Topic: TNG Mod for OP - Update to Multi-Era IN PROGRESS!! (Part 7)  (Read 2655 times)

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Chris Jones

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Progress Report
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2004, 11:49:55 am »
The Lost Era will be for Part 8,

Part 7 is progressing nicely - we are re-working the firing arcs, adding some different Borg models, and the Andromedans from the Demon Renegade site.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »

Chris Jones

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Re: Progress Report
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2004, 10:09:11 pm »
While trying the new Borg specs I came across two models that did not 'break up' properly. They do now, lol.
A Sphere and a Warbird.

Chris Jones

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Progress Report
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2004, 08:24:23 am »
Here's the Part 7 readme so far..

Changes since Part 6.

This is now a Multi-Era Mod. Using TNG as a base, we are now using parts of the stock 2552 shiplist as early era, Firesoul's 3.3 OPPLUS shiplist as mid era, and keeping TNG and above as Late and Advanced eras. Early era includes the NX-01 Enterprise and Kirk's NCC-1701. Future Plans include the addition of the Lost Era between TMP and TNG as late era. TNG and up would move to advanced,

The Maquis, Mirror Federation, Borg Resistance, Kazon, and Korgath are gone from this part. In their place are the Gorn, Lyrans, Hydrans, Mirak, and Andromedans now in Cartel slots. All 16 races here have early, mid, late, and advanced eras.

Ships added:

Nemesis Sovereign (From Bridge Commander) - SFC Port by Darkdrone
Scimitar (from SFC3)
NX-01 Enterprise - Rick Knox Model
TNG Hydrans by red green
Bridge Commander ports of the Freighter and Transport
Armada port of the Fed Construction ship.
Birth Of The Federation Port of a Vulcan Ship (in with the Federation)

BC, Armada, and BOTF Ports by DarkDrone

Andromedans from Fleetdock 13 - Made by Anduril
Andromedan Specs taken from the SFBOP Mod assembled by Bonk - selectable in game by the correct race name.
More Andromedans from Wicked Zombie's Demon Renegade Studios

Andromedan Specs from the SFBOP Mod and by RH-Merlinfmct87

Borg Specs re-worked by RT Justice

RT Justice and Hoggie are doing some major work on the Dominion, Cardassians, and the Aliens.  

There's new audio, INCLUDED and set up to already work, in this download. All the phaser audio has been re-worked to make it feel more like TNG. Fusion (Phaser F in the mod) has a brand new sound! Check out those Hydrans..

Chris Jones

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Re: Progress Report
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2004, 08:59:09 am »
Stay tuned for a new thread for this - along with a brand new name for the mod......