Loose the connie stuff please.Chandley-prise ????
Please the beauty of the Chandley is it's "UNIQUENESS". Don't turn her into a connie hybrid. You already have 2 designs with "pod" attachments sir. I would suggest starting from there and modify the pod as you need to get the desired affect. If you want to add a narcelle(s) may I suggest this option....
[]------[]------[] a Third narcelle suspended between the other 2 across the bottom. Utilizing a rollbar configuration like this opens up the door for other options such as ........
[]--o--[]--o--[] narcelle/weapon pod/narcelle/weapon pod/narcelle . Now you would have more dreadnaught like weaponry
Add a Connie neck to the top of the saucer,just behind the bridge ,turn it upside down so the torpedo tubes are at the top and add narcelles in a " T " pattern like this []--o--[]
And as for the pod...... try attaching it to the saucer in this configuration
pic utilize the "neck" for the torp tubes,and add the pod in place of the secondary hull and texure as need,ie hanger bays or whatever.I don't know if it even needs the pod/secondary hull, since your Chandley's already have 2 large hanger bays.If you want her to have a deflector and sensor arrays try this
deflector and sensors on lower saucer The ship this way cannot be misconscrued as EVER being anything but a Chandley varient. And you would also have created a ship like no ther ever seen in the game. No connies allowed
in this case please. MY humble $.02 suggestion sir.
I also noticed on your site The DeForest Kelley is a Miranda.Are you going to redo the texture on your Chandley version of the Kelley and re-release it as well sir as the MK II Kelley Class?