Just a follow up about that Kitten I saved that I mentioned here.
http://forums.taldren.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=311398&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 I use Kitten loosely here, as this little mass of Grey hair is worse then any tribble a Klingon could ever have been around. First off, when I said thank you all those times in Pm's etc. for the advice on raising a Kitten, I didn't understand how many of you all truely hated me.
Oh sure all my dogs still love the kitten, very much so, But she ( Looked for the slash instead of 2 dots and a slash) , loves me way to much. I think It's because I feed her. She's about as worthless as my Nephew who at 3 months old is too lazy to get out and mow the lawn. No matter how much I yell at him, He just looks at me and smiles.

a couple of problems that Poo has caused so far.
1.) I told my wife abot her , while she was visiting her dad. She told her whole family She was named Pooh after EZkills bear. When she got home she learned the truth. She makes more of her Nomiker then my 12 dogs combined.

2.) Of course everyone's heard about Cat hair in the keyboard, And I was prepared for that. What I wasn't prepared for is this
Darling kitty liking the Red light of my Optical mouse. Out of no where she will strike when I move the mouse. this has caused alot of Embarrising moment's while playing games online, and Viewing Pr0n. I didn't ned to see Michael Jacksons Website after all.
3.) allergies. The weather has been on and off with rain this week, but nothing compares to trying to sleep, Getting comfortable at night, and her Comes Poo. Climbing on the bed while your trying to read a book. Oh and once again while reading she jumps up and does her Namesake yet again.
4.) I was just typing this too show you my displeasure with Poo, when she leaps from a Sitting chair I have in my Bedroom. The Infection should die down soon from the Mass attack that she felt I needed.
5.) Those beady little eyes. She just loves to stare at me and Meow. She does this Right before she jumps o my shoes Scrambles up y legs like a Rodent with a love affair gone wrong, and Perches on my shoulder. WTH? She's a cat, who nurses on Dog's, and pretends to be a Parrot.
Sorry for the Rant all, But I just needed to get this all off my chest.