Topic: Titan WIP  (Read 22728 times)

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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #180 on: May 22, 2004, 11:24:20 pm »
That actually works better in the white/gray color than the yellow, since it fits with canon.


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #181 on: May 22, 2004, 11:59:39 pm »
hello all....

that ship looks awsome musta took alot of patients huh. something i lack im afraid especially when it comes to stuff like that.

ive been out playing alot of modded games on the dyna and already seen a Titan Class ship in use??

now is it just the name of your ship U.S.S.Titan or is it a different generation of Titan class.

sorry if this is something that has already been discussed but am very intrested in seeing your ship completed i'll try  and see if i can post a screenshot or something of the Titan class ive seen. if i can remember which mod its in!! lol

anyway keep up the nice work, looking forward to seeing the complete thing!!!



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #182 on: May 23, 2004, 12:33:52 am »

... soooo  his atristic skills and what strikes him best ultimately is where this will conclude.  


I say that, because in the past people have gotten upset if their suggestions weren't used. Actually though, it's you, Buzz and Azel, who had the vision for this....I'm just trying bring it about. One thing I will state here is, this is a WIP, so nothing is finalized yet, especially coloring and such. Right now I'm going with bright initially so it's obvious, so we can figure out if it looks good there, or there, or there... And yes, I will be adding black windows, probably in the "tweaking" stage.

Next update will probably be Monday, as my wife and I finally have a day off together, and if I spend it working on a model, I'll be paying for it a month from now.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #183 on: May 23, 2004, 12:41:29 am »

ive been out playing alot of modded games on the dyna and already seen a Titan Class ship in use??

now is it just the name of your ship U.S.S.Titan or is it a different generation of Titan class.

Not sure which it is, but since the Titan is an unknown ship, this is our (Ol Buzzard, Azel, Me Sandman3D, with a lot of input from the forum) version of what it looks like...of course, if we ever do see it onscreen we'll have to rename it or something.

And thanx for the comment, it has been a month long effort on our part so far, but we're all content to see it coming to life. Except of course MP, whose cries of MODELS PLEASE!!! never cease.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #184 on: May 23, 2004, 12:33:10 pm »


... soooo  his atristic skills and what strikes him best ultimately is where this will conclude.  


I say that, because in the past people have gotten upset if their suggestions weren't used. Actually though, it's you, Buzz and Azel, who had the vision for this....I'm just trying bring it about. One thing I will state here is, this is a WIP, so nothing is finalized yet, especially coloring and such. Right now I'm going with bright initially so it's obvious, so we can figure out if it looks good there, or there, or there... And yes, I will be adding black windows, probably in the "tweaking" stage.

Next update will probably be Monday, as my wife and I finally have a day off together, and if I spend it working on a model, I'll be paying for it a month from now.    

Sandman ..  I appreciate your heart felt hard work ... and your attitude.  If we keep pulling togeather this project will unquestionalby be concluded in the best of class.  Keep working on the textures as needed.  Take care of home and family first.  It is my personal philosophy that if we keep our priorities straight ..  God will bless us in other  endevors accordingly.

The Titan name will remain as such.  Azel did an excellent job on explaining that a few days ago.  Dont forget that Azel did an excellent hybrid review on the Titan not too long ago.  Until Paramount does their thing ....  it's kind a up for grabbs really.  (though it would be kind of cool if it resembled either Azels  or this one !!)

Looking forward to Sandmans next update.!!



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #185 on: May 23, 2004, 12:41:48 pm »

Until Paramount does their thing ....  it's kind a up for grabbs really.  (though it would be kind of cool if it resembled either Azels  or this one !!)

Closest thing we'll be getting anything official will be a design for a Titan book series coming out next year or the year after.


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #186 on: May 23, 2004, 05:24:59 pm »
just messin' around some more this after noon !!  I'm not sure if this is the type texture that was mentioned earlier or not...  but it's worth looking at ...  not sure where we will go with it.  IMHO ... more detail on the pannels on the ship in general ...  but there again I'll wait to see what Sandman has in store first !

but for the sake of discussion...  here is some thing we played with in the last hour !



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #187 on: May 24, 2004, 08:27:02 am »
Definately has that Next Generation look!


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #188 on: May 24, 2004, 08:51:25 am »
I don't know about the Borg me looks like the ship is unfinished with them. I like what you did with the escape pods though...except, the ones around the about instead of windows we put pods on the inside of the trench? I'll do some pics of it so we can see what it looks like.

Man, with all the brainstorming and work we've put into this, Paramount should use this one if they ever have one onscreen.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #189 on: May 24, 2004, 09:15:34 am »

I don't know about the Borg me looks like the ship is unfinished with them. I like what you did with the escape pods though...except, the ones around the about instead of windows we put pods on the inside of the trench? I'll do some pics of it so we can see what it looks like.

Man, with all the brainstorming and work we've put into this, Paramount should use this one if they ever have one onscreen.  

Agreed on all points sir...  except for the pods in the trenches ...  windows might be better ..  if ya want to do a test thingy  ..  that's cool  As for the Borg stuff..  just thought we'd take a look at to see how might shape up... but we do need something detailed there if we are going to use those sort of pannels.

also ...  hhmmmmm  I will try to send ya a pm about some other details ...


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #190 on: May 24, 2004, 10:04:23 am »
wqell i emailed a nice new completly uniqe borg texture to try what did that turn out like if you tested it


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #191 on: May 24, 2004, 11:46:16 am »

wqell i emailed a nice new completly uniqe borg texture to try what did that turn out like if you tested it  

Who did you send it to? I chk'd my emails and wasn't there...send it to me at and I'll throw it on and make some pics to see how it looks. I think what's wrong with the one Buzz used is too light of a color scheme...maybe a little darker, and applied to the mesh rather than a pic it will look better.

Also, I think this should be referred to as the Taldren Modeling Forum USS TITAN, as it has truly been a community effort.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #192 on: May 24, 2004, 12:09:08 pm »
ok its on its way to you


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #193 on: May 24, 2004, 12:45:47 pm »

ok its on its way to you  

OK, went and got it, now to go play with it. Have an idea that if it works will really spice it up some.  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #194 on: May 24, 2004, 01:34:21 pm »


ok its on its way to you  

OK, went and got it, now to go play with it. Have an idea that if it works will really spice it up some.  

Take it easy there turbo ...  remember ..  this is a FED ship !!!   LOL



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #195 on: May 24, 2004, 02:07:10 pm »

OK, here's a couple of shots of what I did. Placed Fallen Warriors Borg texture onder the saucer shape layer, cut out the panels, added an inner shadow, then added the escape pods from P81's Sov...looks alot better.



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #196 on: May 24, 2004, 02:17:22 pm »
loooks good, got just one little  suggestion (if you want to take it)

the aztecs look good but you might want to try to make them less stretched(more reptitions of it before you do polar cordinates to make it circular) and less visible.  try adding say a 50-75% gray in a layer above the aztec pattern(s)  that way they are there pattern is there but its more subtle .  another way is the is to put a gray layer underneath the aztecs and then mess with the aztec pateren as well as the alternating gray pattern (if you use one) tranparency settings till ur happy with it.

keep it up, looks like a ship i might have to add to my sfc in game library (very rare )



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #197 on: May 24, 2004, 03:22:24 pm »


OK, here's a couple of shots of what I did. Placed Fallen Warriors Borg texture onder the saucer shape layer, cut out the panels, added an inner shadow, then added the escape pods from P81's Sov...looks alot better.


you got exactly what i was trying to picture it does work but perhaps if you try putting a small glow in there when its close to been finished it might ad to the scale again and you were right it does spice her up im looking for a big ol' barrel of Blood wine to crack open for the launch ceramony by the times its ready the wine should have aged just enough for me and klingon fanatic to drink it all and fall over and laugh while singing of great battle the titan will win


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #198 on: May 24, 2004, 04:26:35 pm »
Hell yes

She's looking really sweet now- only a small change I'd recommend; use rectangular (and not circular) windows- similar to the Sovereign (and especially Galaxy) class starships.

Great work bud!    


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #199 on: May 24, 2004, 05:41:01 pm »
looking good Bro...  I should be home in a couple of more hours.  (incrdeibly rough day here at work ! )

I like what we see so far.  looks like time to move to the bridge area .... and the impulse engines ...  then the under side !!!

hehehe  ....  

Oh BTW....  what did you think about the idea of the reward Q-torps we asked ya about ??