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Quote:as for the registry...I would rather you not involve my great grandfatherI really do appreciate the sentiment(thanks mates)...but I would prefer you would drop itIn favor of a more canon reg.
Quote: Quote:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------as for the registry...I would rather you not involve my great grandfather I really do appreciate the sentiment(thanks mates)...but I would prefer you would drop it In favor of a more canon reg. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------So let it be written ..... so let it be done ! MP ... you, Rat Boy and the others continue in light of his request. Respectfully Azel .... I really would prefer to have the wider Primary hull. It's not too much wider ... but it does get away form the Sovy hull and give us a new ship design. Your design for the textures brought the idea to life and are priceless. thanks
Quote:I respectfully decline. Ya know RB... this entire project has been such a pleasure to watch it grow. And I have appreciated all of the input we have seen. Everyone has been so good about this project.There has to be a way to get the best of what you and MP are doing with the registry. also I think ther was someone named Fallen Warrior who posted something too. Please review his point on this.Time wise, as far as the historical value of Trek is concerned it would almost HAVE to be after the Dominion Wars .. anything on the board for development ( so to speak) would have more than likely advanced to production... or at the very least anything that was near the develeopment stage place into production. So my only personal input is that the number would have to co-inside with releases AFTER the war. It does stand to reason that the concept of the ship could have been under consideration and even plans began for her drawn up. At any rate ... that's just my theory.I hope this helps. again thanks to everyone !
Quote: Quote: Quote:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------as for the registry...I would rather you not involve my great grandfather I really do appreciate the sentiment(thanks mates)...but I would prefer you would drop it In favor of a more canon reg. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------So let it be written ..... so let it be done ! MP ... you, Rat Boy and the others continue in light of his request. Respectfully Azel .... I really would prefer to have the wider Primary hull. It's not too much wider ... but it does get away form the Sovy hull and give us a new ship design. Your design for the textures brought the idea to life and are priceless. thanks okshe's your ship mate
Quote:Quote:I respectfully decline. Ya know RB... this entire project has been such a pleasure to watch it grow. And I have appreciated all of the input we have seen. Everyone has been so good about this project.There has to be a way to get the best of what you and MP are doing with the registry. also I think ther was someone named Fallen Warrior who posted something too. Please review his point on this.Time wise, as far as the historical value of Trek is concerned it would almost HAVE to be after the Dominion Wars .. anything on the board for development ( so to speak) would have more than likely advanced to production... or at the very least anything that was near the develeopment stage place into production. So my only personal input is that the number would have to co-inside with releases AFTER the war. It does stand to reason that the concept of the ship could have been under consideration and even plans began for her drawn up. At any rate ... that's just my theory.I hope this helps. again thanks to everyone ! Thanx dude i know i havent been a member of the forum for that long but i love to see great ships like this go though R&D and if i can help in any way just askperhaps the history could go along these lines :The Titan Class commissioned 2378After the dominion war ended Starfleet needed to rebuild the fleet so they commisioned a board of top specalists and came up with the design that would later become the Titan Built to compliment the Victory and Excalibur Classes and completly replace the Galaxy Class as an exploration and defence vessal using the latest technology that star fleet had at time of production this ship is the most well suited ship Starfleet has designed since the Constilation Class almost 120 years ago
Quote:Okay, try this on as a registry:NX-76452That's today's month and year converted from the Gregorian calendar into the 2nd Hebrew month of the year 5764, with the numbers slightly rearragned to make it fit in with the established trek numbering system.
Quote:This works fine by me,my only thing is instead of Nx it should it not be NCC, I'm pretty sure this is not the Proto-type ship.
Quote:Quote:Okay, try this on as a registry:NX-76452That's today's month and year converted from the Gregorian calendar into the 2nd Hebrew month of the year 5764, with the numbers slightly rearragned to make it fit in with the established trek numbering system. This works fine by me,my only thing is instead of Nx it should it not be NCC, I'm pretty sure this is not the Proto-type ship. As I stated earlier I have 2 stories for the Titan design.Once we have all agreed on registry,which at this point looks to me like 76452 , I'll post the history most suited to it for everyone to embelish on,then we can include it alongside the Read Me in the file folder.-MP
Quote:I say titan that the rest of the ships could have titan namesLike Atlas, Cronos, Prometheus, etc
Quote:As for the N.C.C if you remember the excelceior was an NX but was later changed to N.C.Csame with the Defiant so its all up to personal prefrence but i like N.C.C better shows its gone though it trials and has given shown its worth.