looking over the web and came across this...
http://www.trektoday.com/news/220404_01.shtmlBy Christian
April 22, 2004 - 7:32 PM
Star Trek producer Rick Berman today revealed he has started work on what could eventually become Star Trek XI.
"I am involved in the very early stages of what could be the next Star Trek movie," Berman told the British Dreamwatch Magazine (via TrekWeb). "It's something I will be producing with two other producers."
Berman was unwilling to reveal anything about the film's plot beyond saying the film would be "a prequel." This fits in with comments over the past few months from several Next Generation actors, who felt that the disappointing box office results of Star Trek: Nemesis spelled the end of TNG as a film franchise. Of course, discussions fo the next Trek movie project are still in the very early stages, and the concept may yet change entirely.
In addition to the next Trek film, Berman revealed to Dreamwatch magazine that he is currently working with fellow Star Trek: Enterprise creator Brannon Braga on a science fiction series set outside the Trek universe. Trekweb speculated that if project would indeed be picked up by studio Paramount for development as a full-fledged series, Berman and/or Braga might play a reduced role in Enterprise's fourth season.
Personally, so long as they stay away from the Enterprise time line, crew, tech, ships, etc.. and go with Just pre-TOS or Pre-TMP, then they might could do something.. so long as they hire good writers to make up for their lack of director producer ability..