Topic: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!  (Read 5354 times)

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Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« on: April 25, 2004, 02:58:25 pm »
Ok, Most of you guys know me and my models by now, but I'm in a tight spot and need your help.
I really need some good shots of the Kazon Predator-class as I'm gonna restart the model which I abandoned a while back.

I know there's a Pred out there already by Kane Avenue but this ones gonna be much more detailed to go with the Raider that I've almost finished (mesh-wise anyway).

Any help would be greatly appretiated and will get you mentioned in the credits.

Thanks in advance guys.


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2004, 09:58:18 pm »
Dont Forget there are two kinds of Raiders, one with wings, and one without


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2004, 01:59:11 am »
good catch on that one, i had no idea

adam out

Thats kewl, that way I can make the FF the one without wings and the CL with wings, add acouple of phasers on the wings, and make the predaetor the DN, and make a nice kazon race, wonderful, thx bro

adam out


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2004, 03:28:22 am »

Ok, Most of you guys know me and my models by now, but I'm in a tight spot and need your help.
I really need some good shots of the Kazon Predator-class as I'm gonna restart the model which I abandoned a while back.

I know there's a Pred out there already by Kane Avenue but this ones gonna be much more detailed to go with the Raider that I've almost finished (mesh-wise anyway).

Any help would be greatly appretiated and will get you mentioned in the credits.

Thanks in advance guys.  

By "Predator-class" you mean the large 'Mothership' right? Because that was never confirmed as such.  

Anyway, I just got Voyager Season 1 on DVD - I can capture a few shots of the 'Mothership' from various angles if the above links are not sufficient.  


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2004, 01:58:01 pm »
That ship use to be a freighter for a species who enslaved the kazon right, if my memory serves me right, question is if it was a freighter, and some upgraded were done to handle more advanced weapons systems, then how powerful really is it, I know the intrepid was really badly over exagerated, going against borg cubes and etc.., if the EntD didnt make a dent, how the hell did Voyager do it serveral times, but anyways, does anyone have any clue on how powerful, she is

adam out


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2004, 02:09:16 pm »

Just had a thought.

Make the "Torpedo" Thingy a Fighter...Ill see about drawing up some more Kazon designs.


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2004, 02:24:25 pm »
Now that my friend is a great idea, if you could pull of some great new kazon, itll make the shiplist thingy easier, OP is so complicated when It comes to ship and races, has anyone seen any hirogen besides the FF and the Training Base

adam out
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by nx_adam_1701 »


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2004, 04:07:20 pm »
Thanks for the pics chaps - I do have some caps now of the Predator from 'Caretaker Pt2' But I could do with some more from 'Basics' as they show the ventral in more detail. I will get round to the Kazon without wings and the torpedo, but my main aim is to do the Pred and Raider - which is almost done. I've simply got too many other ships to do first.

BTW - The ship is refered to as the Predator-class in the ST:Encyclopedia and it is a converted Trabe freighter.
Although the Pred is literally littered with phaser emitters it really isn't that powerful considering it's size - Voyager took out a Pred in Basics if I remember with a small volley of torps.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2004, 04:09:12 pm by Queball »

Captain Pierce

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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2004, 07:04:55 pm »
Yeah, but Voyager took out Borg cubes with small volleys of torps, too...  


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2004, 03:55:13 am »

BTW - The ship is refered to as the Predator-class in the ST:Encyclopedia and it is a converted Trabe freighter.
Although the Pred is literally littered with phaser emitters it really isn't that powerful considering it's size - Voyager took out a Pred in Basics if I remember with a small volley of torps.

Well, unfortunately the ST: Encyclopedia is really only considered semi-canon, and in the later editions if pocked fulled of errors, especially in terms of ship diagrams and descriptions, and is by no means an authority on a lot of things.  

Nevertheless, I'm not really here to argue the facts, what I am here to say however is that those ships...Predator, Mothership, Carrier... whatever their designation, after rewatching the battle in "Caretaker", I am convinced that they are armed to the teeth, and can easily outmatch Voyager, despite the crap seen in "Basics". B'Elanna even said that both ships (Voyager and the Maquis raider) were no match for that ship, until they turned the raider into a 90 meter kamikazi torpedo.     I think the immense size of the ship in itself paints a pretty vivid picture of pain!

There are a lot of good shots of multiple angles of that Kazon 'carrier' that I captured from "Caretaker" if anyone would care to have them zipped up and emailed to them for references.



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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2004, 04:25:29 am »
Lol - Your not kidding abt the guys at ST getting it wrong! Remember the end of DS9 - 'Call to Arms' when you see the huge Fed / Klingon fleet? If you look at the Galaxy class on the right you'll see that behind it is a gigantic Miranda class, bigger than the Galaxy ship!
Anyway, If you have shots can you send them here please:

Big thanks in advance mate.  


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2004, 06:53:37 am »
Kazon Ship Schematics................

 Kazon Scout Ship

 Kazon Torpedo

 Kazon Predator_Class Warship

 Kazon Kaca_Class Cargo Vessel

There ya go,hope they help


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2004, 02:10:27 pm »
I'm getting pretty dead links there


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2004, 04:30:28 pm »

I'm getting pretty dead links there

The links work fine for me ? Anyone else having trouble with them?  


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Re: Kazon Ref pics badly needed!
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2004, 07:52:52 pm »
Okay, they seem to work now but I got dead links the first time I clicked on them