It was an official ticket. The Federales were actually professional about it. I do not believe in bribes even though that border agent pendejo at the border made me give him 43 bucks for my visitor's permit when I had not only ALL of the documents required, but also my old permit issued by the consulate of Austin. I wanted to say "duh, I know my stuff!"
The crazy thing was the Federales letting me drive the car away! Officer Mats would have had no choice but to have someone else drive or have the car towed (if I was driving alone) after giving me my ticket, and that's only if he did not arrest me on the spot! Strange country Mexico is.
BTW, get this, you get a ticket in Mexico and guess what the fluckers do? Send a copy your local DPS, that means higher insurance rates! I will not show up on any U.S. DPS database as he dropped the no D.L. and put the speeding ticket in Vicky's name, and she wasn't even driving! What a country!