Does anyone have a cannon map, or something that resembles the way the Alpha Beta Quadrant species and planets were, nothing in 3d please, that just confuses me even more, im looking for something 2d and easy to understand, reason being is that I was wondering, lets say the Bajorans after DS9 FInale beome part of the Federation, I wanna know where is Bajor compared to the Federation Space, and the Klingons too, I know the Romulans Border the Klingons, and the Cardassain are somewhere I have know clue, but there close to Bajor, if the Feds have bajor, is there an enemy btwn them and main federation space, or is bajor going to be somewhere so far that the federation wont get there in time if a crisis emerges. Now the way I remember it, federation was in the center, romulan and klingon below it and the cardys and bajor was to the left side higher up, well something like that, but there has to be neutral territory around there because romulans were flying around bajor at one time and that was before the alliance took place, wouldnt the basestation monitoring the neutral zone detect all those anaomolies, ok im going way out there, I just need a map, a good one if anyone has one please
thanks guys
adam out