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Quote:I did a clean reinstall of SFC3 then installed the Patch.Now the + and - keys don't zoom the camera in or out like they did before. any fixes?.
Quote:I did a clean reinstall of SFC3 then installed the Patch.
Quote:Quote:I did a clean reinstall of SFC3 then installed the Patch.Did you run the game between patching and installing?Fresh install -> run SFC3 at least once -> Patch?
Quote:Thanks guys, my azerty problem is solved, I didn't know where I had to specify it but thanks to you I saw it was in the UI I had to put down French as a language, no more misterious game slowdowns when hitting pause and my ctrl's work again. I like the thumbs up
Quote:Quote:I did a clean reinstall of SFC3 then installed the Patch.Now the + and - keys don't zoom the camera in or out like they did before. any fixes?. Open your ini file with notepad and see if the UI section looks like this:Code:[UI]UIType=0QuickTip=1Grid=0OrderDelay=30HeadingDisplay=0SkipUpsell=1ASCIICharacterSet=0Language=EnglishTacDisplayRes=6Does it?Best,Jerry
Quote: I added the DirectX9 patch over the 1.01.While it definetly helps the graphics; I still cant get the camera to zoom, no mater what settings I try.
Quote:Quote:Quote:I did a clean reinstall of SFC3 then installed the Patch.Now the + and - keys don't zoom the camera in or out like they did before. any fixes?. Open your ini file with notepad and see if the UI section looks like this:Code:[UI]UIType=0QuickTip=1Grid=0OrderDelay=30HeadingDisplay=0SkipUpsell=1ASCIICharacterSet=0Language=EnglishTacDisplayRes=6Does it?Best,Jerry Which .ini file? SFC.ini doen't have any of that in it.All it has is [3d] settings. Other than qsdebug.ini there are no other .ini files in any of the SFC3 folders.
[Game]DeathCam=1BorderAlert=1CollisionAlert=1DifficultyLevel=2AutoFilm=1TargetDirection=1RaceShieldFX=1[Network]PlayerName=Toasty0SessionName=Players GameSessionType=StarfleetNetLib=1SynchWait=600[3D]wireframe=0windowed=1zbuffer=1resmode=0driver=0backdrop=1shipstacking=1ambientlighting=0.2luminancetextures=1luminancedamagetextures=1spacedust=0Specularity=1LevelOfDetail=100ParticleDensity=100Luminosity=1DamageSkin=1DamageSkinResolution=100DamageLuminosity=1BreakPieceLingerTime=100[AI] TemplatePath=assets\ai\personalitiesTacticsPath=assets\ai\tacticsAIAttack=1AIMove=1ProcessThreats=1AIDrawFlight=0AIDrawTarget=0AIDrawWeapons=0[UI]UIType=0QuickTip=1Grid=0OrderDelay=30HeadingDisplay=0SkipUpsell=1ASCIICharacterSet=0Language=EnglishTacDisplayRes=6GameSpeed=9TextSpeed=30[Sound]voice=3GlobalVolume=100MusicVolume=30VoiceVolume=100MaxChannels=16disable=0[Mouse]async=1hwblit=1[IPAddress]NumOfEntries=1Entry#0=Local Area Network[ModemAddress]NumOfEntries=0[Meta]Name=booboo@booboo.comPassword=URaNinnyForWantingToReadThisMapName=Map4.mvmTestPatchUtility=1EmpireMapView=1Nickname=BooBooDaClownBehindNAT=0MapDetail=1
Quote:WOW! How does my game run with out all that stuff?
Quote:Quote:WOW! How does my game run with out all that stuff? Obviously it isn't running flawlessly or you wouldn't be here asking for help.Or, have I just been spoofed? Best,Jerry