I just got back from Dallas and the Scarba...Scarbor...The fair. What A blast It was also. But I'm also Exhausted.
The day started as Normal with me being dead asleep and awoken to StormBringer ( MY ride) arriving an hour Early. I scrample to put the dogs up, get Dressed, and let him In. I then start trying to make a quick pot of coffee, and then trying to pick up Poo from all over the house. (when I got back home, My wife informed that I had put the Poo in the Dog food Bin Because I was still asleep) They laughed all day at my expense over that one.

We stop just over the Border for Breakfast, and I had Eggs and sausage. The sausage kkinda upset my stomach , But I knew It was just my Body rejecting Texas.

Anyway's we set out, and Manage somehow not to get lost. We pass the Geroge Bush Turnipike on our way down, and I made a Mental note to tell Jack (JMM) how Nice , and Straight the Turnpike was )
We get to the fair, and only have to walk about 400 miles from the parking spot to the front gate. Jerry and I was discussing Clamore Mines, and the instructions to "Point towards the enemy" a few minutes later , a Gun goes off signalling the opening of the gates. Storm and I got stepped on as we had Ducked for Cover. A few minuutes later a gentleman selling Maps helped us up out of the Mud. It was only to sell us maps though, so we declined to buy a map. This was the Beggining of many Mistakes that day.
Finally I get in and Meet sethan Face to face, Mano to Mano , Machismo to Machismo... Actually we just shook hands and explained Pleasantries.
He was still busy setting up Shop (Great Shop BTW) so Storm and I start walking around the Fairgrounds. This was when we got lost. We eventually find our way back, but not untill we are accosted by Belly Dancers. well Only if accosted means staring at scantly clad ladies from affar, and that's my story and I'm sticking to It.
So we find our way back to Sethan and his wife has shown up with his lunch. We all sit in this Little White Metal Gazebo type thing covered in Flowers. Three of us big Strong Brave men , took alot of ribbing for that one by the local actors. anywho we taked about Life, Love , Taldren and I'm sure other things, But I wasn't paying attention Because the Belly dancers had moved Nearby.
The actors there where Great, with some of the Funniest things I've seen in awhile. I won't mention them though In case others get a chance to Go there this year.
Anywho, Storm want's to do some shopping, so we head off, Only getting lost again, and having to e lead across the park by two of the lovely actressess. I kept bumping into people as I was looking for the bellydancers. On another trip, a woman comes up behind us and demands we escort her to the Bridge, so as True Champion Of Justice, we are only too happy to so. She says her name is Nattasha, Jerry Say's Hi I'm Boris, and this Is Bullwinkle.
They had Elven bows there also, But the vote is still out If they are made of real elves. All in all It was a blast, and I hope to go back Next year. I wish Jack, and Admiral Frey could have made It down, But we had to leave early around 4:30 for the trip back.
Thanks for having us down there Sethan, It was a lot of fun.