Topic: Grrrr... ferfing monitor problems..  (Read 1177 times)

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Grrrr... ferfing monitor problems..
« on: May 01, 2004, 12:28:00 pm »
Well, my monitor has been having some issues for a bit.. but it's getting a lot worse and it's starting to slow me down on projects.  My greys are starting to look green, my blues are looking green, almost everything is starting to look green.

Example of my site on a good monitor

Example of my site on my monitor

And what's worse.. there are dark bars spreading from any light areas, and that's making things difficult.  So it's a monitor replacement soon.. but that's probably not going to happen until the end of May.  I'll try to keep working on my wife's machine, but things are going to be a lot slower.  So if I'm working on something for you, please be patient.  


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Re: Grrrr... ferfing monitor problems..
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2004, 12:29:37 pm »

it would appear thet the matrix has you...

Tough break  

Captain Ron

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Re: Grrrr... ferfing monitor problems..
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2004, 02:46:41 pm »
depending on the size of the monitor that is about a 140 dollar repair (usually a flat fee for 17-19 inch). In some cases a new one is better because for around the same cost a 19-21 inch on can be bought, and for double that a really nice 19-21 inch monitor. A good Flat Screen LCD will still hit about 750 dollars.


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Re: Grrrr... ferfing monitor problems..
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2004, 03:36:05 pm »
sounds like we need to take a collection for ya.

(dont i wish we could)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by NannerSlug »


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Re: Grrrr... ferfing monitor problems..
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2004, 04:41:04 am »
with the first look i would say that one of your monitors RGB color channels is defect but with those black or dark bars i say that the monitor needs to get replaced with a new because that is caused by a defect electronics part and repairing it is sometimes much more expensive than buying a new monitor  


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Re: Grrrr... ferfing monitor problems..
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2004, 09:19:11 am »
Doncha just looovvveeee technology!!  


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Re: Grrrr... ferfing monitor problems..
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2004, 10:55:19 pm »
Also, check your video card.

I had a Gateway 486 system a few years back and the Gateway CrystalScan monitor it came with developed a similar problem (mine was yellowing, not greening) toward the end.  I still have the system (gathering dust in the basement) and I gave the monitor to my son, (he's little enough still that ANY system, ANY monitor will wow him), but on a newer system with a decent (though integrated) ATI video chip and the discoloration problem disappeared for the most part!

But I'd also pay attention to what Terradyne said.  There may be more problems with your old monitor than can be corrected by tweaks or video cards.

The big-name online computer catalogue houses often have some big-name 17"-19" monitors on sale at decent prices, especially the 17"s.  I hope you find a good, cheap replacement.


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Re: Grrrr... ferfing monitor problems..
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2004, 11:08:19 pm »
and if none of that works look in newspapers for yardsales and that stuff, cause u can get decent monitors that way for very cheap. hell i got mine (A SONY TRINITRON  210GS) for only 50  bucks its a 19in one at that.  thats what i'd do.