jerry, would you mind me Grabbing a scan of some of that old stuff. I have an extra copy of the 3.0 AD&D core books, although It's up to 3.5 know, but you can have them.
I'm particularly interested in the old Bloodstone series. H1-4, or If you have a copy of the Dieties & Demigod's with Cthulu that I could copy the stats from It would be much appreciated.
BTW, Did you ever play Chill? That was one great game in my old old group. The game came out about the same time as silence of the Lambs, and they ran across three threats. Wearwolves in the artic, a serial killer making himself out to be a Ghoul, and My best was poppets and there queen ( for lack of a better word) as they drove outside of town, they Hit a small child with there car, only to find out It was a maniquin.
I still get compliments on that, as It made them really feel something.