Topic: A Fix Is Required For Planetary Assault: I.E. Placement of Friendlies & Hostiles  (Read 3388 times)

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  • Guest

Currently, if you attack a planet and the countdown to battle begins, and then a hostile ship, or a hostile fleet decide to join you, they start... how shall I put it...

Right up your bum.

Directly behind you, as if they were part of "your" planetary assault group.

I would like to see this changed, as it's a bit unfair for a player to begin with his backside facing the enemy's forward arcs, less than 5 distance away.

I was lucky to warp out alive.



  • Guest
Man that sucks.  I've never had that happen yet but thanks for the warning!  


  • Guest
I've never had that happen to me, yet. But this one particular planet is getting under my skin. I took it from the Romulans and Pirates then took it over. I have attacked and won the Planetary Assult 10 times in a row, and the planet is still white and gives me the option to attack. ARRGGG.  


  • Guest
That's a bugeature (bug and/or feature).
Do scans. They drop the dv and it's faster and less frustrating than planet attacks. Just be carefull of the odd opponent that will try to slam you while you're scanning (and force you to lose pp)



  • Guest
I've had it happen, although I was on the giving (rather than receiving) end.

Agree that it needs to be fixed.  


  • Guest
  Imagine what a "sneaky"  defending Rom could do with this.

1) Jump in at the last second to defend (may not be noticed by attackers)
2) Cloak immediately (remember that Defenders in this script start just behind the attackers)
3) Follow attacker until those glorious balls of plasma charge
4) Unleash hell on unsuspecting victim

Ok, that would be rotten. It would be exploiting a bad mission script.

It would be tempting.....



  • Guest

We all know it's bad to be attacked while attacking a Planet.

But do Taldren know and will they correct it?

Can they correct it?



  • Guest

Currently, if you attack a planet and the countdown to battle begins, and then a hostile ship, or a hostile fleet decide to join you, they start... how shall I put it...

Right up your bum.

Directly behind you, as if they were part of "your" planetary assault group.

I would like to see this changed, as it's a bit unfair for a player to begin with his backside facing the enemy's forward arcs, less than 5 distance away.

I was lucky to warp out alive.



  • Guest
Man that sucks.  I've never had that happen yet but thanks for the warning!  


  • Guest
I've never had that happen to me, yet. But this one particular planet is getting under my skin. I took it from the Romulans and Pirates then took it over. I have attacked and won the Planetary Assult 10 times in a row, and the planet is still white and gives me the option to attack. ARRGGG.  


  • Guest
That's a bugeature (bug and/or feature).
Do scans. They drop the dv and it's faster and less frustrating than planet attacks. Just be carefull of the odd opponent that will try to slam you while you're scanning (and force you to lose pp)



  • Guest
I've had it happen, although I was on the giving (rather than receiving) end.

Agree that it needs to be fixed.  


  • Guest
  Imagine what a "sneaky"  defending Rom could do with this.

1) Jump in at the last second to defend (may not be noticed by attackers)
2) Cloak immediately (remember that Defenders in this script start just behind the attackers)
3) Follow attacker until those glorious balls of plasma charge
4) Unleash hell on unsuspecting victim

Ok, that would be rotten. It would be exploiting a bad mission script.

It would be tempting.....



  • Guest

We all know it's bad to be attacked while attacking a Planet.

But do Taldren know and will they correct it?

Can they correct it?
