Topic: Titan WIP  (Read 22880 times)

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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #220 on: May 27, 2004, 07:27:14 am »
Guys ..  I appreciate your understanding.

1.  I reread my thread I put up yesterday...  I cam across very poorly..  that is my fault.   Azel  you go right on building ships bud..  heck that is what you are know for !!  This place would never be th same if you changed your style.  

2.  We are defiantely not leaving.

3.  Work is definately an issue right now...  believe it or not ....  I am back at work already this AM.

4.  I will try to pop in for a few min in the AM  and evenings..  but that is about it and truthfully I have no guarentees I can do that !!   It is not fair to SandmanD-3 who has put in so much time making this thing a reality not to have the input he needs.  Azel....  that is where you are going to prove to be an invaluable leader to finish this.

5.  By all means this needs to be completed.

conclusion:   everything happens for a reason ...  it is by design and purpose .. The unexpected work load (and the additional stress with it) ..  has produced a very trying situation.  I needed to be able stand down for a few days ..  possibly as much as two weeks.  BTW... if ya noticed I have not posted anymore work on the X-CLC.  That is because I have devoted what spare time ( and it's not that much available) I have had to working on the Titan.  I cant seem ot visalize the right roll bar to make it look right with the rest of the ship.  I did come up with a way to move the impulse engines to the outside edges, and move the shuttle bay to the middle ( the theory being to make the ship more maneuverable).  
Well  ... I'm starting to ramble .. and I MUST get back to work.

thanks again .....

Keep up the great work
Keep pulling together


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #221 on: May 27, 2004, 10:58:44 am »
Ok then this project is still going foward


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #222 on: May 27, 2004, 11:05:24 am »

 conclusion: everything happens for a reason ... it is by design and purpose .. The unexpected work load (and the additional stress with it) .. has produced a very trying situation. I needed to be able stand down for a few days .. possibly as much as two weeks. BTW... if ya noticed I have not posted anymore work on the X-CLC. That is because I have devoted what spare time ( and it's not that much available) I have had to working on the Titan. I cant seem ot visalize the right roll bar to make it look right with the rest of the ship. I did come up with a way to move the impulse engines to the outside edges, and move the shuttle bay to the middle ( the theory being to make the ship more maneuverable).
Well ... I'm starting to ramble .. and I MUST get back to work.

thanks again .....

Keep up the great work
Keep pulling together

I am on the X-CLC  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #223 on: May 27, 2004, 12:30:01 pm »

Ok then this project is still going foward

Yeah!!!! OK, bud, here's a question for ya....for the shuttle deck, ontop of the bridge module, along with shuttlebay doors on the rear, how about some fighter bay doors on the side? Just a thought.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #224 on: May 27, 2004, 02:51:54 pm »
No fighters
Feds have no Fighters in Canon Trek  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #225 on: May 27, 2004, 05:34:03 pm »
Ok this is not supposed to be on page 2....lets get an update yes???


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #226 on: May 27, 2004, 07:01:54 pm »
Sure Feds have fighters.  They were only ever mensioned or seen in a few episodes of DS9 (although they used models originally designed for the Maquis).  In "The Sacrifice of Angels" Sisko sends in waves of fighters to get the Cardassians angry, and in "What You Leave Behind" there we're fighter squadrons mensioned during the battle.  They may have been an innovation specifically for the war but its never gone into in much detail.  Also who knows what their range is, the capabilities of the maquis ships seem to suggest they had warp capability so they may or may not have needed a ship to carry them into battle, they could have been launched from a starbase.  But there are fighters in trek cannon.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #227 on: May 27, 2004, 07:10:58 pm »
no way mate,
they have a crew of like 4
thats a ship


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #228 on: May 27, 2004, 09:19:44 pm »
in star trek invasion  for the playstation which has been okayed by paramount for design and history perposes is a fighter and carrier based story so yes starfleet does have fighters and they rock


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #229 on: May 27, 2004, 09:45:35 pm »

in star trek invasion for the playstation which has been okayed by paramount for design and history perposes is a fighter and carrier based story so yes starfleet does have fighters and they rock  

Again mate Feds donot have Fighters...also there is no need for them if a starship can just pic them off...this is not starwars where the capital ships are slow lumbering behemoths with bad aim...the is Trek where the ships can move very much like a fighter and aiming is usually very good  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #230 on: May 27, 2004, 10:01:38 pm »
ok then what about all those tiny little things that were flying around in DS9 during the domininion war. could have sworn that some of them were fed fighters.


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #231 on: May 27, 2004, 10:21:21 pm »

 ok then what about all those tiny little things that were flying around in DS9 during the domininion war. could have sworn that some of them were fed fighters.  

Those where the fed maquis ships
The closest things to fighters in the fed inventory are the Venture-class, the academy Trainer, and the Mars( or Jupiter) Defence Drones.
the Remans have Scorpions and  the Sona have their fighters...a few races on Enterprise had them as did a few in Voyager

Scale is an issue here mates...I mean the constant /bad or erroneous writing consistancy has lead to many problems
this just being one (the Jem hadar defiant sized ships where also called fighters )
As for videogame fighters...all where cool...but none where needed  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #232 on: May 27, 2004, 10:23:36 pm »
Oh and can we try to stick with the Titan as the main topic of this thread please...I would love to continue this discussion (as it is an excellent one )but how about in a different thread???


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #233 on: May 27, 2004, 10:46:43 pm »

No fighters
Feds have no Fighters in Canon Trek  

Uh...not to pick a fight....

ANYTHING approved by Paramount is official.....and therefore canon....

SFC has been approved by Paramount....

SFC has Federation fighters and carriers....

Federation fighters are therefore canon.....regardless where they may or may not appear in other areas of Paramounts intellectual property called "Star-trek"...Fed fighters are as legitimate as anything else.....

Since ALL trek is one part is any "more real" than any other part....especially when you add CANON things like alternate universes and time travel....

Sure the Fed Titan may have no use for fighters....but the Empire Federation Titan would probably have them...just to terrorize people planet side

Keep up the great work!  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #234 on: May 28, 2004, 12:34:36 am »
Sure they do, but, not gonna get in a pissin' match over a small texturing detail. Anywho, I've started on the bridge module...this beast is gonna have a lot of textures. Already on the 4th one, and not even done with the top of the primary. OH well, I'll post some pics tomorrow.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #235 on: May 28, 2004, 03:18:01 am »

No fighters
Feds have no Fighters in Canon Trek  

Explain the pereguine fighter then, I thought it was canon.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #236 on: May 28, 2004, 07:51:04 am »
With reguard to fighters..

1.  Feds DO have fighters.

2.  The Titan does NOT !!

3.  Sandman I would be intetested in seeing some stuff this week end !

just my two cents worth !

That's about all I'll have time for today !

carry on !


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #237 on: May 28, 2004, 03:55:11 pm »


No fighters
Feds have no Fighters in Canon Trek


Uh...not to pick a fight....

ANYTHING approved by Paramount is official.....and therefore canon....

SFC has been approved by Paramount....

SFC has Federation fighters and carriers....

Federation fighters are therefore canon.....regardless where they may or may not appear in other areas of Paramounts intellectual property called "Star-trek"...Fed fighters are as legitimate as anything else.....

Since ALL trek is one part is any "more real" than any other part....especially when you add CANON things like alternate universes and time travel....

Sure the Fed Titan may have no use for fighters....but the Empire Federation Titan would probably have them...just to terrorize people planet side

Keep up the great work!    

So a Mirror universe Titan you say
As for the Canonism of something...that is up to the creator
And Gene is the only source of Canonism...thats why anything after ST IV is non-canon according to Gene
as for paramount approved canonisms...paramount aproves they are getting money...that doesn't make it canon
that makes it approved  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #238 on: May 28, 2004, 06:51:58 pm »
thats not completely true gene ok ds9 first season so that also counts
but besides isnt it sandmans choice since he is doing most of the texture and rendering work while you say what goes i think it should be voted it since its not just your baby anymore she belongs to the forum just like anything that takes a group effort in making even the ideas  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #239 on: May 28, 2004, 08:01:28 pm »
Easy there mate
If a mirror universe version comes out then fine
or a variant NP
but lets just make this ship ok
I'd like to just see this ship Finished...As Sandman is comming along quite awesomely
So lets just give this whole fighterbay/carrier idea a rest ok...after all we can always do a retexture or a kitbash or hell I'll just design another one
« Last Edit: May 28, 2004, 08:02:40 pm by Azel »