Topic: Dominion BB scale  (Read 2185 times)

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Dominion BB scale
« on: April 28, 2004, 07:39:33 am »
Just loaded  the Dominion Wars mod for SFC3 and am loving it.  One thing I've noticed is that there seems to be a scaling issue with the Dominion Super Battleship model.  When I use it in a skirmish the model appears very small on-screen, though the sheild 'circumference' appears very large.  Also, whenever you fire weapons they seem to originate from hardpoints that are consistant with a huge ship, but because the model's scaled down they appear to come from thin air.  If you use the overhead angle the ship looks it's proper size, so I can't figure out why it displays so small with the chase-camera angle.  I'd love for this to look as massive on screen as it should - Maggot's model is terrific.  Other models (say the Borg Cube) that are large show up properly in-game, so I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to 'fix' it.  Anyone have any helpful hints or suggestions?  Thanks!  
« Last Edit: April 29, 2004, 06:05:11 am by ShakaSulu »


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2004, 10:44:17 am »
its not only the dom bb ther are others like the ferengy murodar andt others  


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2004, 10:51:52 am »
Ah, the Dominion BB.  Now there's a tough one, since there are two different sizes of it.  The Battleship, as seen in "Valiant," was 1,282 meters long.  However, in the final episode of DS9, there was a Super Battleship that measured at 4,800 meters in length.  I've taken to believing that the BB was just a prototype or proof of concept design for the larger SBB, which was the production model.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rat_Boy »


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2004, 11:35:33 am »
Wow.  That thing is big.

Just remember, when viewing, the stuff in yellow is from canon sources, the stuff in white is his own speculation.

The 4,800 meters is the only thing in yellow on that page

That ship is HUGE...1/3 the length of the gigantic Super Star Destroyer...
I'd like to see a few of those fight an SSD


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2004, 11:42:21 am »

The 4,800 meters is the only thing in yellow on that page

But it is based on scaling from the other ships in the scenes.


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2004, 11:55:41 am »
Including that Dominion Super Battleship, I've noticed that the Federation has been lagging behind in ship size. The Klingon Neghvar, Romulan D'Deridex, Borg Cubes, Son'a Battlecruisers, Reman Scimitar and others are far larger then even a Galaxy Class starship. Now, I know that size is not necessarily equal to technical superiority, but it does have other advantages such as psychlogical. Seeing a huge ship can inspire fear and/or respect for one. Also, combat capability aside, very large ships can house all kinds of scientific laboratories, recreational facilities, shuttlebays, diplomatic quarters, sickbay trama centers, raw supplies, and so on. For ships that are far from any Starbase, perhaps years at a time if necessary, physical size can be a factor in its survivabilty and capability as an explorer, diplomatic representative, colony evacuation platform, etc.

What I'm getting at is, larger vessels have room to do more. Picture a Federation vessel larger than a multipurpose ship like the Galaxy Class, such as the noncanon Excalibur Mark I and Mark II or the Titan from These vessels are much bigger than any in the current canon Federation fleet..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kaenyne »


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2004, 12:06:08 pm »

Seeing a huge ship can inspire fear and/or respect for one.

That may be the point.  The Federation doesn't strike me as the kind of folks who seek to inspire fear.  Starfleet could be trending, like the modern US military and NASA, to smaller, more cost effective and yet capable designs.  Heck, the Defiant packs quite a punch for a ship that small.


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2004, 12:09:06 pm »
that could be one of the reasons, but then the Galaxy class  is no shrimp compared to most vessels by a long shot. Perhaps that has something to do with her design lines. She is big but not threatening looking, IMHO.


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2004, 11:30:47 pm »
Guys, lets be careful when we are talking about ship sizes for Star Trek ships.  Keep in mind that Paramont tries too save costs in its special effects department and at the time of DS9 was airing, Star Trek was not fully using 3D models and special effects like Enterprise is using.  Some of the special effect space shots are sometimes just 2 different model shots super imposed on the same movie too make them look like they are attacking one another.  

I'm not totally conviced that a Dominoin Battleship is 1200 meters long or that their ever was a Super Battleship built almost 5000 meters long.  In the episode "Valiant", Jake said that a Dominon Battleship was twice the size and 3 times the firepower of a Galaxy Class starship.  Twice the size does not mean that its exactly twice the length of a Galaxy, its very possible (actually its probable) that Jake ment that the Mass of the ship is twice that of a Galaxy.  That means the Dominon Battleship might atually only be like 800 meters long.  

And again, we see shots where we see several Dominoin Battleships where they look like 5000 meters long.  I think that these "Super Battleships" are actually just several Dominon Battleships of the 800 meter type like I indicated above.  It would be easier too build several Dominion Battleships then design and build just one single bigger ship.  


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2004, 05:49:57 am »

Wow.  That thing is big.

Just remember, when viewing, the stuff in yellow is from canon sources, the stuff in white is his own speculation.

The 4,800 meters is the only thing in yellow on that page

That ship is HUGE...1/3 the length of the gigantic Super Star Destroyer...
I'd like to see a few of those fight an SSD  

Thats not canon.  The only thing canon is size of the ship seen in "Valiant".  Anything else is circumstantual, including scaling errors by fault of those making the CGI .

This would be the best "Source" on this subject:  


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2004, 09:16:58 am »
And that is why I never trust DITL.

The guy actually rationalizes that when Data says, "We are currently generating 6 gigawatts," it means that they are actually generating 100,000 terrawatts!


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2004, 10:21:01 am »

Thats not canon.  The only thing canon is size of the ship seen in "Valiant".  Anything else is circumstantual, including scaling errors by fault of those making the CGI .

By that logic, the size of the K'Vorts would be not canon as well.  If it was seen on screen, it is canon.


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2004, 10:28:34 am »
WOW 4500 to 5000 meters ...  YIKES !!

that's no Space Station...  it's a MOON !!  

just my  $.02 for today


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2004, 10:51:01 am »


Thats not canon.  The only thing canon is size of the ship seen in "Valiant".  Anything else is circumstantual, including scaling errors by fault of those making the CGI .

By that logic, the size of the K'Vorts would be not canon as well.  If it was seen on screen, it is canon.  

By that logic, the Enterprise-A has 78 decks...always the antagonist, eh?  

When I say,  "The only thing canon is size of the ship seen in "Valiant"", I mean:

A) Said ship was verbally given a size reference on screen therefore,
B) That size reference was made in reference to another known reference and therefore gives us a tangable number.  

You can't blame inconsistancies and errors by fault of the vfx folks for what is decidedly canon and not canon.  Vfx folks are not the ones establishing the facts (and if so, it is by pure accident), especially when something (in most cases) spoken on screen decidedly establishes a more tangable size and fact that would thusly supercede a CGI rendering error (in most cases) as canon.

...and the only K'vort class ships I have ever seen were in "Yesterday's Enterprise".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Futurama_Guy »


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2004, 10:57:26 am »
Number 1 in the lest episode, we saw how big those battleships were, there were huge compared to the rest of the cardassain stations, even next to a DBC, which is suppose to be around the size of the Galaxy, i think its cannon,

Number 2 doesnt that take a huge ammount of resources to make ships that big like galaxys and neghvars, why is it that the Romulan Warbirds were in the thousands, i mean they really made them big and there were plenty of them

adam out


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2004, 10:59:55 am »

You can't blame inconsistancies and errors by fault of the vfx folks for what is decidedly canon and not canon.  Vfx folks are not the ones establishing the facts (and if so, it is by pure accident), especially when something (in most cases) spoken on screen decidedly establishes a more tangable size and fact that would thusly supercede a CGI rendering error (in most cases) as canon.

There's a difference from a minor rendering error that adds an extra two or three meters to a ship and nearly doubling the size of the vessel.  Nine times out of ten, it is in fact the VFX people that establish the size of vessels, since size is hardly ever mentioned in dialogue.  For example, the size of the D'Deridex has never ever been spoken aloud; most scaling is based on the work the VFX people did for "The Neutral Zone."

This is partially why I don't care for Ex Astris.  Aside from allowing personal and political views to corrupt his work, Bernd is very hostile to the VFX people over minor errors and inconsistancies to the point where he has done nothing but pan Trek for the last five years or so.


...and the only K'vort class ships I have ever seen were "Yesterday's Enterprise".  

Spoken, but many computer displays have mentioned the name.


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2004, 11:32:07 am »

WOW 4500 to 5000 meters ...  YIKES !!

that's no Space Station...  it's a MOON !!  

just my  $.02 for today  

lol...just a little exagurrated, don't you think?

Thats about the length of the Federation's largest starbase...

By that logic, the 12,000 meter long Super Star Destroyer in Star Wars would have been a small moon, and the Death Star would have been a planet, lol.


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2004, 11:39:19 am »
If you want a variety of ships to compare with, try here.  Notice how almost every B5 ship is bigger than a Trek ship?


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2004, 12:23:53 pm »


WOW 4500 to 5000 meters ...  YIKES !!

that's no Space Station...  it's a MOON !!  

just my  $.02 for today  

lol...just a little exagurrated, don't you think?


Olbuzzard grinns sheepishly ...   who me exagurate???   surely you jest !!!

JK bud..   yes I was..  But if that web site is accurate ....  I can understand why some would feel that the Titan should be well over 1000 meters to as much as 4500 ...  personally I still dissagree.  I do feel as though that ship (Titan) should have other stuff that would make it a contender when face with these Dominion War ships.  Enough about that ...  This is one of those subjective discussions where we all need to respect the info being brought to the surface, and see if collectively we can come to a rational decision  ( just as long as the other fellow agrees with me !! .....  )


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Re: Dominion BB scale
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2004, 02:24:06 pm »
If the Dom SBB is not showing up as the correct size, then you do not have the correct model installed, as the current version has a full size 4800m Model. If it hasn't, then it's nothing to do with me!!! I installed mine from the latest files & it's 4800m for me!!