Topic: [tap] [tap] [tap] is this thing on?  (Read 4072 times)

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Lord Delekhan

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[tap] [tap] [tap] is this thing on?
« on: January 17, 2003, 08:12:13 am »
this is a test of the emergency broadcast system, this is only a test, if this were a real emergency you would be instructed where to tune in your area.....  


hey, I'm baaaaaaack...

yes I know the site is down, that was at my instruction, it will be returning shortly with SFC3 models for your piloting enjoyment, or target practice should they be in a despised race  

I am considering putting up a D3 server, yes I am on the dynaverse, they finally support firewalls (YES!!!)

I have only one small disapointment with SFC3, you can't add weapons as a mod, but oh well, well ok and the plasma torps suck, they just plain suck, they rarely hit and legendary tactical officer is a downgrade cause in burst mode they hit even less..

 To Taldren if your watching  
why not a plasma pulse as the basic heavy weapon for my beloved rommies (same basic notion of klingon disruptors except slightly larger and single shot with burst mode at some point.. same same everyone elses torps)  


on the dynaverse I am Delekhan as a Romulan ShargaKhan as a Klingon JTKirk as a Fed    and NineofSeven as a Borg



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Re: [tap] [tap] [tap] is this thing on?
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2003, 09:59:18 pm »
    So, LD, you won't make your old (the other LD's old) models available?    

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: [tap] [tap] [tap] is this thing on?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2003, 04:26:25 pm »
Welcome back LD! This is great news indeed.

What's in store for us in the Romulan department?

Any chance you will take a crack at the ST: New Worlds Romulan Melak?

Your Romulan ships are just too cool.

Qa Pla!


Lord Delekhan

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Re: [tap] [tap] [tap] is this thing on?
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2003, 07:51:49 am »
lets see if I can cover all questions asked and yet to be asked in one clean sweep.
 Q) When will the site accualy be back up?
 Hopefully within two to four weeks, but it could take longer since the scope of things is so large  

 Q) What will be on the site?

  • Some of my original designs will return, some new designs will be added
  • There will be a section where a complete mod will be posted
  • There will be a feedback section for people playing the mod (bug reports and such)
  • The parts section will return and many new parts will be added

 Q) You said your old designs, which LD is this?  
 I am the original Lord Delekhan.

 Q) Why did the site go down?  
 My friend ran into some personal problems that made it impossible for him to handle things. Since I was still out of town and there was nobody available or willing to handle it I instructed him to take it down.  Quite frankly I lost all interest in SFC 1, 2, and OP they had become boring.  

 Q) Will there be models available for earlier versions of SFC?  
 I have no plans at this time for releasing anything other then SFC3 specific models, so as things stand right now, no there will not be any models for earlier versions of the game.  

What I have planned is a complete mod with all the models required to fill it out. It is my intention to set up a dedicated server where this mod will be running. The site as it is planned right now will be a support, information, and download location for the server. The mod will include some early style ships that have been retrofit with more modern systems. They will be less expensive therefore easier for fledgling commanders to aquire, they will also be less powerful. There will be the current ships and a few advanced designs will show up in time as well.  The mod will include a complete revision of all specifications, it will be intended to limit the older ships to weaker weapons and system by virtue of capacity.  It will also balance out the four races, something that is not correct right now in my opinion. All of the ships will be sold in the mod with the ship designers intended systems fully implemented, if they were intended for a specific purpose they will reflect that in their equipment. The respective captians will obviously have the option to refit as they wish, that part of the game to me makes it so fantastic.

Individual models will be available, and the complete mod will be available in two formats: one large file with everything included and broken into smaller segments.  The mod will be dynamic and is intended to grow over time adding and adjusting based on the outcome of campaigns.

Well I think I covered all questions, but feel free to ask the ones I missed.



Klingon Fanatic

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Re: [tap] [tap] [tap] is this thing on?
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2003, 10:30:52 am »
Well I think I covered all questions, but feel free to ask the ones I missed.



Missed one, LOL.
Any chance you will do a version of the Melak?

Qa Pla!



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Re: [tap] [tap] [tap] is this thing on?
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2003, 07:24:09 pm »
Welcome back LD, cant wait to see what you have in store

Lord Delekhan

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Re: [tap] [tap] [tap] is this thing on?
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2003, 08:09:34 pm »

Missed one, LOL.
Any chance you will do a version of the Melak?

Qa Pla!


I'll be perfectly honest with ya KF, I have no idea what that ship even is..
got a  pic maybe?


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: [tap] [tap] [tap] is this thing on?
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2003, 08:57:12 pm »


Missed one, LOL.
Any chance you will do a version of the Melak?

Qa Pla!


I'll be perfectly honest with ya KF, I have no idea what that ship even is..
got a  pic maybe?


Pics and an explanation were sent via e-mail to the e-mail addy in your profile.

Qa Pla!