Topic: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 8 - SOS 2  (Read 4291 times)

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Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 8 - SOS 2
« on: February 27, 2003, 09:03:09 pm »
  I would like to preface the following RP harangue by telling SOS Cleo that she should be proud of her fleet.  They fought with honor and courage, and are good sportsmen and an asset to D2/D3.  That being said:

RP on:
  TAKE THAT YA MISERABLE BASTAGES!  GDA 2 - SOS 0.  As in goose egg, nada, zip, nil, nuthin, kaput.  

  Battle #1- SOSNero (KRC) v GDAgorn((aka GDAwarlock) HDP)

     Outclassed in hull.  4 PF's salivating to defend the GDA honor.  HIs plasma never landed, but one valiant PF gave its life so that the pack could score crucial internals.  Recalled fighters.  Towed enemy to map edge as we toasted our victory with captured Romulan ale.  Enemy lived by my whim alone, and dammit, it felt freakin great!

     Tactical Analysis:  Nero, try and pick the PF's off one by one.  Load the R torp as defensive and you get 5 F torps that fire at all targets.  Keep your speed up.  You fought well, but 4 PF's take alot of time to beat.  Patience.

  Battle #2- SOSSkorzeny(KRC) v Gwarlock (HDP)

    Wanted this one bad.  Another PF gave its life so that the GDA honor could be purged from the SOS stain.  Stuffed large, stinky sock into the mouth that started this all.  Felt even better.

    Tactical Analysis:  see above

RP off:
   You guys fought alot better than I thought.  You will become pilots to be feared.  Patience is the key to plasma battles.  You'll get the hang of it.

RP back on:

« Last Edit: March 03, 2003, 04:48:55 pm by gornrule »

Bob Graham

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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 2 - SOS 0
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2003, 10:02:11 pm »
Care to try and add the SSTF to that list Sampsonite?

*Edit for spelling
« Last Edit: February 27, 2003, 10:02:44 pm by Bob Graham »


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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 2 - SOS 0
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2003, 12:26:08 am »
Further updates:

SOS-Skorzeny(RHK) vs. GDA Kroma(CM)

At last, me boyos!!  I had the pink tutu in my sites!!  His/her arse would be mine!  I warped in, took quick turn to polish off the AI frigate, and then...... well,  and then Kroma manhandled me.    <sniffle>    He didn't even say please or thank you.  These Gorn teach hard lessons.  (ick.  I probably should have phrased that better.)  When I got back to starbase I found that 8 points of damage wouldn't even heal.  I think Kroma may have..... "given" me something.  

GDA-3  SOS-0

SOS-Skorzeny (SHK+) vs. {GDA Kroma (CM) and GDA Doc (BCHV)}:  The Rematch!

This time I figure I'm dead again. Who could survive the tutu and the Proctor?  Especially with the Dr's little fish.   But Doc sits out and Kroma and I go at it again.  After 30 minutes of spinning and diving, this time I emerge victorious.  Yeah, I've got the bigger ship, but at least I can hold my chin up in the mens room again.

The Doc seemed nice enough.  I wonder he makes house calls?  I'm still worried about that permanent damage Kroma gave my ship.  Is it normal for my shuttle bay doors to itch so much?


SOS-Skorzeny (SHK+) vs. {GDAgorn(HDP) and GDA Kroma (HDP)}

Shivering GDAgorn refuses to come out and meet me alone.  He feels all big and bad that his tag team can make me run.  HAS HE NO MANHOOD??!!!

All in fun, really.  You both play very politely,  and I was in a bigger ship than either of you alone.  But I'm still calling it GDA-3 SOS-1  

Nice games from all three GDA I met.  Hope to fight you more soon.   (You worthless luggage )

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SOS_Skorzeny »


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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2003, 12:06:09 pm »
GDA 4- SOS 1
SOS TommyBoy in a Hvy( dunno which one 2S,2F,3D

Summary: Long drawn out ballet because I don't believe these guys are really green!
SOS_TB is nice enough to let me off the AI pirate so's we can get down to business.
We start the dance..neither of us getting any definitive advantage..round and round we go.
I check his ecm(1) hasnt changed since the beginning of the ballet..set eccm to 1 and check map.
we are nowhere near the edge.
Admiral wifey calles from Chicago..we take a 5 min break (I catch a smoke, hit the head, wrap-
up the call)
We close on each other..
He has been doing 31 or close to it for this whole dance..I decide on a gambit..
I fire my mid forward S torp and shut the bugger down for extra power..and accellerate to 31.
I check his ecm..still at 1..I bank to starboard and his torps start connecting with my rear shield.
I'm venting plasma ..but my Torps are charged..I slow to 25 and present my weakened rear shield.
It's too much for TommyBoy to resist!!! He starts to close at speed 31.
I set ecm to 1 reinforce the rear shield..and wait....hes within 10 and closing peppering me with
PH 1's My engines take a hit along with my PH 3's..he can smell blood..I accellerate to 28..(My god
this tub is sloooow)... he's closing to 8...7...I launch a SS ..:)
It is summarily targeted by his defensive plasma..I panic and Drop a mine....and bank to starboard
(Tommy has a tendency to bank to starboard)...I know he wants to close...I figure he will blow through
the mine since he and I both know his ship can take it.....

I fire all my starboard weapons 1F, 1S. 3 ph1's.....hehe..His forward shield is now breached..
He continues to bank to starboard with some serious internals...soooooo
I decide now is the time to launch my 4 PF's on harrass...hehe..

TommyBoy decides to run like the devil..and i decide to follow, resisting the overwhelming urge to jump
into one of my PF's...I shut down my recharging S torp, shut down Electronic warfare and accellerate to 31.
his best speed is now 27 and I'm closing.DrProctors remown phaser enemas giving a thorough reaming and scoring internals.

I offer quarter..he accepts..I call off my dogs of war(which havn't launched a single torp).

Chalk up another one for the GDA.   and well met SOSTommyPrince!
You are an honorable and worthy adversary..I look forward to the re-match.

Order of the Golden Gorn
Keeper of the Single Malt
Master of the GCS-BenDover


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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2003, 05:29:06 pm »
Thanks for the kind words Doc.
No, I'm not completely green. Lots of sp practice, a bit of gamespy and some harsh lessons on this 7.35 server.
I think I'm on my 5th ship, would be more except for you nice folks letting me limp away.
This ew stuff takes some getting used to, I usually set it to 1 and forget about it. Too busy trying to get a shot in and not get creamed in return.
Also been playing around with the phaser slider, shield reinforcement, energy settings etc. So many things to fool around with.
Thanks again, hopefully I can be more of a threat next time!


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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2003, 11:46:03 pm »
Well,  I guess it isn't the start we hoped for, but sounds like we aren't doing that bad.

Personally I have learned quite a few things myself.  I actually spend 2 hours and 45 minutes in a mission with a player named Gornad.  He told me he wasn't a GDA member, but he seemed quite skilled.  After killing off my computer helper, his BCHV and my SHK+ fought it out for what seemed like eternity.

He was kind enough not to launch his pfs for most of the match, but eventually decided that neither one of us was getting too far in hurting the other.  He then launched the pfs and the match went on for about another 30 minutes.  I was forced to leave the map with his 3 remaining pfs in hot pursuit.

We compared repair and resupply cost and found it nearly equal.  That was alot of fun, but I ended up sleeping through my 10 oclock class...  

It seems this game can be quite addictive, I just better be careful with midterms on the horizon.



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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2003, 02:58:19 am »
Ok score 1 more for the GDA   and a tie as well..

GDA Aliadoka tractored me with one of those nasty pfs, some freighter.......

Anyhow on the bright side I fought GDA Kroma to a standstill untill he had to leave because of his kids.  A very fun and even match.

Thank you for letting me fight him alone Nero, made me feel better having you around just in case though....


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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2003, 10:19:53 am »

Anyhow on the bright side I fought GDA Kroma to a standstill untill he had to leave because of his kids.  A very fun and even match.

Yes very fun match, you have definitely learned Plasma avoidance. Now all you need is to learn how to land one of those puppies.


PS, If you figure out how to land a torp on a 31 speed ship please let me know ;-)


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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2003, 10:44:22 am »

GDA 4- SOS 1
SOS TommyBoy in a Hvy( dunno which one 2S,2F,3D
TommyBoy decides to run like the devil..and i decide to follow, resisting the overwhelming urge to jump
into one of my PF's...I shut down my recharging S torp, shut down Electronic warfare and accellerate to 31.
his best speed is now 27 and I'm closing.DrProctors remown phaser enemas giving a thorough reaming and scoring internals.

I offer quarter..he accepts..I call off my dogs of war(which havn't launched a single torp).

Chalk up another one for the GDA.   and well met SOSTommyPrince!
You are an honorable and worthy adversary..I look forward to the re-match.

Order of the Golden Gorn
Keeper of the Single Malt
Master of the GCS-BenDover

Is that the very same "phaser enema" I gave your G-BCH with my C7 (in a nebula) about a week ago or so, Doc?  



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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2003, 12:46:23 pm »
Umm..Yes...I'm still sitting on a pillow  

Thank goodness for HET's eh?

GDA-Doc (Run Away..Run Away!)
Order of the Golden Gorn
Keeper of the Single Malt
Master of the GCS BenDover



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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2003, 03:20:41 pm »
Well, GDA-Doc, you dont seem to be having very much luck at all against C7's, do you... <snicker>

Cmdr. Krotz

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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2003, 03:44:13 pm »

Well, GDA-Doc, you dont seem to be having very much luck at all against C7's, do you... <snicker>  

Pssst, Doc-

I'm on my second C7V already, so, if you need to pad your numbers, you can look me up next time I'm on...though a tow to the border would be nice, when all is done.    

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! GDA 3 - SOS 1 (Proctor's Exam)
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2003, 05:40:30 pm »
Score one for the SPQR.
I saw more of Doc's rear end than I care to talk about. I guess my little RedHawk-V and SilverHawk pair were more than he could handle. So much for the mighty Gorn BCHV.

(ok, so I did have some AI help for the ambush).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SPQR Renegade001 »