Topic: Non-humanoid MMORPG?? Is there one??  (Read 4881 times)

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Re: Non-humanoid MMORPG?? Is there one??
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2004, 09:45:08 am »
CoH = ?


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Re: Non-humanoid MMORPG?? Is there one??
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2004, 11:13:21 am »
City of Heroes, I think,  Super hero MMORPG.


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Re: Non-humanoid MMORPG?? Is there one??
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2004, 06:58:32 am »
Just passing through, really, don't mind me. Hi to all you crazy guys!

Anyway, the only MMORPG I know with a non-humanoid choice is Horizons, where you can play a dragon. They have a free 1 week trial, if you feel like checking it out. Lots of fun concepts.. while less equipment-centric than others, they have a Hoard... the more stuff that is in your hoard the higher your bonus to armor value and breath weapon damage, for instance.  

 Horizons homepage

The MMORPG isn't exactly the highest regarded one out there, but I tried it and it does get the job done... the starting areas look a lot worse than the rest of the game, just so you are warned - just head to Drak, Tazoon or some dungeons for better vistas. The people there are great, though, at least on the server I was on.

As for CoH I should get the retail copy on the door in... about half an hour, I think, so I probably won't be on Horizons though. CoH is strictly bipedal, though, yes.



Raniz Murjuri

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Re: Non-humanoid MMORPG?? Is there one??
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2004, 12:56:49 pm »
 list of whats comming out soon.. err before the release dates were changed.

Click here

but if you want to play a centuar, Shadowbane has a Playable Centuar and dwarf race. But most RPG's go by fantasy worlds, and tend to stick to Humaniods.
because, well what else is there to interact with, no one seriously expects a dragon to talk like us.  

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Non-humanoid MMORPG?? Is there one??
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2004, 08:47:06 am »

Try Saga of Ryzom.  It's a free beta right now, so it costs nothing to try it out.  

They have humanoids in that they are bipeds, but they are definately not your typical fantasy fare.  

Imagine a fantasy world.  Now forget about that world, and imagine what an alien world in that same universe would be like.  That's the 'feel' of this game.



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Re: Non-humanoid MMORPG?? Is there one??
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2004, 09:23:14 am »
Saga of Ryzoom looks great, but it is in a rather early beta. You are only supposed to test one of the four races, there's little music yet, bugs..  very unfinished.

But it looks different in a very pleasant way, very promising. Both it and Dark and Light, another interesting MMORPG, is made in France, incidentally (I think), which leads to a different design style that is quite refreshing.


Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Non-humanoid MMORPG?? Is there one??
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2004, 12:26:27 pm »

It's made in France, but I won't hold that against them.

It's a good thing I had college French; it gave me a small chance of figuring out what they are saying when there are localization issues (sometimes they have a French message in the English client).

Hey, have you figured out how to 'con' a target to guage it's relative strength?  I can't figure out how.  I know the name is supposed to tell you some general level info, but I don't have a good feel for them yet.