Topic: Titan WIP  (Read 22717 times)

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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #200 on: May 25, 2004, 06:53:53 am »


ive been out playing alot of modded games on the dyna and already seen a Titan Class ship in use??

now is it just the name of your ship U.S.S.Titan or is it a different generation of Titan class.

Not sure which it is, but since the Titan is an unknown ship, this is our (Ol Buzzard, Azel, Me Sandman3D, with a lot of input from the forum) version of what it looks like...of course, if we ever do see it onscreen we'll have to rename it or something.

And thanx for the comment, it has been a month long effort on our part so far, but we're all content to see it coming to life. Except of course MP, whose cries of MODELS PLEASE!!! never cease.  

Hey I never say that ok maybe once or twice ok ok ok so what's your point ?
Anyway great work Sandman sir. I agree with the suggestion of trying rectangular windows for a more TNG look,and even the Aztec texture tweak suggestions,just to see what they look like. I too wish to submit a texture for your consideration.It could be used as a future tek sensor panel or whatever you think ( that's right MP's first real texture   ). I'll send it your way and you can see if you like it.This is amazing work sir.


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #201 on: May 25, 2004, 08:54:00 am »
ok, I'll take a look. Probably won't get much done tonight...getting headaches after a little while, so need to give my eyes a rest. Never fear though, it will only be a small break.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #202 on: May 25, 2004, 12:24:49 pm »

ok, I'll take a look. Probably won't get much done tonight...getting headaches after a little while, so need to give my eyes a rest. Never fear though, it will only be a small break.  

BREAK??  WHAT BREAK ??  I don't remember anything about no break !

( Ol Buzzard stops to think about what was just said ....  )  YUK !!!    I think I've just turned into my boss !!!  

BTW ...  (J/K)



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #203 on: May 26, 2004, 01:15:21 pm »
bump for news
Oh btw...(brace yourselves for this)
I designed another Titan-class
I didn't do it to undermind this project
But rather, I did it because the ship is non canon in its apearance
so it leaves me to design like Nuts Ideas and conceps
I will probably post it...but then again I may not
It depends on you guys...If I do want to see her...
I will start a new thread  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #204 on: May 26, 2004, 02:29:23 pm »
I have a better idea...  From all indication since we varried the primary hull slightly you have not been satisfied that this ship "was cannon"..  Rather than finish this incorrectly with things that now make you feel as though it is now non cannon ..  I need to step away from this all togeather.

Sandman...  return the primary hull to its origonal design concept.

Azel ..  please hlep Sandman finish this correctly.  There is no need to build an entire fleet of ships to minimize this one.

I will remove all input data ...  and picts with reguard to this project.  There is no need to compete like this.  It was fun.  I appreciate the opportunity.  

It will be better for this to be finished by a respected, more experienced member of the community any ways.

Thanks guys ...  It was a blast.



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #205 on: May 26, 2004, 04:16:45 pm »
I don't really see a problem with completing this...there are already a couple of "Titan"'s out there, what's another one? Besides that, everyone is having such a blast making this come probably would have been better to have a better modeler do it...would have been done by now.

Whatever you decide, I'm gonna keep plugging away at it, though I might make a low key project. We'll see how it winds up...but this will be completed.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #206 on: May 26, 2004, 04:23:19 pm »
2 things first the whole point of fiction is your imagination guides you so you can have giant p[ink cubes with drones that look like teddy bears(shivers at the thought) so there isnt any need to quit i mean so what if there is 102 version of the titan it just means people get to pick which one they feel is more in tune to that they pictured hell im going with this one and in my game im renaming the other versions so i can lots of big bad feddies to blow up or to go bloww other stuff up..

second im glad this will be finished its come on too far to let it die now


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #207 on: May 26, 2004, 04:32:58 pm »
It's a shame that it happen like this.  Hopefully, this won't start up any animosity and we can all enjoy these various Titans until the semi-canon version being developed for the novels is unveiled.


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #208 on: May 26, 2004, 05:32:29 pm »

  I have a better idea... From all indication since we varried the primary hull slightly you have not been satisfied that this ship "was cannon".. Rather than finish this incorrectly with things that now make you feel as though it is now non cannon .. I need to step away from this all togeather.

Sandman... return the primary hull to its origonal design concept.

Azel .. please hlep Sandman finish this correctly. There is no need to build an entire fleet of ships to minimize this one.

I will remove all input data ... and picts with reguard to this project. There is no need to compete like this. It was fun. I appreciate the opportunity.

It will be better for this to be finished by a respected, more experienced member of the community any ways.

Thanks guys ... It was a blast.


No No No!
Come on O'ld-Man, You know I like the ship as is a Team collaboration
It has nothing to do with this Titan at all or its coolness or team work
I just got another idea...I always have other ideas ...One after the other
It is NOT in retalliation of this ship's progress...The Titan IS a non-canon (screen time wise).
My first version with WZ is NON-Canon, this version with sandman and you Old man is non-canon, and so is my newest is just another idea...nothing more, nothing less.
So please donot abbandon the she is your "Brain Child"
I just drew it out


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #209 on: May 26, 2004, 05:48:09 pm »
Hey, now wait a second here, were talking about concepts.  knowing atolm for a while i figured out he loves doing them, heck the best example of this is his soul wolf.   there are quite a few of them he has done up (and to quote him, one a year ).  I think the more desings the better, just cause we have one very well done one (which happens to be coming out very nicely as a 3d model) doesn't mean there is no room for other concepts to find there way out into circulation.  

Heck look at this way, there are at least a million connies out there, each one a little different from the last, it doesn't mean that one is the best,  just that alot of people had their own ideas on how to do it.  



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #210 on: May 26, 2004, 06:12:36 pm »
you  should be happy there is only 3.  Look at the intrepid.  

Ok..atolm doesn't think I said enough (usualy people want me to shut the f*** up..but ok)

The first titan was butt-ugly...this one was decent and I was actualy hoping to see it done. Now..the new one is even better so I hope that one gets done too. This one seems to close to throw it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by starforce2 »


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #211 on: May 26, 2004, 06:18:55 pm »
Look guys...  let me explain something.  I'm not t the least bid up set ..  No one is attempting to pull anything either.  Frankly the last week at work has been exceptionally rough.  So if i have came across a bit messed up .... I apologise.   If anyone has noticed the last two days I've rarely posted anything during the work hours.  (which is the way it should be really...  )  I have been spending form 12 to 13 hrs a day at work..  I'm still here now.  Guys at age 52  ( this june 5th ) ..  there is no ego here to bruise.  I love working with you guys ..  it is really is an honor.  Heck when I was your age...  doing this kind a stuff via internet was just a dream !!

Azel...  you are one hcek of a natural bud !!  I really mean that too !!  It's no shame to step aside and let a better man get the job finished.

Please do Olbuzzard just one favor...  FINISH IT RIGHT !!!  Do it with the finest of style and tradition.  Those of you have such skill and talent ..  dont take it for granted.  Most of us look up to you with appreciation and respect for what you are doing here.

BTW..  it should be noted ..  I'm not leaving the forum .  I just have my hands full here at work.  I like my job, though at times it can be quite consuming.  Everything will be cool.  I t will work its self out.  Ya just have to be paitent and see what happens...  that's all.

chin up guys !!  

the best to all of ya !!



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #212 on: May 26, 2004, 09:01:12 pm »
There's 50 Enterprises and dozens of Constitution models flying around, I fail to see any reason why there can't be more than 1 Titan.....


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #213 on: May 27, 2004, 12:00:04 am »
I agree...

This project can still be finished!!  Azel has the green light with my blessings on it !!  i sent him a PM explaining things in detail.

By that same token, if he has other varriants he needs to produce ... then he should by all means follow that to its logical end.  

Sandman ..  in that PM sent to Azel I expressed my aproval for him to get this thing finished.  AS for myself some things have developed at work that will be very demanding for the next two weeks at least.  The last two days have been a real bear !!

I will pop in from time to time ... but go ahead and complete this project with Azels leadership.  His insight should be able to help expidite the project and lend appropriate guidence that will bring the ship back to a completed design closer to cannon.  His style and vision is the one that brought this to life and he is very capable of finishing it.

Azel....  you have the con sir !

carry on !!



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #214 on: May 27, 2004, 12:17:08 am »

I really did not want to have it end this way, so it is nice to see things working out.

(OH 5H1T, that means I have to do MORE texturing!!! WWWAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!) Actually, I'm liking texturing this beast...the more I experiment, the more I learn, and that is an awesomely cool thing, dudes and dudettes. As I've said, I'm just glad ya'll are being so patient with me.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #215 on: May 27, 2004, 12:24:18 am »
OK TIME TO STEP IN GUYS,  now now lets not let this go anywhere like that,  i refuse to let it.

just one sec to listen to my idea, only a sec if u like. but its this

keep going on this one first. ie uss Titan-a
then do the second one, ie uss Titan-b

that is how i see it should be, this is a fantastic ship with all u guys working on it, i only wish i had a 1/3 rd of the skill u guys have.  and it can only be better if u all work on it together, so PLZZ PLZZ dont anyone of u back off it. besides i have great plans from my shipyards for these ships, my varients on them ( i can just hear the cakles and chukles coming on that one) but i beg just dont any of u  stop short of this project. i know Azel mind gets going sometimes he cant help it. like what i did to his one   i get twisted sometimes too.  just imagine if we went on junkyard wars    dont think anyone would stand a chance. oh sorry its been more than a sec. but thats what i say


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #216 on: May 27, 2004, 12:27:26 am »

There's 50 Enterprises and dozens of Constitution models flying around, I fail to see any reason why there can't be more than 1 Titan.....  

We should all be thankfull he's NOT making any more constitutions


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #217 on: May 27, 2004, 03:09:58 am »
You need a long weekend fishing trip Ol'Buzzard sir and you'll be good as new. As for the Multi-Titans I wish to say this............

1) Leave this one alone USS Titan NCC-74652
2) I would like to BEG Wicked Zombie to just consider a change to the registry on his Titan to USS Titan Ncc-74652-A, since his is more futuristic than this one. That will also fill gaps toward the Zero era ships.
3)WHEN this one is done THEN Unleash your next visions of the Titan b,c or whichever Azel sir and perhaps some of the ideas created in this thread can be utilized on that one.

My $.02 . I know.....shut up MP  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #218 on: May 27, 2004, 05:06:51 am »

You need a long weekend fishing trip Ol'Buzzard sir and you'll be good as new. As for the Multi-Titans I wish to say this............

heck i agree with that i might even go fishing myself with all the work im getting thrown my way

1) Leave this one alone USS Titan NCC-74652

yeah lets get it finished

2) I would like to BEG Wicked Zombie to just consider a change to the registry on his Titan to USS Titan Ncc-74652-A, since his is more futuristic than this one. That will also fill gaps toward the Zero era ships.

i also agree with this one as well WZ's titan does fit more into the later era of ships

3)WHEN this one is done THEN Unleash your next visions of the Titan b,c or whichever Azel sir and perhaps some of the ideas created in this thread can be utilized on that one.

My $.02 . I know.....shut up MP  

i dont even need to say it but i will a agree with you again MP it would be good if you kept quiet nah im kidding you keep up your ideas that why we have forums is so you can give your ideas which happen to be good so i say lets finish off this titan and get her flying and blasting any threat to the federation into lots of tiny little pieces and then get toher ideas made and sorted

and Ol'Buzz im glad to hear your not leaving us but could you at least drop us all a line and tell us if we may be doing something wrong like i dont know making her into a planet killer ( now theres an idea a fed ship with the power to blow up planets at will) and sandman if you need help with textures i can help out aswell just give me a bit of notice if you want my help as i have about 7 projects on the go and i need to shuffle them around to make time (which is no problem) anyway there is my 2 pence now im off down the pub and i will have a pint for everyone who as posted on this thread (im going to be brought home in a police car


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #219 on: May 27, 2004, 06:47:09 am »

3)WHEN this one is done THEN Unleash your next visions of the Titan b,c or whichever Azel sir and perhaps some of the ideas created in this thread can be utilized on that one.

Nahh, keep the name uss titan, hell even the registry, just give it a different class name  who said that the name of the ship was the ships class name .....