Great, what's up with you northern texans? You want people to visit but then get dirty or stuck?

Man, that must have been one job getting the van out. 3 days, wow!
Graf, that brings back memories, white dust everywhere, and unless you had a cravat and goggles you were screwed while driving your armored vehicle to the firing range.
That reminds me of a dudround NCO who was put in charge of the line company (Bradleys) medical team, and he and I had to go to a range one day. For those of you who do not know, you cannot open a livefire range without your medics present. Guy could not read a map for crap, much less anything else medical. We drove around for 2 hours then finally I said screw it and took our M113A2 to the range. The X.O. was standing there looking pissed and chewing us out, but he knew the drill, I had already earned my EFMB and the NCO was a dud and everybody knew it. All the line soldiers were just laughing telling me "thanks for the nap time" hehehehehehe.
HHC found out as well as battalion HQ and they were not impressed at all, I got sent back to finish our field duty with HHC, which sucks because is M557s and LOTS of equipment to be hauled. I asked one of the staffs why I was relieved from my line company? He told me it really wasn't my fault as they knew what I was doing (proving that the line NCO was unfit to be an NCO), but explained something about "NCO integrity" which I did not agree with.
Thanks for bringing back memories of Graf...