Keepin' da trench...it's the signature of this ship!! As for reg positioning, I'll try a couple of variations and we can see what she looks like...also want to see how she looks with a number in the trench, whichever is in the middle. I like the trench on her, makes her stand out. MP, come up with a design storyline that applies to the trench, please...you're our story guy.
OK, time to eat lunch and get back to work, I'll do some more after work and post pics tonight.
Cool cool
I had an idea in work about a way of keeping the trench (as is popular opinion ) and making the registry fit in a standard way- remember the Enterprise J had a similar projection at the front of it's saucer? As I recall, it started off as a trench and widened out to a fan towards the front of the saucer- could something like this work with the Titan...? (It could also be a little 'canon precursor to the Ent-J): I had a play around with it, and came up with this (admittedly OTT) illustration of the 'fan' section of the hull:
no good
that ruins the side veiw of the saucer
Sorry mate I am not feeling that one