Topic: Titan WIP  (Read 22726 times)

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« Reply #160 on: May 21, 2004, 07:05:07 pm »

]Sure thing Red I'll give it go as soon as I figure out how to put the texture on a model.Once I figure that out I'll be working hard to get some models textured.Which leads me to my questions....What do I have to do to mate textures to a model ? Do I need a texture first or do I need to map where the texture goes ? And if I need to map it how do I do it. As you can see I'm pretty lost here. But my first texture is kick azz. I know I did it by total accident but it looks quite pro. I just need to put it on as soon I find out how.Any help will be appreciated guys.  


Like the update Sandman.  

Mp you might want to check on milkshape. Thats what I use for modeling and applying textures. It has a 30 day trial period. After that you need to register it for maybe 25 bucks. Its worth that even if you just use it for texturing. You can find the link to it by doing a search.  You will need the plugins for SFC. They should be at the same site I imagine.

The best way to learn to assign textures is to start with a box. Select each side of a box by selecting each face while ignoring back faces. Then regroup the box into its 6 seperate sides. Apply your texture to each side.  Check out this link, its a texture mapping tutorial I did for Milkshape. Just the basics.  

 milkshape texture mapping tutorial  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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« Reply #161 on: May 21, 2004, 08:37:27 pm »
<holds jaw in place while eyes pop out in a cartoon fashion> wow its really coming on i thought there wouldnt be any updates till at least 8am GMT, looks like i was wrong. and im glad i was and yes windows on the inside of the trench would look good but if they are crew quarters there might be a problem with peeping toms anyway i had an idea about the trench system. Since the titan has the best hardware that starfleet has to offer would that include the best sensors. (i think so)

The Intrepid class has a coffin shaped sensor panel on the primary hull just under the secondary deflecter dish. Which i have been playing around with in paintshop pro 8, and i found that if you use a revamped borg texture in small doses it looks very sensor like. (typicaly an open panel showing lots of wires and Doodahs)
secondly i tried it in the rim of the Galaxy that runs around the saucer and the horizontal line of the engerneering hull. it looks very good!

If you like i have a costumised borg texture that i made if you want to give it a shot and see how it looks that way all the trench system will be unique and will give the ship an even most post voyager feel since MP wrote that the titan included tech from the delta quadrent that voyager brought back.

Like i said this is just a thought im just running ideas though my head and trying to add my 2 cents or in my case my 2 pence.  


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« Reply #162 on: May 21, 2004, 11:07:45 pm »
Thanks for that link Red sir.Give me a few weeks to practice then you can send those ships over and I'll try to texture them for you. As for the Titan..........

1) Reduce the registry by at least 50 % as Azel mentioned for scale.
2) I agree reduce window size for scale.That will also make the trench appear large if you intend to place windows along the inside of it.
3) A little borg tek might look cool as well. But on the other hand just because Titan has it doesn't mean it shows up as clumps of wiring ,remember the Borg care nothing for asthetics.
My .$02

Unreal Sandman,this is truly your finest work so far sir.I can't wait to see Titans finished narcelles they look so good in the pic.


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« Reply #163 on: May 21, 2004, 11:53:11 pm »
Won't hit the nacelles for awhile, but I did more on the primary...tell me what you think.



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« Reply #164 on: May 22, 2004, 12:08:41 am »
not even involved in this, but Sandman, that is looking so very awesome.... this could be your best work yet, at this rate... keep her comin'!!!!  


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« Reply #165 on: May 22, 2004, 12:14:15 am »
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks great Sandman sir.I have a few suggestions .......

1) Move the registry closer ----> <------- to the trench
2) Perhaps move the registry above the phaser strips ? And then fill in the vacant area with more escape pods in line with the ones already there.
3) Should it not read  U.S.S.Titan  l (trench) l  NCC-76452 ? Name always comes before registry.

Just stuff to think about sir.


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« Reply #166 on: May 22, 2004, 12:21:19 am »

I knew that about the name/reg...brain fart. As for moving position, let's see if everyone agrees that it looks good like this; I think it fits with the size of the ship.

Just realized something...the trench, if turned so the cross bar is on top, looks like a styleized "T"...Azel, you getting subliminal on us?  


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« Reply #167 on: May 22, 2004, 12:52:32 am »

WOW  what a day !!

I like your progress on the lettering.  Move it closer to the trench...  but NOT nex to it.  The additional work is looking much better.

Ii do agree to make the window a bit smaller..  contrast your colors better so they will be more clear.  The suggestions we sent ya via PM should help clarify the only two remaining discrepancies ..  including the pylons ....  which actuall begin MUCH closer to the forward part of the secondary hull  ...  then taper in more of a swept back position ..  

If there is ANYTHING I can do to help sit ..  let me know.

Again ..  your efforts are really beginning to pay off.  This is without question one of your best so far !!




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« Reply #168 on: May 22, 2004, 01:01:58 am »

(Shakes head, mumbling "Can't get over the pylons, you'd think they needed 'em just perfect, this is WIP...mumble mumble mumble)

If I try to go smaller on the windows, they won't show up...tried it already. Buzz, you use PS, so you know that a dot made with a brush size of 5 pix is tiny...that's what the windows are. 3 pixels don't seem to show up well.

BTW, so far the only thing I've done in PSP is the name/reg cause it's easier to position them, and the escape hatches for the same reason. Learning PS more and more.  


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« Reply #169 on: May 22, 2004, 01:29:03 am »
hehee  Hang in there DUDE !!

Just so you guys have an idea of the sort of behind the scenes stuff that has been going on for the last few weeks ...  here is a sample of a PM we sent to Sandman this ...  err  ahhh AM .  He has been most cooperative and has demonstrated repetedly his commitment to making this model the best possible.

Sandman !!  Keep up the efforts sir.  You are to be commended !!




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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #170 on: May 22, 2004, 12:46:38 pm »
OK, a little more...adjusted the positioning of the name/reg, added some sensor palets...really adds to it.



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #171 on: May 22, 2004, 02:49:34 pm »
I like this much better !


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #172 on: May 22, 2004, 03:43:11 pm »

I like this much better !  

Agreed it looks awsome keep it up


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #173 on: May 22, 2004, 06:30:58 pm »
Hell yeah!

One thing I'd like to add as well if I may- when I was making AMT Enterprise model kits, I started out just using white to fill in the windows- on my Enterprise C one though, I experimented with using small numbers black/dark grey windows as well as white ones- it made it look a LOT better! Same thing is on the Enterprise D's hull, in the series (some blacked out windows).

Looking good!  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #174 on: May 22, 2004, 07:37:26 pm »

Hell yeah!

One thing I'd like to add as well if I may- when I was making AMT Enterprise model kits, I started out just using white to fill in the windows- on my Enterprise C one though, I experimented with using small numbers black/dark grey windows as well as white ones- it made it look a LOT better! Same thing is on the Enterprise D's hull, in the series (some blacked out windows).

Looking good!    

thats a good point it looks a bit more canon if the ship isnt using all its power to feed the interior lights


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #175 on: May 22, 2004, 09:08:54 pm »
just thinking out loud ...

can wait to see what Sandman is up to next   ( Oh BTW ... just some cut N' paste stuff off of another ship ...  and added my own touch to the nacells)  ...  



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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #176 on: May 22, 2004, 10:08:32 pm »

just thinking out loud ...

can wait to see what Sandman is up to next   ( Oh BTW ... just some cut N' paste stuff off of another ship ...  and added my own touch to the nacells)  ...  


 i do like the escape pods like that the yellow ones looked a bit off to me perhaps they could be used in the final textures


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #177 on: May 22, 2004, 10:29:37 pm »


just thinking out loud ...

can wait to see what Sandman is up to next   ( Oh BTW ... just some cut N' paste stuff off of another ship ...  and added my own touch to the nacells)  ...  


 i do like the escape pods like that the yellow ones looked a bit off to me perhaps they could be used in the final textures  

and I moved them  to the outside....  and i changed the tone of the paint.

mostly just messin'  around though  


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #178 on: May 22, 2004, 11:03:03 pm »
well your doing something right and the ideas are still flowing by the looks of it i really like the position and the design of the escape pods they look post voyager and nemesis era to me
if i could add anything to those textures i would deffinatly make the sensor panels a bit smaller maybe give them glows and cunning shades so when the ship is in "darker space" (if theres such a thing) they would look active that why i mentioned borg textures they use the glows and shades really well, i spent 3 days making mine so you could see depth and it doesnt look like a box with wires in it looks like exposed circuts and panels with leads going into and from them with the shades and lights just to emphisize on the depth.
Just thinking out loud if the panels are sunk into the hull and replaced with my borg texture with some of the detail(wires and relays) flowing under the hull plates it would look like they are connected to the ship instead of been blocks of simple texture it would also add to the effect of scale to the whole design if anyone wants to know what my borg texture looks like i can mail to them


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Re: Titan WIP ***NEW PICS 5/21/04***
« Reply #179 on: May 22, 2004, 11:17:39 pm »
hmmmm  okie  let me see what i can do from a photo shop point of view....  Then if Sandman wants to tackel it ...  he will have some idea what looks best.  He is doing the texturing ... soooo  his atristic skills and what strikes him best ultimately is where this will conclude.