Mod, The Patch, OP, More Live Radio....
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2003, 02:56:23 am »

*kicks server kit*

Peice of junk!!!!

lol...okay i got SQL working over the last few days (FINALLY...i think the people at the dynaverse server admin message board were beginning to think i was an incompetent idiot as i know little about SQL).  I've played a few missions, and i had a friend try it too.  But guess what...after the server runs about 3-4 hours i get a flood of SQL ADO errors...i have to shut down and restart the server and no one can play until i do!  Its a pain, lemme tell ya.  I'm working on it.  10,000 starting prestige, Borg are alone, Dominion/Cardassians alone, Fed and Klingon/Romulans with a tense alliance (Border disputes).

Chris Jones

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Yes Ladies and Gentlemen
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2003, 05:36:32 pm »
There is a server for this mod --

Just played on it..  

Praxis and I will be hashing out some details, but it is up there..

I want to alter the news a bit, so it says Dominion Axis instead of Romulan Star Empire.
and the Klingon Empire can say Klingon/Romulan Alliance or some such thing.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2003, 05:37:31 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: Yes Ladies and Gentlemen
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2003, 02:22:06 am »
I think we'll need a strings file compatible with 1.01 to do that.  I don't have one except the standard one.  I still seem to be having the server overload problem where the connections don't close properly and build up- after 3-4 hours it won't update turns or do ANYTHING except give SQL ADO connection overload errors until i do a quick 2-minute restart (not reset) of the server.  Anyone trying to join in that time gets a "There was an unknown error in attempting to connect to the server".  I got a player named Borg123 who really likes the server...there are 5 player accounts on the server and i only started it a day or two ago!

All players welcome
« Last Edit: March 06, 2003, 02:23:39 am by Praxis »

Chris Jones

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« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2003, 06:09:00 am »
The news for the server is in one of the gf files in the server package, I believe..   look for or maybe

Perhaps I'll install the server files here and take a look. Going to work in an hour.. I'll get to it later on..


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Re: Server
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2003, 07:37:38 am »
doh...i think all the commonsettings files are checked by the server.  I know ItemRules and the other ones are.  If a player doesn't have the one the server does, they won't be allowed in.  I'll run some tests.

Edit- Whoo!  Thanks to Castrin i've fixed my server problems.  I set the max_connections to 500 instead of 100.  The bug where connections pile up- well my server should last 5 times longer than before now, that should be about 15 hours or so, just give it 1 reboot a day to clear connections and it'll work fine
« Last Edit: March 06, 2003, 07:39:30 am by Praxis »


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Re: Server
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2003, 01:40:12 am »
its working!  Not one problem, and it ran all night.  Chris, you had 7800 disrepute from losing a ship (HAHAHA), i meant to have disrepute disabled so i just cleared you of the disrepute by the power of SQL

There have been 10 people who have set up a character and played on the server in the last 2 days!

Chris Jones

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Let's Rock N Roll....
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2003, 08:46:13 am »
Thanks Man.. i just charged in and took on a Borg Freighter convoy, lol.  I tend to do stuff like that.

Let's have TNG Mega Mod server weekend!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: Let's Rock N Roll....
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2003, 05:15:11 am »
So you know...Freighter assualts are NASTY in your mod. The freighters have more hull (understandable), and about the same amount of weapons, but each carry 2 or 3 shuttles.  You do a convoy assualt and you have to fight the defender ship (which carries 2-3 shuttles), and maybe 2 shuttles per freighter.  When there are 6 or 7 freighters it gets nasty as you can end up contenting with over 15 shuttles, each firing twin phasers or disruptors or whatever.  So Freighter assualts need a small fleet to do.  Planet assualts, too- 3 shuttles per pirate ship, and each pirate has 2x or 3x times the standard weaponry (i think thats how planet assualts were meant to be in SFC3- difficult).  The mod makes a REALLY good server.  I have 11 or 12 players on it- and its been running 4 days!