Topic: Does anyone remember.....  (Read 1295 times)

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Does anyone remember.....
« on: May 03, 2004, 10:27:03 pm »
Hi all -

     Does anyone remember those funny Gorn stories that were floating around a couple of years ago?  You know the ones that detailed someone's (I can't remember the author's name) attempt at the Gorn campaign in EAW?

 Where are they?




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Re: Does anyone remember.....
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2004, 11:03:51 pm »

Hi all -

     Does anyone remember those funny Gorn stories that were floating around a couple of years ago?  You know the ones that detailed someone's (I can't remember the author's name) attempt at the Gorn campaign in EAW?

 Where are they?



Ummmm..... are you talking about the Role Playing thread we had going during several EAW servers?  Something like this?  It was a huge thread, with many authors.  Here was my second entry on the Gorn story.

<After J'inn tricks S'Cipio into signing a pre-nuptial agreement for a mysterious wedding, via a nasty trick with laxitive taught him by Hooch.....>

S?Cipio stepped out of the little Gorn?s room feeling much better. "Damn cat," he muttered, "I?ll teach him!". Then the rest of J?inn?s conversation came back. "I can thank that nasssty Hooch for the idea, can I? Well, I?ll teach that sssilly Fed too!"

S?Cipio started the computer on his desktop and called up a very special batch of classified files. The Lord Admiral had not given up his post as Director of Gorn Naval Intelligence when he became a member of the Tri-Bruce commission, and had a large number of methods to make annoyances vanish. This particular nasty method was known as the Extreme Sanction list, and gave the names of every alien the Gorn government would pay to have removed. So long, that is, as the execution could not be traced back to them. Anytime such a sanction was traced back the the Gorn government, the assassin usually found his own name added to the bottom of the list.

The first shock S?Cipio had upon looking at the list was that the name J?inn was already at the top. BOUNTY ON J?INN! the order by S?Treleg read. FREE LIQOUR FOR A YEAR! IF SEEN, SHOOT TO KILL!

"Well," thought the Admiral. "That certainly explainsss a few eventsss towardsss the end of my adventuresss on Klinshai." It might also explain the sudden empty ranks of the Gorn navy. With such a reward, it would not be at all suprising to find that scores of capable officers had gone "independant" for a little while in order to bag the bounty.

The second shock S?Cipio received was that a nasty name like Hooch wasn?t already on the list. He pondered leaving J?inn?s name for a moment but then decided against it. J?inn was a personal daemon, but he was *S?Cipio?s* personal daemon. No one else would be allowed to hurt the Kzin. At least, not until after next week?s poker game. And certainly not before S?Cipio forced the Kzin to help get him out of this marriage thing. Hooch on the other hand........

"Computer, erassse name ?J?inn Mirak?, and replace with ?Hooch?."

"Voice authority confirmed. Name replacement completed," assured the computer. "You will be informed as soon as Hooch (Federation Captain) is confirmed to be pining for the fjords."

With that out of the way, S?Cipio turned to his copy of the pre-nup which J?inn had left on his desk. It was an impressively thick volume. S?Cipio turned to the first page.

It cannot be denied that everything I possess, including all items possessed before I met her, could never have been attained without the selfless support of my darling and blameless wife.

"Oh dear," he worried. "Thisss doesss not ssstart well. Not well at all." At that moment his door crashed open, and in walked Agave, Warlock, and Renegade. Agave carried an empty bottle of tequila, and the happy Gorn?s rolling walk said he?d emptied it by himself. Renegade was on tiptoes and carried a large flyswatter. Warlock carried only his usual vicious smile.

S?Cipio ignored the Romulan (they preferred it that way) and directed his wrath at the other two-thirds of the Gorn government. "What have you bassstards gotten me into, and to whom am I supposed to be married? Not that it mattersss BECAUSSSE I?M NOT GOING TO DO IT!"

"Who told?" whispered Renegade.

"Oh, come on S?Cippy," drawled Agave, as he discarded his empty bottle and began fumbling with the lock on S?Cipio?s liquor cabinet. "Thisss is supposed to be a happy occaisssion. Let?sss not bicker and argue over who?sss marrying who. Hee hee!" The lock proved beyond Agave?s skills, so he ripped the oak doors from their hinges and began rummaging through the bottles. Behind the single malts he found warm cans of.... "The Beast!! Ah, S?Cippy! the memories! I didn?t think you had it in you!" He happily began chugging the first can.

"I sssaved it jussst for you, bud," assured the unwilling host. And to protect my good stuff from you he added beneath his breath.

"He drinks that stuff?" asked Renegade.

"Only when he?sss drunk and maudlin enough to recall his college daysss; when he had a budget." S?Cipio crossed the office and snatched the warm sixpack away from Agave. "But you get none until someone tellsss me what the hell isss going on!"

"It?sss a sssimple matter of ssstate, Admiral," assured Warlock.

"Mattress of ssstate," chuckled Agave as he snatched back the sixpack of Milwalkee?s Best Lite.

"Close your eyes," advised Renegade in a whisper. "Think of England."

"Who the blazes isss England, and who am I sssupposed to be marrying??!!"

Renegade slapped his flyswatter across S?Cipio?s snout with a sharp crack. "Ssssshh!!! Not so loud!" he whispered hoarsely. "Do you want the civilians to find out about our alliance?"

S?Cipio backpeddaled in shock and rubbed at his snout. "But, the Confederation citizensss already know of our treaty with you Romulansss."

"Sloppy," whispered Renegade as he shook his head sadly. "Very, very sloppy. Next thing you know, you?ll be letting the ISC know you have fought a war with them. Best to keep the enemy in the dark you know."

"How can we keep the ISC from knowing we beat them in a war, when they were the onesss who invaded our border?"

Renegade?s look grew even darker. His whisper grew thinner. "And just who told them where the border was? Hmmmm??? Sloppy!" The flyswatter cracked across S?Cipio?s snout again. Then across Agave?s (who had begun to sing Drunken Sailor) for good measure. "And keep your voices down!" It was amazing how Renegade could both lower his whisper and yet still project it more urgently.

Lord Admiral S?Cipio -- Director of Gorn Naval Intelligence, Knight of the Order of Wyyvern, Hero of the Day of Despair, Architect of the Circle of Iron, Protector of the Inner Marches, Commander of the Terminus Est, ex-Chancellor of the Government in Exile, Southern Third of the Tri-Bruce Commision ? had had quite enough of being smacked in the snout with a flyswatter. He gathered his fury to rip the Romulan apart.

"Don?t even think about it," corrected Warlock when he noticed S?Cipio?s muscles bunch.

"But he hit me firssst!" whined S?Cipio.

"Be the bigger Gorn," advised Warlock. He began chuckling as he flipped through the signed pre-nup which had been left open on the Admiral?s desk. "Oh, S?Cippy. You need better represssentation. Sssome lawyer hasss ripped you a new one."

S?Cipio pointedly ignored that comment and filled the silence by rubbing his snout. He turned to Renegade. "Why are you even here?"

"Shhh!!!" insisted Renegade, and waved the flyswatter with menace. "To handle the new treaty from our end, of course. This marriage was my idea."

"WHAT...," S?Cipio eyed the flyswatter, then lowered his voice. "What marriage are you talking about?"

"Oh, let me tell him!" begged Agave. The pop top on his second can of Milwalkee?s Beast was proving difficult, so he bit the top of the can off and spat the cheap aluminum against the far wall. It made a sharp clanging noise when it rebounded and landed in the waste bin atop S?Cipios social calendar. Renegade shot him a dark look, but Agave paid it no mind. "It?sss your little Rommie hottie from the desert, S?Cip."

"Dr. Nyet??!! A Romulan??!!" S?Cipio shouted. So great was his shock that he didn?t even notice the smack on his snout from the flyswatter. "Why on Ghdar would I marry her?"

"Well," said Renegade. "You did ruin her virtue, you know. She is from a very prestigeous family within our senate, and now she?s damaged goods."

"That?sss not my fault! It wasss Cleaven! If you?re worried about protecting her reputation, ssshe ssshould marry Cleaven!"

"Oh, how little boysss love to make excusesss when they are caught having their fun," giggled Agave. He was having trouble getting the third can of Beast free from the six pack, so he bit the tops from the whole collection and drank it all at once.

"It wasssn?t fun!" insisted S?Cipio

"I wouldn?t tell your wife that," advised Warlock.

"She can?t marry Cleaven," explained Renegade, after delivering another crack from the flyswatter. "There is no Cleaven among the Romulan Star Empire, and there never has been. Any stories to the contrary are cleary lies made up by our enemies and meant to discredit us."

"But he made me think ssshe wasss my wife."

"And now, once you are married, the wonders of Romulan revisionist history will prove that she was indeed your wife all along. Are we not generous?"

Agave rose to his feet. "Now here, S?Cip, don?t say I never gave ya nothin. I got you a little wedding presssent."

S?Cipio stared at the data chip he was handed. "A lifetime sssupply of garbage bagsss and Fix-It sssupplies? Why would I want that?"

"Trust me," assured Agave. "Oh, and make sssure the garbage bagsss fit onto your lawnmower too, ssso you can gather all the clippingsss every Sunday."

"I don?t own a lawnmower, and I certainly never wake up on Sundaysss."

"The lawnmower isss my gift," cut in Warlock. "Trust me on the Sundayss thing."

"It?s a simple treaty arrangment, my fine Gorn friend." Renegade had finally begun the explanation S?Cipio was looking for. "Warlock, Agave, and myself want a closer alliance between the Romulan Star Empire and the Gorn Confedertaion, two rival powers who have warred throughout history. You are one-third of the Gorn Government. Dr. Nyet is the favored daughter of one of our most important Great Houses. Marrying the two of you together will seal our empires as one for years to come. It?s an old Romulan tradition, dating all the way back to the human?s Roman empire."

"Why do the Romulan?sss care about the traditionsss of a human empire?"

"That?s a private matter," answered Renegade petulantly. "We don?t like to talk about it."

"Well if they think it?sss such a good idea," S?Cipio said as he stared darkly at his two Gorn friends. "Then why doesssn?t one of them marry her?"

"We held a vote, S?Cip," chuckled Agave. "The Tri-Bruce commisssion lovesss to vote! <hiccup!>"

"I wasssn?t even here for the vote!"

"Would you like a revote, Lord Admiral?" inquired Warlock.


"Very well then." Warlock pulled a gavel from his tunic and banged it upon S?Cipio?s desk. "The motion carriesss! Oh, you can cassst your one dissenting vote later, at your conveniance."

"S?Cipio isssn?t marrying anyone!" declared S?Cipio. He crossed his arms, stuck out his lower lip (a great feat for a Gorn) and did his best to look stubborn.

"Are you threatening to endanger thisss government by ignoring a vote of itsss ruling body?"

"Yeth," mumbled S?Cipio over his protruding lip.

"Then I have other questionsss I mussst asssk you." Warlock lowerd his left eye ridge dangerously, and drew forth a notebook full of names. "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Free Frog Party?"

"That?sss not fair!"

Renegade brought the flyswat across S?Cipio?s protruding lower lip with a sharp *crack*! "That?s enough of that!" he hissed. "And lower your voice! The Praetor himself will be here any minute to ratify the conditional treaty, and you will do as your told."

S?Cipio danced backwards out of Renegade?s reach. "What *isss* that thing you keep hitting me with?"

"A flyswatter," explained Renegade. "Another human tradition I picked up, this one from the American Southeast. It was traditionally given to young brides. They hung it in the kitchen, and there it served as a totem to ward off marital problems."

"Then why do you keep hitting me with it?"

"Because right now you?re the only marital problem I see here!" Renegade pressed a hidden button on the flyswatter?s handle. It extended another three feet, and he brought it across S?Cipio?s snout again. "Now behave. I got you a wedding present too." He tossed S?Cipio a book.

"The Secret to Surviving without Drinking or Gambling? But I love drinking and gambling. Why would I want this?"

"Trust me," said Renegade.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


  • Guest
Re: Does anyone remember.....
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2004, 11:10:06 pm »
Actually, it isn't.... It is a good story though!

 The stories I'm talking about detailed the author's continuing struggle against a KHK.....




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Re: Does anyone remember.....
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2004, 12:10:25 am »
Found it!  

 It's at the Temple of Z.....



J. Carney

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Re: Does anyone remember.....
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2004, 01:02:35 am »
Are you referring to the famed exploits of a Gorn BCH as he mistakenly attempted to best one of the Empire's fine Killerhawks?

How his bridge crew had to keep candels handy for occasions when all weapons needed to be charged at once?

Or how the whole crew needed to brace when the Type-R Plasma Torpedo was fired- because the power drain when it began charging began again was like slamming on a crotch rocket's front brake at 90+mph?

Or maybe it was the way he was forced to ally with the noble Rihannsu in an effort to keep our mutual enemies at bay, after failing to defeat him so often?

If this isthe case, I too would be interested in seeing them again- our new recruits need the inspiration that such fine literature would provide.


  • Guest
Does anyone remember.....
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2004, 10:27:03 pm »
Hi all -

     Does anyone remember those funny Gorn stories that were floating around a couple of years ago?  You know the ones that detailed someone's (I can't remember the author's name) attempt at the Gorn campaign in EAW?

 Where are they?




  • Guest
Re: Does anyone remember.....
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2004, 11:03:51 pm »

Hi all -

     Does anyone remember those funny Gorn stories that were floating around a couple of years ago?  You know the ones that detailed someone's (I can't remember the author's name) attempt at the Gorn campaign in EAW?

 Where are they?



Ummmm..... are you talking about the Role Playing thread we had going during several EAW servers?  Something like this?  It was a huge thread, with many authors.  Here was my second entry on the Gorn story.

<After J'inn tricks S'Cipio into signing a pre-nuptial agreement for a mysterious wedding, via a nasty trick with laxitive taught him by Hooch.....>

S?Cipio stepped out of the little Gorn?s room feeling much better. "Damn cat," he muttered, "I?ll teach him!". Then the rest of J?inn?s conversation came back. "I can thank that nasssty Hooch for the idea, can I? Well, I?ll teach that sssilly Fed too!"

S?Cipio started the computer on his desktop and called up a very special batch of classified files. The Lord Admiral had not given up his post as Director of Gorn Naval Intelligence when he became a member of the Tri-Bruce commission, and had a large number of methods to make annoyances vanish. This particular nasty method was known as the Extreme Sanction list, and gave the names of every alien the Gorn government would pay to have removed. So long, that is, as the execution could not be traced back to them. Anytime such a sanction was traced back the the Gorn government, the assassin usually found his own name added to the bottom of the list.

The first shock S?Cipio had upon looking at the list was that the name J?inn was already at the top. BOUNTY ON J?INN! the order by S?Treleg read. FREE LIQOUR FOR A YEAR! IF SEEN, SHOOT TO KILL!

"Well," thought the Admiral. "That certainly explainsss a few eventsss towardsss the end of my adventuresss on Klinshai." It might also explain the sudden empty ranks of the Gorn navy. With such a reward, it would not be at all suprising to find that scores of capable officers had gone "independant" for a little while in order to bag the bounty.

The second shock S?Cipio received was that a nasty name like Hooch wasn?t already on the list. He pondered leaving J?inn?s name for a moment but then decided against it. J?inn was a personal daemon, but he was *S?Cipio?s* personal daemon. No one else would be allowed to hurt the Kzin. At least, not until after next week?s poker game. And certainly not before S?Cipio forced the Kzin to help get him out of this marriage thing. Hooch on the other hand........

"Computer, erassse name ?J?inn Mirak?, and replace with ?Hooch?."

"Voice authority confirmed. Name replacement completed," assured the computer. "You will be informed as soon as Hooch (Federation Captain) is confirmed to be pining for the fjords."

With that out of the way, S?Cipio turned to his copy of the pre-nup which J?inn had left on his desk. It was an impressively thick volume. S?Cipio turned to the first page.

It cannot be denied that everything I possess, including all items possessed before I met her, could never have been attained without the selfless support of my darling and blameless wife.

"Oh dear," he worried. "Thisss doesss not ssstart well. Not well at all." At that moment his door crashed open, and in walked Agave, Warlock, and Renegade. Agave carried an empty bottle of tequila, and the happy Gorn?s rolling walk said he?d emptied it by himself. Renegade was on tiptoes and carried a large flyswatter. Warlock carried only his usual vicious smile.

S?Cipio ignored the Romulan (they preferred it that way) and directed his wrath at the other two-thirds of the Gorn government. "What have you bassstards gotten me into, and to whom am I supposed to be married? Not that it mattersss BECAUSSSE I?M NOT GOING TO DO IT!"

"Who told?" whispered Renegade.

"Oh, come on S?Cippy," drawled Agave, as he discarded his empty bottle and began fumbling with the lock on S?Cipio?s liquor cabinet. "Thisss is supposed to be a happy occaisssion. Let?sss not bicker and argue over who?sss marrying who. Hee hee!" The lock proved beyond Agave?s skills, so he ripped the oak doors from their hinges and began rummaging through the bottles. Behind the single malts he found warm cans of.... "The Beast!! Ah, S?Cippy! the memories! I didn?t think you had it in you!" He happily began chugging the first can.

"I sssaved it jussst for you, bud," assured the unwilling host. And to protect my good stuff from you he added beneath his breath.

"He drinks that stuff?" asked Renegade.

"Only when he?sss drunk and maudlin enough to recall his college daysss; when he had a budget." S?Cipio crossed the office and snatched the warm sixpack away from Agave. "But you get none until someone tellsss me what the hell isss going on!"

"It?sss a sssimple matter of ssstate, Admiral," assured Warlock.

"Mattress of ssstate," chuckled Agave as he snatched back the sixpack of Milwalkee?s Best Lite.

"Close your eyes," advised Renegade in a whisper. "Think of England."

"Who the blazes isss England, and who am I sssupposed to be marrying??!!"

Renegade slapped his flyswatter across S?Cipio?s snout with a sharp crack. "Ssssshh!!! Not so loud!" he whispered hoarsely. "Do you want the civilians to find out about our alliance?"

S?Cipio backpeddaled in shock and rubbed at his snout. "But, the Confederation citizensss already know of our treaty with you Romulansss."

"Sloppy," whispered Renegade as he shook his head sadly. "Very, very sloppy. Next thing you know, you?ll be letting the ISC know you have fought a war with them. Best to keep the enemy in the dark you know."

"How can we keep the ISC from knowing we beat them in a war, when they were the onesss who invaded our border?"

Renegade?s look grew even darker. His whisper grew thinner. "And just who told them where the border was? Hmmmm??? Sloppy!" The flyswatter cracked across S?Cipio?s snout again. Then across Agave?s (who had begun to sing Drunken Sailor) for good measure. "And keep your voices down!" It was amazing how Renegade could both lower his whisper and yet still project it more urgently.

Lord Admiral S?Cipio -- Director of Gorn Naval Intelligence, Knight of the Order of Wyyvern, Hero of the Day of Despair, Architect of the Circle of Iron, Protector of the Inner Marches, Commander of the Terminus Est, ex-Chancellor of the Government in Exile, Southern Third of the Tri-Bruce Commision ? had had quite enough of being smacked in the snout with a flyswatter. He gathered his fury to rip the Romulan apart.

"Don?t even think about it," corrected Warlock when he noticed S?Cipio?s muscles bunch.

"But he hit me firssst!" whined S?Cipio.

"Be the bigger Gorn," advised Warlock. He began chuckling as he flipped through the signed pre-nup which had been left open on the Admiral?s desk. "Oh, S?Cippy. You need better represssentation. Sssome lawyer hasss ripped you a new one."

S?Cipio pointedly ignored that comment and filled the silence by rubbing his snout. He turned to Renegade. "Why are you even here?"

"Shhh!!!" insisted Renegade, and waved the flyswatter with menace. "To handle the new treaty from our end, of course. This marriage was my idea."

"WHAT...," S?Cipio eyed the flyswatter, then lowered his voice. "What marriage are you talking about?"

"Oh, let me tell him!" begged Agave. The pop top on his second can of Milwalkee?s Beast was proving difficult, so he bit the top of the can off and spat the cheap aluminum against the far wall. It made a sharp clanging noise when it rebounded and landed in the waste bin atop S?Cipios social calendar. Renegade shot him a dark look, but Agave paid it no mind. "It?sss your little Rommie hottie from the desert, S?Cip."

"Dr. Nyet??!! A Romulan??!!" S?Cipio shouted. So great was his shock that he didn?t even notice the smack on his snout from the flyswatter. "Why on Ghdar would I marry her?"

"Well," said Renegade. "You did ruin her virtue, you know. She is from a very prestigeous family within our senate, and now she?s damaged goods."

"That?sss not my fault! It wasss Cleaven! If you?re worried about protecting her reputation, ssshe ssshould marry Cleaven!"

"Oh, how little boysss love to make excusesss when they are caught having their fun," giggled Agave. He was having trouble getting the third can of Beast free from the six pack, so he bit the tops from the whole collection and drank it all at once.

"It wasssn?t fun!" insisted S?Cipio

"I wouldn?t tell your wife that," advised Warlock.

"She can?t marry Cleaven," explained Renegade, after delivering another crack from the flyswatter. "There is no Cleaven among the Romulan Star Empire, and there never has been. Any stories to the contrary are cleary lies made up by our enemies and meant to discredit us."

"But he made me think ssshe wasss my wife."

"And now, once you are married, the wonders of Romulan revisionist history will prove that she was indeed your wife all along. Are we not generous?"

Agave rose to his feet. "Now here, S?Cip, don?t say I never gave ya nothin. I got you a little wedding presssent."

S?Cipio stared at the data chip he was handed. "A lifetime sssupply of garbage bagsss and Fix-It sssupplies? Why would I want that?"

"Trust me," assured Agave. "Oh, and make sssure the garbage bagsss fit onto your lawnmower too, ssso you can gather all the clippingsss every Sunday."

"I don?t own a lawnmower, and I certainly never wake up on Sundaysss."

"The lawnmower isss my gift," cut in Warlock. "Trust me on the Sundayss thing."

"It?s a simple treaty arrangment, my fine Gorn friend." Renegade had finally begun the explanation S?Cipio was looking for. "Warlock, Agave, and myself want a closer alliance between the Romulan Star Empire and the Gorn Confedertaion, two rival powers who have warred throughout history. You are one-third of the Gorn Government. Dr. Nyet is the favored daughter of one of our most important Great Houses. Marrying the two of you together will seal our empires as one for years to come. It?s an old Romulan tradition, dating all the way back to the human?s Roman empire."

"Why do the Romulan?sss care about the traditionsss of a human empire?"

"That?s a private matter," answered Renegade petulantly. "We don?t like to talk about it."

"Well if they think it?sss such a good idea," S?Cipio said as he stared darkly at his two Gorn friends. "Then why doesssn?t one of them marry her?"

"We held a vote, S?Cip," chuckled Agave. "The Tri-Bruce commisssion lovesss to vote! <hiccup!>"

"I wasssn?t even here for the vote!"

"Would you like a revote, Lord Admiral?" inquired Warlock.


"Very well then." Warlock pulled a gavel from his tunic and banged it upon S?Cipio?s desk. "The motion carriesss! Oh, you can cassst your one dissenting vote later, at your conveniance."

"S?Cipio isssn?t marrying anyone!" declared S?Cipio. He crossed his arms, stuck out his lower lip (a great feat for a Gorn) and did his best to look stubborn.

"Are you threatening to endanger thisss government by ignoring a vote of itsss ruling body?"

"Yeth," mumbled S?Cipio over his protruding lip.

"Then I have other questionsss I mussst asssk you." Warlock lowerd his left eye ridge dangerously, and drew forth a notebook full of names. "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Free Frog Party?"

"That?sss not fair!"

Renegade brought the flyswat across S?Cipio?s protruding lower lip with a sharp *crack*! "That?s enough of that!" he hissed. "And lower your voice! The Praetor himself will be here any minute to ratify the conditional treaty, and you will do as your told."

S?Cipio danced backwards out of Renegade?s reach. "What *isss* that thing you keep hitting me with?"

"A flyswatter," explained Renegade. "Another human tradition I picked up, this one from the American Southeast. It was traditionally given to young brides. They hung it in the kitchen, and there it served as a totem to ward off marital problems."

"Then why do you keep hitting me with it?"

"Because right now you?re the only marital problem I see here!" Renegade pressed a hidden button on the flyswatter?s handle. It extended another three feet, and he brought it across S?Cipio?s snout again. "Now behave. I got you a wedding present too." He tossed S?Cipio a book.

"The Secret to Surviving without Drinking or Gambling? But I love drinking and gambling. Why would I want this?"

"Trust me," said Renegade.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


  • Guest
Re: Does anyone remember.....
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2004, 11:10:06 pm »
Actually, it isn't.... It is a good story though!

 The stories I'm talking about detailed the author's continuing struggle against a KHK.....




  • Guest
Re: Does anyone remember.....
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2004, 12:10:25 am »
Found it!  

 It's at the Temple of Z.....



J. Carney

  • Guest
Re: Does anyone remember.....
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2004, 01:02:35 am »
Are you referring to the famed exploits of a Gorn BCH as he mistakenly attempted to best one of the Empire's fine Killerhawks?

How his bridge crew had to keep candels handy for occasions when all weapons needed to be charged at once?

Or how the whole crew needed to brace when the Type-R Plasma Torpedo was fired- because the power drain when it began charging began again was like slamming on a crotch rocket's front brake at 90+mph?

Or maybe it was the way he was forced to ally with the noble Rihannsu in an effort to keep our mutual enemies at bay, after failing to defeat him so often?

If this isthe case, I too would be interested in seeing them again- our new recruits need the inspiration that such fine literature would provide.