Well EE, if you want to get technical, the "Homing photon" that Spock and McCoy built in about 5 minutes, while under fire seemed much like a MISSLE/Drone, didnt it?
Not only that, it homed in on CLOAKED SHIPS!!
In TOS "Balance of Terror" and "Nemesis" we have seen ships firing blind, laying down a pattern when attacking cloaked ships... We also saw in the TOS episode with "Nomad" that the Enterprise could absorb the energy of 90 photon torpedos with its front shield.. repeatedly!
Do you REALLY want Trek "CANON"?
In ST2:TWOK we saw a single torpedo hit from a K'Tinga take out the Energizer on the Enterprise and kill a legendary officer (Sulu)..
Do you REALLY want Trek "CANON"?
Kzintis WERE in Animated TOS, and they DID have drones. Hence, if we are using TREK "CANON" EVERYTHING ever shown on screen IS acceptable, is it not?
Then again, in Trek "CANON" ships can fight at warp speed, see TOS episode "The Balance of Terror" when the Enterprise was at "Full reverse, Emergency warp speed" while fleeing a plasma (that DID hit) and Sulu said "If we only had one phaser, we could detonate it".
Either Sulu is an idiot, or you can fire phasers at warp speed, per Trek "CANON".
As I believe I have shown, Trek "Canon" is so totally inconsistent and worthless as a guide that the mere mention of it in an argument should be grounds for the express ride to HELL, lol!
Anyhow, the base reason they took out drones is:
You have to THINK to use stuff like that, not merely point and shoot when the pretty little lights come on.
Have a nice day!