Topic: I, Mudd  (Read 4273 times)

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I, Mudd
« on: April 27, 2004, 04:09:11 pm »
Went to the Scarborough fair last weekend to meet Sethan in person. It rained liked hades that early morning, and it is out in a big field, no gravel o nada, just pastureland.

Had to take shoes off and put in bag while getting into car (2003 Camry, so we do not want screw it up). Last night I'm keeping busy and getting things done and decide to clean my shoes. I had to do it in the bathtub as live in an apt. complex here. I been in some muddy places before in the military, like when it rained in the dirt motorpool at Hohenfels, but this crap took the cake! I spent maybe an hr just scraping crud from the bottom of my tennis shoes! At least they are clean and I will saddle soap them tonight.  

Storm, was it ever that cruddy in Korea?

Seth, when we return this weekend, I am turning around if it is like that again, hehehehehehe.

BTW, I know you have no control, but the park should have made admission half price for the inconvenience, that also would have benefitted you guys as people would have had a few more dollars to spend.



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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2004, 04:21:29 pm »
Naw man.. the Graff still takes the cake.. only place on earth where raindrops kick up dust..


Went to the Scarborough fair last weekend to meet Sethan in person. It rained liked hades that early morning, and it is out in a big field, no gravel o nada, just pastureland.

Had to take shoes off and put in bag while getting into car (2003 Camry, so we do not want screw it up). Last night I'm keeping busy and getting things done and decide to clean my shoes. I had to do it in the bathtub as live in an apt. complex here. I been in some muddy places before in the military, like when it rained in the dirt motorpool at Hohenfels, but this crap took the cake! I spent maybe an hr just scraping crud from the bottom of my tennis shoes! At least they are clean and I will saddle soap them tonight.  

Storm, was it ever that cruddy in Korea?

Seth, when we return this weekend, I am turning around if it is like that again, hehehehehehe.

BTW, I know you have no control, but the park should have made admission half price for the inconvenience, that also would have benefitted you guys as people would have had a few more dollars to spend.




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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2004, 04:21:57 pm »
Yeah, that mud there is a killer.  Clay mixed with something else - dries hard like a rock, and nearly as tough.  People were getting stuck all weekend, and we didn't recover the van until yesterday.

It is supposed to rain on Friday, but not Saturday or Sunday.


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2004, 04:44:43 pm »
Great, what's up with you northern texans? You want people to visit but then get dirty or stuck?  

Man, that must have been one job getting the van out. 3 days, wow!

Graf, that brings back memories, white dust everywhere, and unless you had a cravat and goggles you were screwed while driving your armored vehicle to the firing range.

That reminds me of a dudround NCO who was put in charge of the line company (Bradleys) medical team, and he and I had to go to a range one day. For those of you who do not know, you cannot open a livefire range without your medics present. Guy could not read a map for crap, much less anything else medical. We drove around for 2 hours then finally I said screw it and took our M113A2 to the range. The X.O. was standing there looking pissed and chewing us out, but he knew the drill, I had already earned my EFMB and the NCO was a dud and everybody knew it. All the line soldiers were just laughing telling me "thanks for the nap time" hehehehehehe.

HHC found out as well as battalion HQ and they were not impressed at all, I got sent back to finish our field duty with HHC, which sucks because is M557s and LOTS of equipment to be hauled. I asked one of the staffs why I was relieved from my line company? He told me it really wasn't my fault as they knew what I was doing (proving that the line NCO was unfit to be an NCO), but explained something about "NCO integrity" which I did not agree with.

Thanks for bringing back memories of Graf...    


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2004, 05:00:16 pm »
Obviously, some of you haven't visited the lovely beaches of Scotland. Not only are some eye-sores, but you lose shoes, bikes, dogs and cars if you try and go on them  


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2004, 05:08:27 pm »

No wonder you kicked the Brits arses! They could not use their navy!    


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2004, 05:11:17 pm »
Korea was bad at times but Bosnia had the worst mud I've ever experienced. There were people who literally sank up to thier waists and had to be pulled out with hummers. We're talking about pulling people, not vehicles out of mud with hummers. you'd bewalking on sort of firm ground then *Bloop!* sink up to your buttocks in mud the next step.


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2004, 05:16:16 pm »
as far as I know, storm is picking me up saturday Morning, unless he want's to come down Friday night and Spend the night here so we can get a good start in the morning.

But Yep Us Northen Texans will be down to Visit you Southern Okies In a few days. Damn I need this trip so bad. just to unwind from everything Both RL, and Internet life also.



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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2004, 05:24:33 pm »
I had planned on showing up about 0600 hrs to make it to Dallas and beyond by 1100; or 1200 if we stop somewhere. That would give us around five hours to check out the fair and meet the rest of the gang. Friday I need to go to Ft Sill to check my old PO box for some stuff and do a few appointments and then return home. I will bring the books you wanted to borrow with me.


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2004, 05:25:08 pm »
So I take it Saturday is the day?  


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2004, 05:29:37 pm »

I had planned on showing up about 0600 hrs to make it to Dallas and beyond by 1100; or 1200 if we stop somewhere. That would give us around five hours to check out the fair and meet the rest of the gang. Friday I need to go to Ft Sill to check my old PO box for some stuff and do a few appointments and then return home. I will bring the books you wanted to borrow with me.  

understood. I'll be ready then at 0600 . I appreciate this alot Jerry.

and yes Jack, Saturday is the day.



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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2004, 05:45:27 pm »
Just be careful, Storm likes to get lost around the Dallas area.  

Don't worry Storm, I've been there and done that so many times, which is why I avoid Dallas unless flying. I still cannot figure why they split I-35 like that, heck, here in Austin when they built it, it practically ran right through town! Goes right by U.T. and the capitol and the Colorado river.  


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2004, 06:15:30 pm »

I still cannot figure why they split I-35 like that, heck, here in Austin when they built it, it practically ran right through town! Goes right by U.T. and the capitol and the Colorado river.  

...they split 35 so that people going to Denton from Waco could choose to avoid the kind of traffic in Dallas that one sees in Austin, by going through Fort Worth instead.  


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2004, 06:17:25 pm »


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I, Mudd
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2004, 04:09:11 pm »
Went to the Scarborough fair last weekend to meet Sethan in person. It rained liked hades that early morning, and it is out in a big field, no gravel o nada, just pastureland.

Had to take shoes off and put in bag while getting into car (2003 Camry, so we do not want screw it up). Last night I'm keeping busy and getting things done and decide to clean my shoes. I had to do it in the bathtub as live in an apt. complex here. I been in some muddy places before in the military, like when it rained in the dirt motorpool at Hohenfels, but this crap took the cake! I spent maybe an hr just scraping crud from the bottom of my tennis shoes! At least they are clean and I will saddle soap them tonight.  

Storm, was it ever that cruddy in Korea?

Seth, when we return this weekend, I am turning around if it is like that again, hehehehehehe.

BTW, I know you have no control, but the park should have made admission half price for the inconvenience, that also would have benefitted you guys as people would have had a few more dollars to spend.



  • Guest
Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2004, 04:21:29 pm »
Naw man.. the Graff still takes the cake.. only place on earth where raindrops kick up dust..


Went to the Scarborough fair last weekend to meet Sethan in person. It rained liked hades that early morning, and it is out in a big field, no gravel o nada, just pastureland.

Had to take shoes off and put in bag while getting into car (2003 Camry, so we do not want screw it up). Last night I'm keeping busy and getting things done and decide to clean my shoes. I had to do it in the bathtub as live in an apt. complex here. I been in some muddy places before in the military, like when it rained in the dirt motorpool at Hohenfels, but this crap took the cake! I spent maybe an hr just scraping crud from the bottom of my tennis shoes! At least they are clean and I will saddle soap them tonight.  

Storm, was it ever that cruddy in Korea?

Seth, when we return this weekend, I am turning around if it is like that again, hehehehehehe.

BTW, I know you have no control, but the park should have made admission half price for the inconvenience, that also would have benefitted you guys as people would have had a few more dollars to spend.




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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2004, 04:21:57 pm »
Yeah, that mud there is a killer.  Clay mixed with something else - dries hard like a rock, and nearly as tough.  People were getting stuck all weekend, and we didn't recover the van until yesterday.

It is supposed to rain on Friday, but not Saturday or Sunday.


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2004, 04:44:43 pm »
Great, what's up with you northern texans? You want people to visit but then get dirty or stuck?  

Man, that must have been one job getting the van out. 3 days, wow!

Graf, that brings back memories, white dust everywhere, and unless you had a cravat and goggles you were screwed while driving your armored vehicle to the firing range.

That reminds me of a dudround NCO who was put in charge of the line company (Bradleys) medical team, and he and I had to go to a range one day. For those of you who do not know, you cannot open a livefire range without your medics present. Guy could not read a map for crap, much less anything else medical. We drove around for 2 hours then finally I said screw it and took our M113A2 to the range. The X.O. was standing there looking pissed and chewing us out, but he knew the drill, I had already earned my EFMB and the NCO was a dud and everybody knew it. All the line soldiers were just laughing telling me "thanks for the nap time" hehehehehehe.

HHC found out as well as battalion HQ and they were not impressed at all, I got sent back to finish our field duty with HHC, which sucks because is M557s and LOTS of equipment to be hauled. I asked one of the staffs why I was relieved from my line company? He told me it really wasn't my fault as they knew what I was doing (proving that the line NCO was unfit to be an NCO), but explained something about "NCO integrity" which I did not agree with.

Thanks for bringing back memories of Graf...    


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2004, 05:00:16 pm »
Obviously, some of you haven't visited the lovely beaches of Scotland. Not only are some eye-sores, but you lose shoes, bikes, dogs and cars if you try and go on them  


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Re: I, Mudd
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2004, 05:08:27 pm »

No wonder you kicked the Brits arses! They could not use their navy!