Once I buckle down, I can pop an episode out in a couple days, but there is about a week of prep though. I need to capture screenshots for backgrounds, draw up and color the figures, etc.
I draw and ink the characters by hand and scan them, and use adobe photo to color them. There's alot I don't know about using adobe, but I'm learning.
I cut out the white background and paste the figures over the cropped screenshot I use as the background. I then stick the series of same size panels on a simple slideshow. I think using the slideshow & music adds to the experience. I've wanted to try Flash animation, but its way beyond my budget.
Always ask for permission when using screenshots. Earlier, episode, um...7 or so I used Unreal screenshots, and asked them if I can use the screenshots after I made the episode. Ooops. No. I had to redo the entire episode and half of the next lol! Got permission from Raven to use Elite Force as long as I don't make money using their screenshots. I'm sure the same is true for Taldren & Activision, though I never got an official "okay" from Activision.
Yeah, I'm having fun. With 24 episodes now, they keep going, and going, and going. I just need to invest in some broadband and storage space.
Episode 7 should be ready within a week, and the big battle will be true to a D2 captain in a new D3 universe. Kinda like installing SFC3 for the first time. It was a real rush, even with the bugs.
Thanks, Taldren, for this great conversion of your earlier great titles. I've been having a blast (pun intended)!
Thanks for the inquiry, Corbomite!