Man, all this over one little question!

Guys, since this is foremost Buzz's baby, with a whole lot of Azel thrown in, it's their choice...that's why I asked. This is like a contract job...I'm just doing it for free.

Some of us can design, some of us can model, and a very few of us can do both...guess which I am.

Buzz had the vision, Azel had the skill to design it, and I had the skills (somewhat

) to model it. We can debate things, but, when Buzz or Azel says no, it's no, as is only right. You've all had good ideas that were considered, some adopted, and some not...but still it's their baby. SOOOOOO, no more getting snippy with the master, or Gollum will have to hurt you, Gollum will.

Seriously though, let the fighter debate end, at least in this thread.