Thanks everyone.
As i said earlier, I have no real knowledge of the Lyrans, and this project was initiated in part by an off-the-cuff request someone made (a bit like my Gorn efforts). I really needed to know if it was along the right sort of line, and I'm glad to hear you all seem to like her. I shall try and get her ready for release fairly shortly.
MP - I shall see what I can come up with to build a complete line of ships (I have a few other ideas going through my head just now - and it would be nice to release at least one complete set).
I've noticed that the Lyrans seem to be named after cats. I think this is fine, but most of them have probably been used already so if anyone has any suggestions for class names, please let me know. Oh yeah, and I need a rough idea about how Lyrans ships are usually armed (bear in mind I only have SFC3 - I've been trying to find a copy of SFC2 and Bridge Commander, but without any success as they both appear to have been deleted.)
Incidentally, I am also working on a couple of new Gorn ships to join the Anole and Grendal, so hopefully I'll complete a set of them too, given time.
As always, I'll keep you all posted with my efforts, and since work seems to be picking up again just now, my production will no doubt grow more erratic over the coming months.
Many thanks to you all.