Topic: missles  (Read 13905 times)

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Alidar Jarok

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Re: missles
« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2003, 10:07:12 am »
I was working on an idea to add missiles to the game, and make them balanced (if not a bit weak), I did not want them to become a major factor in the game, just a change of flavor.  Here's what I came up with


 Ideas that could balance missiles

Missiles and other seeking weapons were probably not included because they were balancing problems. I was thinking of a way to make them balanced.
Would this be balanced?
Missiles do 6 damage. Like AMM, they require 1 energy point, can't be overloaded, take the place of another heavy mount, and run out/must be resupplied. They come in 3 speeds, each requiring a higher level of launcher to mount, which is more massive. The basic version launches missiles that go speed 20. The middle speed goes speed 40. The advanced goes speed 60. Missiles can only be fired when in arc.
Here's the part that should balance it the most. They would only belong to the Ferengi. The Marauder will be a DN with 3 heavy hardpoints. This means that it can launch a max of 3 (not 6-8 that Mirak ships could launch) at once. The FF would only have 1 heavy hardpoint, the DD and CL would have 2, and CA, BCH, and DN would have 3.
With the adjustments in speed, small ships can go speed 40 easily. Larger ships have the ability to withstand the impact. Missiles can be shot down and, if all else fails, you can warp away.
In fact, warp will prevent any easy missile strategies. Most players would be using tractor strategies (which ruins the seeking advantage because it reduces AV to 0 anyway), the top pilots would probably manage to use skill effectivey to hit with missiles.
AV would effect missile damage (like ECM used to do) it would be based on where the missile is when it hits, not the posistion of the ship that fired it. AV of 20 would reduce it to 5 damage, 40 - 4, 50- 3, 60- 2, <80- 1
I think that this is balanced. Only the fear of the drones from SFC2 would make anyone want to balance it more.
Ferengi ships would be able to be refitted with K-Disruptors, S-Missiles, M-Missiles, H-Missiles, Fed-Photons (without the proxy setting), Tachyon Beams, and Anti-Matter Mine Layers.
I don't think that this will be that bad.
PS: I forgot to add that the Ferengi would become playable.

Alidar Jarok

After getting a responce, I added this:

When planning damage, I didn't think it could be less than 4, and more than 8.
6 is the equivalent of a K-Photon. Perhaps it could be 5 or 4.
About keeping them off the Federation ships. Of course. The Feds should not get a thing that makes them even more powerful. I would not want them on Klingon ships either. They should be strictly Ferengi. If the Ferengi don't become playable, it should not be in the game. And, in case anyone was wondering, I play Romulan. I do not want to be the one using these new (or should I say old) weapons. I do not want them to be the biggest factor, just an interesting change of pace.
I do not want this to be SFB, I do not want it to be SFC2. This is SFC3: DW. Very few people like the Ferengi and they won't become a super race. They will have one unique weapon that can be an X-factor, but not a cheese weapon. The Ferengi, and the Cardassians, need to have something to bring to the game, and be balanced to each other and the rest of the races. The stars of the expansion will be the Dominion. The Ferengi are a nice addition.



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Re: missles
« Reply #41 on: January 20, 2003, 10:20:47 am »
Well EE, if you want to get technical, the "Homing photon" that Spock and McCoy built in about 5 minutes, while under fire seemed much like a MISSLE/Drone, didnt it?  

Not only that, it homed in on CLOAKED SHIPS!!


In TOS "Balance of Terror" and "Nemesis" we have seen ships firing blind, laying down a pattern when attacking cloaked ships... We also saw in the TOS episode with "Nomad" that the Enterprise could absorb the energy of 90 photon torpedos with its front shield.. repeatedly!

Do you REALLY want Trek "CANON"?

In ST2:TWOK we saw a single torpedo hit from a K'Tinga take out the Energizer on the Enterprise and kill a legendary officer (Sulu)..

Do you REALLY want Trek "CANON"?

Kzintis WERE in Animated TOS, and they DID have drones. Hence, if we are using TREK "CANON" EVERYTHING ever shown on screen IS acceptable, is it not?

Then again, in Trek "CANON" ships can fight at warp speed, see TOS episode "The Balance of Terror" when the Enterprise was at "Full reverse, Emergency warp speed" while fleeing a plasma (that DID hit) and Sulu said "If we only had one phaser, we could detonate it".

Either Sulu is an idiot, or you can fire phasers at warp speed, per Trek "CANON".

As I believe I have shown, Trek "Canon" is so totally inconsistent and worthless as a guide that the mere mention of it in an argument should be grounds for the express ride to HELL, lol!

Anyhow, the base reason they took out drones is:

You have to THINK to use stuff like that, not merely point and shoot when the pretty little lights come on.

Have a nice day!    


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Re: missles
« Reply #42 on: January 22, 2003, 07:58:31 am »
im sorry, you had to think to use missles. i never did think thats why i used them p-torps were a lot harder to use, all i did was fire em a point blank or range 40 and i could wup dn's and bb's in my little mdc+ which had the best size to missle ratio and got me pit against cl's and low ca's mostly, the m-cva was a carrier and fighter didn't suit my fighting style but was one hell of a hard ship  


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Re: missles
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2003, 08:16:19 am »
How did you have to think to use missiles?

Seems to me all you did was fire and forget...  


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Re: missles
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2003, 08:21:51 am »
x has a point, all you did was pick a target fire enough missles at it 50/50 chance it was dead, especialy when you fire between 6 and 10 missles in a single salvo, and no one has 10 phaser shots spare ever  

Son of Technobabble

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Re: missles
« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2003, 09:10:16 am »
Ok, I'll accept missiles back IF you bring back PPD too


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Re: missles
« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2003, 09:13:27 am »
going to need a wild weasel back too then

Might as well give us suicide shuttles and scatterpacks again!

Then we better get phaser G's!  and ADD's!  better put transporter bombs back in for drone defense too!

etc etc etc


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Re: missles
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2003, 09:23:07 am »
Yes, yes! Excellent suggestions, Vysander.



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Re: missles
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2003, 10:05:45 am »
They're not even fire and forget. What you do with your ship after you fire is very important.  If you intend to overwhelm, you need to stay close to them, for example.

Also, all beam weapons by definition are fire and forget. Fire and forget is not a bad thing.


Mr. Hypergol

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Re: missles
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2003, 10:39:33 am »

you want missles back?.......lobby Activision and Taldren to make an SFC4 Galaxies at War.

Those that don't like missles should push for an "all eras" game that has SFB based play in TOS era and more Trek like play in TNG era.  The game could explore the evolution of the races, ships, and technology of Trek from Pre-TOS thru TOS all the way to TNG and Nemesis.  All you anti-missle types out there could watch the demise of the missle as time passed from TOS thru to the TNG.  Wouldn't that be just a pleasure.

Yes....SFC4 Galaxies at War could provide various flavors of gameplay to please everyone....just pick a year between 2150 and 2380 that suites your tastes.  The year you select would define the races, map, ships, tech, and weapons available at that point in time.  In the spirit of the "total war" series you could play out the great wars from Trek history from a strategic down to a tactical point of view.  Just think of it.....

SFC4 Galaxies at War..........ask Activision and Taldren to make it today!!!!!!  


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Re: missles
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2003, 11:15:11 am »
Barring a miracle with the creation of a SFC4 GAW game for every race in any time.....  a "missile" solution for SFC3 could be more variation in shuttles. How about options like "ram selected target" (proxy missile) or "self-destruct at selected point" (proxy T-Bomb)? Make up for the fewer possible shuttles by allowing greater damage with exploding warp cores, or a "recall" command. A "missile" that could chase and fire but be recovered if not ultimately used would add an interesting twist for all races.
Damn shuttles don't do much except force Rom AIs to get distracted and engage as it is. Not that this is a bad thing.  


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Re: missles
« Reply #51 on: January 22, 2003, 11:23:57 am »

x has a point, all you did was pick a target fire enough missles at it 50/50 chance it was dead, especialy when you fire between 6 and 10 missles in a single salvo, and no one has 10 phaser shots spare ever  

I can tell you never played as gorn  
Gorn had plenty of phasers take a M-CD aganst a a G-CC
Unless you get a tractor on the G-CC your not going to win if you still think missiles are easy to win with log on to
next time they have a server up play as mirak pick any one non carrier ship then in main chat ask for a fight
There is only 2 sure ways to kill with missiles
1 fight only ai 2 out number or out class the enemy ship 3 M-DF's can take all most any thing out if done right 1 M-CC will have a hard time beating a I-CC

Missiles would not work well in sfc3 due to warp


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Re: missles
« Reply #52 on: January 22, 2003, 12:45:12 pm »
If their range was not limited things would get very interesting. Warping would only delay the hit, or give someone a few more shots to destroy the missiles, thus soaking up firepower that would have otherwise been directed at the launching ship. For complete effectiveness however the launchers would have to have a very quick re-fire rate as well as a large capacity for the missiles in order to put out a significant number of the weapons. It would otherwise be nothing other than a fancy light show. Though for an effective counter we would need something like a t-bomb, or a torpedo that acts like a flak cannon by blowing up after traveling a predetermined distance.

Hmmm, probably not going to happen, though it might be interesting.  


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Re: missles
« Reply #53 on: January 22, 2003, 06:18:15 pm »
The unlimited range is a good thought, but couldn't one escape by shaking detection? That is if the mothership must maintain a lock...


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Re: missles
« Reply #54 on: January 22, 2003, 08:25:50 pm »
This would be interesting with true cloaks...hmm  


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Re: missles
« Reply #55 on: January 22, 2003, 09:55:29 pm »

In TOS "Balance of Terror" and "Nemesis" we have seen ships firing blind, laying down a pattern when attacking cloaked ships...

In BoT, a very old cloaking device was being used.  This is TNG era tech.  Cloaks are far, far better now.  And just how effective was this 'blind firing' in Nemesis?  It wasn't effictive at all.  It was a desperate move that didn't pay off.


In ST2:TWOK we saw a single torpedo hit from a K'Tinga take out the Energizer on the Enterprise and kill a legendary officer (Sulu)..

You really need to do your homework before making wild claims like these.  You are wrong here on 2 counts:

1.  TWOK didn't feature a K'tinga class ship.  Neither did STIII.
2.  Sulu wasn't killed in TWOK, nor was he killed by the photon torpedo in STIII, launched from a Klingon Bird of Prey.  The effects the torpedo had were because the BoP got a lucky hit on the Enterprise's automation system; they were running the ship without a crew, you should recall.


Kzintis WERE in Animated TOS, and they DID have drones. Hence, if we are using TREK "CANON" EVERYTHING ever shown on screen IS acceptable, is it not?

Then again, in Trek "CANON" ships can fight at warp speed, see TOS episode "The Balance of Terror" when the Enterprise was at "Full reverse, Emergency warp speed" while fleeing a plasma (that DID hit) and Sulu said "If we only had one phaser, we could detonate it".

Actually, if you studied Trek canon at all, you'd know the animated series isn't canon.

As for fighting at warp, in SFC3 you can fight at warp (escpecially with your heavies).

I'd suggest you put away that copy of SFB, and watch some Trek for a change.  You'll see SFB really has nothing whatsoever to do with Star Trek, except in some hull designs and names.  


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Re: missles
« Reply #56 on: January 22, 2003, 10:15:01 pm »

Those that don't like missles should push for an "all eras" game that has SFB based play in TOS era and more Trek like play in TNG era. The game could explore the evolution of the races, ships, and technology of Trek from Pre-TOS thru TOS all the way to TNG and Nemesis. All you anti-missle types out there could watch the demise of the missle as time passed from TOS thru to the TNG. Wouldn't that be just a pleasure.

Yes....SFC4 Galaxies at War could provide various flavors of gameplay to please everyone....just pick a year between 2150 and 2380 that suites your tastes. The year you select would define the races, map, ships, tech, and weapons available at that point in time. In the spirit of the "total war" series you could play out the great wars from Trek history from a strategic down to a tactical point of view. Just think of it.....


why not start a thread hammering out how to transition between EAW and TNG? the 'unified generations' approach looks like a promising idea.



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Re: missles
« Reply #57 on: January 22, 2003, 10:24:13 pm »

Actually, if you studied Trek canon at all, you'd know the animated series isn't canon.

As for fighting at warp, in SFC3 you can fight at warp (escpecially with your heavies).

I'd suggest you put away that copy of SFB, and watch some Trek for a change.  You'll see SFB really has nothing whatsoever to do with Star Trek, except in some hull designs and names.  

I must have missed that bit where the animated series was removed from the Trek universe. Gene Roddenberry still had creative control of the series, often with writers from TOS doing the episodes, in some cases as TOS sequels, and using the same characters (and actors). The common thread to the TAS is that there were a lot of stories rejected from TOS because of the production costs, and animation was the ideal way to make those stories possible.  TAS is as canon as TOS and TMP.

Now if somebody could do something with the concept of "SFC is not SFB is not ST".  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: missles
« Reply #58 on: January 22, 2003, 11:03:17 pm »
It seems I did miss the bit where GR said that TAS should not be part of the Trek universe. Evidently there were half a dozen stories that on reflection went a little bit too far with their "science" so the series went out. Use of Niven's Kzinti race probably didn't help things either. Of course that hasn't stopped later ST series from using the same ideas. Probably not a wise decision in hindsight but GR wins, it's his universe.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: missles
« Reply #59 on: January 22, 2003, 11:21:26 pm »
actually Tulmahk..I believe AJ was referring to the first part of the movie when they had the Kobayashi Maru simulation where Saavik was Captain. Of course, that was only a SIMULATION. *chuckle*. Ahh well, some of you should really indulge these guys, they'll say anything to justify SFB. *Sigh*, to tell the truth, I'd want to see SFC4: Galaxies at War as well. However, I don't mind if it's made either. It's Activision's call. I'm not gonna pester them about it. I'll ask about it, but won't pester them.