Topic: SOS and the Klingons  (Read 3592 times)

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SOS and the Klingons
« on: February 28, 2003, 09:41:07 am »
The scene>> The Federation of Planets Council>>

The Federation President is seated at the center of the Dias hearing reports from his ambassadors.

His head is cradled in his hands and he is staring blankly at the table top.

The President speaks>>

So basicly to sum up gentlemen, you are telling me the following.

The Klingon have just returned from a full scale War.

The Klingons have just gone through electing a new Chancellor.

This means they have been arguing and fighting hand to hand honor battles for weeks.

This means many of them are carrying stab wounds and are even more quick tempered than normal.

Their best captains and fleet are about as stable as a kicked over hornets nest.

They have just finished the new Chancellors Victory party.

They all got drunk as hell on Boodwine and are now suffering Massive Klingon Hangovers.

And then the SOS insulted them.

So we have an entire Battle tested Klingon Fleet just returned from a Victorious War, wounded, angry, hung over, pissed off, with fully armed war ships, just LOOKING for an excuse to shoot something or someone,,,,,

And the SOS just broadcasted an open messege to the Empire and insulted their Honor.

Is that about it?

Yes Mr. President

Oh Shyt.



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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2003, 11:42:12 am »
Yes, I do agree that an angry well-oiled KBF war machine is something not to be taken lightly.

Well, it could still get worse. They haven't pissed off the Frogs yet.  Just wait until the SOS gets introduced to I-BCVs, I-CCZs,  I-CVADs and Caveat IIIs, hehe  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2003, 11:58:18 am »

The SOS fears no one!

However, we are hoping for the KBF to join the Romulan cause for D.O.E.

Sure we have some ropes to learn . . .  but when it comes to ruthless . . . .  heh heh.

Kentucky Fried Gorn anyone?

Side Show Bob Feds on a platter?

It will be . . . glorious.

The S.O.S.   -  Serving the Senate and People of Romulus  


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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2003, 03:01:51 pm »
Tis true, laddy!

 SOS fears no one.

 (Can't beat anyone either).

 Sorry, was that out loud?

Proud Owner of the SOS fleet


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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2003, 04:05:49 pm »
"The SOS fears no one!"

Fear my frieghter.  

Gouda Delivery
Our motto - "The cheese must flow"

"Side Show Bob Feds on a platter?"
No no no.  Rank amateur.  We must introduce the SOS to Fred Fingers.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2003, 04:08:04 pm by Iaidoka »


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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2003, 04:13:39 pm »
<goes up to Doka and taps on the shouldre>

Umm Doka.  Heya buddy.  Let me look at that play book yer drafting.

<picks up tome>

OYE MY BACK!   Jeez, how can you write that fast.  Who are ya, Stephen King??

Anyways, let me just pencil something in for ya.

"Gorns and Feds are allies on D.O.E."

Eating their fingers would be considered bad form.



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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2003, 04:17:27 pm »
Sorry bout your back there Jinn.  You musta forgot to push the antigrav button on the side of the tome.

Well yes.  I know we're allies this time.  It's not like I'm talking about eating them myself.  We aren't talking about chocodiles here.

I was jst going to pass on the recipe in the hopes that war can be avoided  Yeah that's it.


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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2003, 04:19:31 pm »
"Gorns and Feds are allies on D.O.E."

That's what t-bombs are for.


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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2003, 04:30:43 pm »

"Gorns and Feds are allies on D.O.E."

That's what t-bombs are for.  

That's funny. I've heard a similar phrase in the ISC.

"Gorns and Feds are D.O.A."

I think the Roms will catch on to it soon, too.


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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2003, 05:14:02 pm »

Well yes.  I know we're allies this time.  It's not like I'm talking about eating them myself.  We aren't talking about chocodiles here.


Hmmm... ok, well, I'm a Fed, just what exactly are you talking about eating then?? Huh???  


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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2003, 07:59:47 pm »





<slams fingers in door>

Ahhh! That's better.

Rob Cole

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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2003, 11:10:44 pm »


Well yes.  I know we're allies this time.  It's not like I'm talking about eating them myself.  We aren't talking about chocodiles here.


Hmmm... ok, well, I'm a Fed, just what exactly are you talking about eating then?? Huh???  

Well, Nope too easy!


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Re: SOS and the Klingons
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2003, 02:11:11 am »

The scene>> The Federation of Planets Council>>

The Federation President is seated at the center of the Dias hearing reports from his ambassadors.

His head is cradled in his hands and he is staring blankly at the table top.

The President speaks>>

So basicly to sum up gentlemen, you are telling me the following.

The Klingon have just returned from a full scale War.

The Klingons have just gone through electing a new Chancellor.

This means they have been arguing and fighting hand to hand honor battles for weeks.

This means many of them are carrying stab wounds and are even more quick tempered than normal.

Their best captains and fleet are about as stable as a kicked over hornets nest.

They have just finished the new Chancellors Victory party.

They all got drunk as hell on Boodwine and are now suffering Massive Klingon Hangovers.

And then the SOS insulted them.

So we have an entire Battle tested Klingon Fleet just returned from a Victorious War, wounded, angry, hung over, pissed off, with fully armed war ships, just LOOKING for an excuse to shoot something or someone,,,,,

And the SOS just broadcasted an open messege to the Empire and insulted their Honor.

Is that about it?

Yes Mr. President

Oh Shyt.


hmm Ive looked around and cant find were anyone hase insaulted the KBF please show me were.