Topic: New SFC 3 damage texture shots for Ductapewonder's rextexture of WZ45's TMP BigE  (Read 2284 times)

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Couldn't find the original thread over here.. so am posting a new one..

Base textures are almost completed..

This is how it's looking as of right now..

After this, there's a few more smaller textures, then I start adding a bit more detail like metal girders and such being visible..

James Formo

  • Guest
Those are looking sweet  


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I know these probably wont work for SFC3. Got bored the other night and decided to make some carnage.





Bernard Guignard

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I know these probably wont work for SFC3. Got bored the other night and decided to make some carnage.





Hi Ductapewonder
   Very nice damage textures.  


  • Guest
And tonight's stuff..

Just sneaking in a current lighting shot first of all..

This'll change a bit as I go along and pull out some lights to more of an extent than I have to date..

And here's the addition of some missing hull sections and a bit of flame..

It's starting to pick up a little bit.. but it's still early on this one..


  • Guest
Looking good buddy. I'll have to go buy SFC 3 just so I can use her when you're done.  


  • Guest
Okay, bumping this because I have a few hours today to work on stuff.. and this is one that I'm going to be working on (along with the Rosa and my Suliban).  I'm brewing coffee, putting on t00nZ and then I'm firing it up.