Topic: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)  (Read 1391 times)

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Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« on: April 24, 2004, 07:05:08 pm »
Has anyone attempted to change the Plasma Textures so they look more like Missiles, like seen in the older SFC game engines? The reason why I ask this is I am debating on staring back up my Robotech Mod but I need a weapon that can pull off the missile look. Granted I have been planning it this mod on the old SFC 2:EAW game engine but it is not as FLASHY as the SFC3. Not to mention all of the custom UI and Light Mapping.

Anyone ever try this or experimented with that yet?

(I see NightSoft server is completely gone ....lovely)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2004, 07:07:18 pm by ancientangel »


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2004, 07:30:30 pm »
this is a very stupid question but has anyone tried inputing the old missile setting in their copy of SFC3? Do you think they pulled the old code for it out of the game? since missiles interacted with so much in the past two games did they pull it completely out or leave it in, in order not to cause any new bug issues?

Anyone want to attempt this? I might later on if  I got time to.  


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2004, 07:41:52 pm »

this is a very stupid question but has anyone tried inputing the old missile setting in their copy of SFC3? Do you think they pulled the old code for it out of the game? since missiles interacted with so much in the past two games did they pull it completely out or leave it in, in order not to cause any new bug issues?

Anyone want to attempt this? I might later on if  I got time to.  

That probably wouldn't work SFC3's hardcode is more than likely too diffrent

Trying wouldn't hurt though

Looking around in strings it appears they intended to put missiles in the game but they didn't finish

Maybe get a petition or something to convince Taldren to put missiles in a future beta patch or the official patch


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2004, 07:53:38 pm »
yeah I just found the missile coding in the aastring file just sitting there plane as day.
Not to mention the wording is found again in the Strings text as well.  Intresting ...going to look at this some more  


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2004, 08:07:24 pm »
Lets just put it this way, the text coding is all lined in sfc3 for missiles. Its just the matter of guessing what key word or control they used in the new shiplist for missile placement.

The issue is with SFC2 you have Missile Racks from A-H listed in the text which were placed in the shiplist as DroG etc..  with the new set up Missiles are just labled missiles no A-H Racks ..
So best guess would be the wording would be something along the line of Mis1 for Missile Reload of 1. etc...

its in there ods are its not out of the .q3 ..much like how crew memebers were still embeded in sfc2 but the strings and aastrings removed them from the game.


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2004, 09:35:43 pm »

Lets just put it this way, the text coding is all lined in sfc3 for missiles. Its just the matter of guessing what key word or control they used in the new shiplist for missile placement.

If you mean defaultcore could you do something like what Generations at War and Dominion Wars did and add a column

And then in the missiles column have something like Missiles:0:0:0

Missiles would also need a hot key or something so you can fire them

I don't think missiles could be inserted into weaponitems.txt and be refitable weapons since the number of refitable weapons is hardcoded

Missiles would require sound and more than likely textures as well as a model

I'd really like to see missiles in SFC3 myself it'd make the stock game and a number of mods more interesting


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2004, 01:54:19 am »
I agree.. and bump  


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2004, 06:06:56 am »
Well the Missile FX texture is still in the SFC3 game unless I am mistaking the venting plasma section on the FX.bmp as the missile contrail.
Located in the AAstrings, Missile is listed as a ship system "|missile|missile"
The purchasing of Missiles at Space Dock is still coded in the AAstrings and the Strings.txt files.
The only truely visiable thing missing is the code set up in the Weapons.text which would be the primer you would need to use in the Default Core.

And again this is if the old Hard Coding is still in place in the .q3 file.

I would be working on this more ..but sfc3 just crashes to desk top now days since I'm running Dx 9+.  


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2004, 09:18:36 am »

I would be working on this more ..but sfc3 just crashes to desk top now days since I'm running Dx 9+.    

Did you install the patch or the DirectX 9 fix?


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2004, 09:22:41 am »
To stop your crashing.. find the SFC.exe.. right click, select propertied, click on compatability tab, put a check next to Disable Visual Themes and click OK.. SFC 3 should stert up and work.


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2004, 09:28:19 am »


I would be working on this more ..but sfc3 just crashes to desk top now days since I'm running Dx 9+.    

Did you install the patch or the DirectX 9 fix?  

If you are using patch v500 or even v500 with v531 overlaid.. no one should install the SFC 3 DirectX 9 fix as it will corrupt game.. borg mini Missions also corrupt game and the Nemisis Add On will corrupt the game... these are all already included in v500.

also as another troubleshooting technique, click on START button, click RUN, type in MSCONFIG, click OK, in the new window, click START-UP tab, Uncheck anything that is related to Mouse software. Logitech mouse software that starts up with your system may cause SFC 3 to CTD.. also while in MSCONFIG, uncheck any software that you absolutely do not need when your system starts.. this will free system resources.

make sure to restart system for changes in MSCONFIG to take effect.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2004, 03:32:19 pm »
I was playing around with weaponitems.txt and strings.txt and I renamed the "Tachyon Pulse" "Missiles"

When I played the game everything worked except that the "missiles" weren't operational the game just said they were...



I'll play around a little more and see if I can get it working


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Re: Turning Plasmas into Missiles ? (SFC3 game engine)
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2004, 05:02:03 pm »
That ended up being bit of a dead end

all well I did retexture the TachyonBeam texture to look a bit like a missile

The "Tachyon Missile" is too fast for a real missile but it never misses