GDA 4- SOS 1
SOS TommyBoy in a Hvy( dunno which one 2S,2F,3D
Summary: Long drawn out ballet because I don't believe these guys are really green!
SOS_TB is nice enough to let me off the AI pirate so's we can get down to business.
We start the dance..neither of us getting any definitive advantage..round and round we go.
I check his ecm(1) hasnt changed since the beginning of the ballet..set eccm to 1 and check map.
we are nowhere near the edge.
Admiral wifey calles from Chicago..we take a 5 min break (I catch a smoke, hit the head, wrap-
up the call)
We close on each other..
He has been doing 31 or close to it for this whole dance..I decide on a gambit..
I fire my mid forward S torp and shut the bugger down for extra power..and accellerate to 31.
I check his ecm..still at 1..I bank to starboard and his torps start connecting with my rear shield.
I'm venting plasma ..but my Torps are charged..I slow to 25 and present my weakened rear shield.
It's too much for TommyBoy to resist!!! He starts to close at speed 31.
I set ecm to 1 reinforce the rear shield..and wait....hes within 10 and closing peppering me with
PH 1's My engines take a hit along with my PH 3's..he can smell blood..I accellerate to 28..(My god
this tub is sloooow)... he's closing to 8...7...I launch a SS ..:)
It is summarily targeted by his defensive plasma..I panic and Drop a mine....and bank to starboard
(Tommy has a tendency to bank to starboard)...I know he wants to close...I figure he will blow through
the mine since he and I both know his ship can take it.....
I fire all my starboard weapons 1F, 1S. 3 ph1's.....hehe..His forward shield is now breached..
He continues to bank to starboard with some serious internals...soooooo
I decide now is the time to launch my 4 PF's on harrass...hehe..
TommyBoy decides to run like the devil..and i decide to follow, resisting the overwhelming urge to jump
into one of my PF's...I shut down my recharging S torp, shut down Electronic warfare and accellerate to 31.
his best speed is now 27 and I'm closing.DrProctors remown phaser enemas giving a thorough reaming and scoring internals.
I offer quarter..he accepts..I call off my dogs of war(which havn't launched a single torp).
Chalk up another one for the GDA.

and well met SOSTommyPrince!
You are an honorable and worthy adversary..I look forward to the re-match.
Order of the Golden Gorn
Keeper of the Single Malt
Master of the GCS-BenDover