TY Castrin, you're a genius.
Any clue what to do now?
From beginning to end...
Info: Server platform started
Info: ServerManager started
Info: *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS is temporarily under T0:3
Info: *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS assigned under 0:2
Info: *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS is made public under 0:2
Info: *~Server~* tClockRelayS is temporarily under T0:5
Info: *~Server~* tClockRelayS assigned under 0:4
Info: *~Server~* tClockRelayS is made public under 0:4
Info: *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS is temporarily under T0:7
Info: *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS assigned under 0:6
Info: *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS is made public under 0:6
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:9
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ assigned under 0:8
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ is made public under 0:8
Info: servers=4GetServersToWaitForCount()=11
Info: servers=4GetServersToWaitForCount()=11
Info: *~Server~* tShipRelayS is temporarily under T0:12
Info: *~Server~* tShipRelayS assigned under 0:11
Info: *~Server~* tShipRelayS is made public under 0:11
Info: *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS is temporarily under T0:14
Info: *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS assigned under 0:13
Info: *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS is made public under 0:13
Info: *~Server~* tMapRelayS is temporarily under T0:15
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:17
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ assigned under 0:16
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ is made public under 0:16
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtNotifyRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:19
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtMessengerRelayS@@ assigned under 0:21
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtMessengerRelayS@@ is made public under 0:21
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtNotifyRelayS@@ assigned under 0:20
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtChatRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:22
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtNotifyRelayS@@ is made public under 0:20
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ assigned under 0:24
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ is made public under 0:24
Info: *~Server~* tAIRelayS is temporarily under T0:27
Info: *~Server~* tAIRelayS assigned under 0:26
Info: *~Server~* tAIRelayS is made public under 0:26
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtInfoRelayS@@ assigned under 0:25
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtInfoRelayS@@ is made public under 0:25
Info: *~Server~* tGoalRelayS is temporarily under T0:29
Info: *~Server~* tGoalRelayS assigned under 0:28
Info: *~Server~* tGoalRelayS is made public under 0:28
Info: servers=10GetServersToWaitForCount()=11
Info: Turn 4 (120000 ms/T) 1.01 started 2004-4-25 21:26:49 Users: 0 of 0 as of 2004-4-25 21:26:51
Info: GS: Simulation start (4)
Info: GS: None to simulate
Info: GS: Simulation end (4)
Info: GS: Generator start (4)
Info: GS: None to generate
Info: GS: Generator end (4)
Exception: Validate in
encodedBlobSize > 0 failed the validate in C:\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\Meta\Servers\Database\Multi\ADOManager.cpp(337)
Error!: Exception caught in main(), shutting down
Exception: Out of bounds in
Info: Shutting down *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS
Info: *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS received packet 66 while waiting to be deleted
Info: *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS is temporarily under T0:2
Info: *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete *~Server~* tDatabaseRelayS
Info: Shutting down *~Server~* tClockRelayS
Info: *~Server~* tClockRelayS is temporarily under T0:4
Info: *~Server~* tClockRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete *~Server~* tClockRelayS
Info: Shutting down *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ is temporarily under T0:24
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@ closed
Info: Shutdown complete *~Server~* .?AVtDataValidatorS@@
Info: Shutting down *~Server~* tShipRelayS
Info: *~Server~* tShipRelayS is temporarily under T0:11
Info: *~Server~* tShipRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete *~Server~* tShipRelayS
Info: Shutting down *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:8
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@ closed
Info: Shutdown complete *~Server~* .?AVtEconomyRelayS@@
Info: Shutting down *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ is temporarily under T0:16
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@ closed
Info: Shutdown complete *~Server~* .?AVtNewsRelayS@@
Info: Shutting down *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS
Info: *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS is temporarily under T0:13
Info: *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete *~Server~* tMissionMatcherRelayS
Info: Shutting down *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS
Info: *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS is temporarily under T0:6
Info: *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS closed
Info: Shutdown complete *~Server~* tCharacterRelayS
Info: Shutting down *~Server~* .?AVtChatRelayS@@
Info: Chat relay CONNECTED to IRC Server with object: 02917D48
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_F@Dynaverse3
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_K@Dynaverse3
Info: SecS: VALIDATING for these files:
Info: SecS: BridgeItems.gf || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: HullItems.gf || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: ItemRules.gf || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: PowerItems.gf || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: ShieldItems.gf || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: WeaponItems.gf || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: defaultcore.txt || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: defaultloadout.txt || CRC Count:1
Info: SecS: meta_casino.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_distresscall.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_base.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_convoy.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_homeworld.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_planet.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_hail_shipyard.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_monster.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_scan.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: meta_supriser.scr || CRC Count:3
Info: SecS: sfc3.exe || CRC Count:1
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_R@Dynaverse3
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtSecurityRelayS@@ assigned under 0:23
Info: *~Server~* .?AVtSecurityRelayS@@ is made public under 0:23
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_B@Dynaverse3
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_SystemBroadcast
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_SB@Dynaverse3
Info: Created chat channel: #GSP!sfc3_G@Dynaverse3
Error!: tThread::Work() unhandled exception, closing down
How do I fix tThread?