Are Native in my area. We call it the Indiana banana. The plant looks like a Tropical plant. With a long oval with a pointy look to them. They grow about 10-15 ft tall. The tree is girth is very small. It is easily blown over by winds unless it surrounded by a protective barrier. They grow in open "forest" spaces. (They need lots of light). And Grow best when the forest canopy is small. In Indiana, when the forest trees are at their maturity. The Paws paws die out from lack of "light". They also grow good where fire has defistated the woodland. Also too much light will also kill them. Hence their best growth is a recently cleared forest between 2-15 years.
Every thing except the "fruit" is poisonous. The Native Indians Miami and potawami (spelling?) used the ground bark as a natural hallucigintic. (One of our horses died from stripping the bark off a tree. Deer also like to rut on them. Why, I don't know) The fruit has a very sweet tangy banana taste. Like mixing banana's with kiwi. Nutrasweet is a by product of paw paw research. The Fruit if ate in abundance has a Narcotic effect. Hence its popularity with native back woodsmen. The fruit goes for about $20.00 a pound. (Notice my Dad sold them 15 years ago. )
The leaves when crushed are a natural bug repellent.
It is a semi annual plant. And needs coldness for it to survive. Hence its limited expansion in America. (We lost a lot of paw paws due to a "mild" Indian winter.) So I suggest to get a green house that can have its T* lowered below 0* Celsius or 32 F*.
I never known anybody to grow them. They grow naturally in Northern Indiana. Hence, why grow them? I can though get you some if you want. Usually about late sept\early october.
Oh also. The fruit can ONLY BE EATEN AFTER THE FIRST FROST. Not Before. Otherwise it tastes very sour. Like native "Crab" apples. wait to they are yellow or brown. Don't EAT WHEN GREEN.
Also Note. Our horses used to get high off of the fruit. They act like cats around pussy willows or Cat Nip. Watching a 500lb Horse rolling around in the Dirt like a cat. Is defintly out of the ordinary. Especially since they sleep standing up. Well they do roll in the dirt to repel bugs. But that is only a temp thing.
google hits for you. song. (my grandfather sung this.) College- Purdue studies.