I want to inform you fo the progress being made on the TNG Mod for OP.
At the request of some people now using the mod on GSA, I am incorporating distinct eras into the mod. It's evolving into a Multi-Era Mod.
I now have 128 total Fed Heavy Cruisers and 128 Fed Light Cruisers, the maximum amount of selectable ships per race per hull type the game allows.
Early era incorporates elements of the 2552 shiplist..
Mid era incorporates a good portion of the Firesoul 3.2 OPPLUS, and the OP X ships,
Late and Advanced is TNG and aboove.
This idea works well for the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, and the ISC.
I've decided not to use Gorn, Hydrans, Lyrans, and Mirak in their original slots as I've chosen to make this primarily a TNG Mod, and work backwards to incorporate the older eras.
In the TNG Mod -
Gorn is now Borg
Lyrans are The Dominion
Hydrans are the Breen
Mirak are the Cardassians
Those are not changing.
In four of the Pirate slots I have the Kazon, Borg Resistance, Mirror Federation, and Maquis.
How about I use them for the Gorn, Lyran, Hydrans, and Mirak. In a TNG sort of half-canon Universe, they could be considered minor powers. I like the idea. We'll have early, Mid, Late, and advanced eras of Borg, Dominion, Breen, Cardassians, Gorn, Lyran, Hydran, and Mirak. This way we have all eras from all races. The current 2552 patch for OP allows for a great many possibilities.
Thoughts anyone?